The Smart Choices Campaign– for smaller families

Uganda’s Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 6.7 children per woman is among the highest in the world. More than 40% of married women want to space or limit childbirth, butfail to take up family planning services. The Government of Uganda has committed itself to reducing this unmet need from 40% to 10% by 2022.

UHMG’s GeNext family planning campaign laid the foundation for the Smart Choices campaign in what has become a signature UHMG campaign approach: first change behaviours, then introduce the solutions – in this case, a range of contraception products.

The Smart Choices campaign targets several audiences, promoting the uptake of long term (IUDs and implants) and short-term (contraceptive pill, condoms, and Injectaplan) family planning solutions.Catering to a diverse audience, a variety of creative materials was developed and produced including seven different print designs, seven different radio scripts, and five different TVCs.


For community activities, posters, wall charts, handbooks, t-shirts and aprons were designed and distributed. Service providers were trained on the range of family planning products, as were Good Life Promoters in addition to general mobilisation and family planning training.


In the campaign’s first quarter, Smart Choice messages reached over 11million Ugandan adults.


35.7% of respondents in a comprehensive behaviour change survey had been exposed to the Smart Choices campaign. More than half of those exposed had taken at least one action as a result; nearly a quarter had discussed family planning issues with their partner, and almost one fifth had talked to a health provider.

Retail audits conducted in the quarter following campaign launch saw a marked increase in distribution figures related to the family planning products promoted, compared to the quarter prior to the launch:Protector figures went from 59.3% to 83%; Pilplan Plus increased from 58.4% to 74%; and both ‘O’ and Injectaplan registered jumps by nearly 50%.


Based on a detailed brand profiling survey, the Smart Choices campaign micro targeted demographic groups, promoting contraceptive products according to conclusions drawn from the survey. The timings and placements of TV and radio ads and outdoor materials further reflected the survey findings. Smart Choices was the first UHMG campaign to micro target to this extent, offering a product as the smart choice for every demographic.