James River Baptist Association
P. O. Box 1219, Dillwyn, VA 23936
Rev. Michael Khol – Moderator
Tel: 434-983-7385 Email:
Hours: Monday & Wednesday 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM______
Volume XVI December 20017 Edition XI
December 1 Applications Accepted for Virginia Baptist Foundation Scholarships!
High School Seniors and College Students: Go to or call 1-800-868-2464 for information and
online application. Apply by January 31, 2018.
December 1 Gospel Sing at Antioch (Scottsville) 7:00 PM
Very Merry, Joyful Noise
December 2 Children’s (and others) Trip to “The Star”
Enon and Mulberry Grove
Prayer Walk at Sprint Pavilian, Charlottesville 1:00 PM
Christians will walk and pray for God to heal and forgive. The hope is to reconcile racial and cultural divisions in
Charlottesville. All Christians are welcome. Everyone will assemble at the Sprint Pavilion. NO POLITICAL OR OTHER SIGNS.
If you cannot attend, please pray for this event.
Christmas in the Park 4:00 – 8:00 PM
Local churches are joining Antioch to present “Christmas in the Park”. There will be singing, cookies, and warm drinks. Floats will be set up with displays for Christmas. Erin Lamonte is the organizer for this event. The event will be in the park in Scottville near “Tavern on the James”.
December 3 Christmas Events at Jones Chapel Beginning at 11:00 AM
Special Music will be presented by the Cumberland Middle School Chorus, of which Jones Chapel’s own, Mark Tuttle, is a member.
Christmas tree decorating will be done by the chldren and youth after lunch. 2017 birthdays of all children and youth will be celebrated, too!
Christmas Caroling from Cedar 3:00 PM
LIVE NATIVITY at First Baptist Dillwyn
Sunday, December 3
Presented by the Youth from 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Una Fiesta De Navidad(CHRISTMAS FIESTA)
Sunday, December 3
6:00 PM
Buckingham Baptist Church
24234 N James Madison Hwy, New Canton 23123
Come and celebrate the birth of our Savior with our Hispanic friends,
enjoy a meal, and a Bible message! Bring a side dish or dessert.
December 6, 20 & 27 Bible Study and Prayer Meeting at Goshen 7:00 PM
December 8 & 22 Blue Ridge Food Distribution at Crystal Cathedral, Dillwyn
Volunteers needed at 9:30 AM
December 9: Goshen Christmas Caroling to Envoy 3:30 PM
Meet at the church.
Christmas Dinner at Tar Wallet 5:00 PM
December 10 Surviving the Holidays Grief Share Seminar at Buckingham 3:00 PM
Are you dreading Christmas knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from past years cannot be
recreated? Attend this seminar for a time of learning about how to handle feelings of loss during the holiday season.
Antioch (Scottsville) 5:00 PM
Organized by Paula Aldridge; Entitled A King Is Coming
Cedar 6:00 PM
Mt. Zion 6:00 PM
First Baptist Dillwyn 7:00 PM
Under the direction of Debra Branch and Kayla Jamerson, 32 children, ages 4 – 12, will delight you with feet
stomping, hand clapping, and singing. This year’s program entitled It All Happened in the Country is about
Daniel and Chelsea, two city slickers who get stranded in the country and find out there is more to Christmas
than the hustle and bustle of presents and decorations. Come visit with the Clampetts-like family who teach the
story of Christ’s birth and how it all happened in the country of Bethlehem. It’s a pur-ty thing!
December 10 Christmas Cantata at Sharon 7:00 PM
Refreshments to follow the performance.
December 13 Senior Citizens Fellowship at Mulberry Grove 11:00 AM
Bluegrass/Gospel Music. Covered Dish Fellowship Lunch
Children’s Birthday Party for Jesus at Buckingham 6:30 PM
WMU/Brotherhood & Prayer Meeting at Goshen 7:00 PM
December 14 Christmas Cantata at First Baptist Dillwyn 7:00 PM
The FBC Adult Choir will present O Little Town of Bethlehem. The indoor performance will include a Living Nativity complete
with a living baby!
December 16 5 Loaves 2 Fish Ministry Meal at Antioch (Scottsville) 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Volunteers 8 AM
Christmas Play at Tar Wallet (The Shoemaker’s Guest) 7:00 PM
December 16 Buckingham 6:00 – 8:00 PM
December 17 Mt. Zion’s LIVE NATIVITY at Oak Grove Chapel 5:00 PM 1031 Chapel Road, New Canton
Candlelight Service at 6:00 PM.
Enon 11:00 AM
Jones Chapel 11:00 AM
Mulberry Grove 5:30 PM
A Country Christmas with a City Twist-mas
Antioch Union 6:00 PM
Followed by refreshments.
December 17 Christmas Caroling from Chestnut Grove 5:00 PM
Meet at the church to go out caroling. Refreshments will be servied after caroling.
December 23 Mt. Zion will be open for Prayer with Prayer Ministry 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Antioch Union’s Christmas Eve Worship Service 10:30 AM
No Sunday School. The children will have a birthday party for Jesus during children’s Church. Each child will receive an age appopriate
Christmas story book.
Christmas Play at Chestnut Grove 6:00 PM
The Shepherd On A Special Night – Refreshments served after the play.
Candlelight Services
Mulberry Grove 5:30 PM
Tar Wallet 5:30 PM
Cedar 6:00 PM
Buckingham 6:30 PM
First Baptist Dillwyn 7:00 PM
(Communion Service included)
I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord!
Luke 2:10-12
December 31 New Year’s Eve Service at Buckingham 6:30 PM
The JRBA Office will be closed on December 21 – January 2.It will reopen on Wednesday, January 3.
Items for the January Calendar only will be due by 9:00 AM on January 3.
There will not be a regular edition of the newsletter for January as Phyllis
will be completing year end reports for SBC and BGAV.
Save your December and January outreach, and Alma Hunt and Lottie Moon Offering totals for the February edition.
May the love of God surround you this Christmas season as you anticipate the
celebration of God’s greatest Gift, His Son - Jesus Christ!
January 8 JRBA Quarterly Executive Board Meeting at First Baptist Dillwyn 7:00 PM
January 13 JRBA Pastors Wives’ Fellowship Details TBA
January 17 JRBA Pastors Huddle at First Baptist Dillwyn NOON
February 12 Tax & Compensation Seminar at First Baptist Dillwyn 9:30 AM – NOON
February 16 – 18 Camp Piankatank Winter Blast
For ages 13 – 17
Drop Off: Friday, 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Pick Up: Sunday, 2:00 PM
Cost: $130 per person inclues meals, snack, & shirt
For more information and registration:
Church / # shoeboxesAntioch (Scottsville) / 100+
Buckingham / 61
Cedar / 126
First Baptist Dillwyn / 100
Mulberry Grove / 63
Sharon / 67
Tar Wallet / 322
CHURCH / OFFERING-TO-DATEAntioch (Scottsville) / $ 1,500.00
Buckingham / $ 1,620.00
Cedar / $ 692.00
Chestnut Grove / $ 560.00
Jones Chapel / $ 295.00
Mt. Zion* / $ 1,605.00
Sharon / $ 322.00
*Totals for Mt. Zion and Sharon have been corrected.
The following churches collected hats, gloves, scarves, and blankets
for the Hope for Appalachia Ministry.
BUCKINGHAM: 5 Hats, 4 pairs of Gloves, 1 Hat/Glove/Scarf Set
CEDAR: 33 Hat/Glove or Hat/Glove/Scarf Sets
MULBERRY GROVE: 38 Hat/Glove or Hat/Glove/Scarf Sets, 6 Hats, 5 pairs of Gloves
TAR WALLET: 18 Scarves, 41 Hats, 2 Headbands, 16 Pairs of Gloves, 28 Blankets
Mt. Zion thanks everyone that donated hats, gloves, scarves, and blankets for Hope for Appalachia. Pastor Mike Dodson met Marilyn Snoddy in Gordonsville on Saturday, November 25, to pick up the donations. The Hope for Appalachia team is leaving for Kentucky on November 29 to deliver the items.
Church / Items DonatedBuckingham / 6 Hygiene Kits
First Baptist Dillwyn / 7 Greeting Card Paks
Goshen / 30 Hygiene Kits, Envelopes, Cards
Mt. Zion / Stamps, 8 Stationery Paks, Cards, Pencils
Tar Wallet / 91 Hygiene Kits, 3,000+ Stationery Items
Rocky Mount UMC / 10 Hygiene Kits
I. Our Annual Christmas Fiesta to celebrate Christmas with our Hispanic friends will be held at Buckingham Baptist Church on Sunday, December 3, at 6:00 PM. The Fiesta will feature games, Christmas carols, dinner, and a Christmas message. Please bring a food item and come share in the fiesta.
II. Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes were generously prepared and delivered by many of our churches. They will bless many children around the world.
III. Hope Boxes are being prepared by many of our churches. These boxes will bless many lives in Appalachia. Please turn them in to Mt. Zion, Tar Wallet, or the JRBA Office by February 28, 2018.
IV. Rise Against Hunger packaging project will be held in about 5 months so please set aside quarters and dollars regularly and turn them into your church and then into our association. As we all give generously, we will have our biggest packaging project ever in the spring.
V. Disaster Relief – Virginia Baptists are carrying out extremely fine disaster relief work in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other places. Let us as individuals and churches do all we possibly can to help this wonderful work.
VI. The Blue Ridge Food Distribution will take place at Crystal Cathedral on Friday, December 8, and Friday, December 22, at 9:30 AM. Your help with this mission will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all of your fine mission work.
In Christ’s Love,
Jimmy Dunn
The women of Antioch (Scottsville) gathered on November 3 to fill their 100 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. After worship on November 5, members gathered at the flag pole to pray and honor veterans. They also put flags in the cemetery on the graves of veterans. November 12 was National Orphans Day. They had guest speakers and the offering for “Open Hearts, Open Homes” was $2,000. Two families in the church are sponsoring and hosting orphans from Europe. The 5 Loaves 2 Fish Ministry gave out 83 food boxes and 33 turkeys on November 18. For the Shield a Badge Program for November, members are praying for Officer Anthony Clore.
Cedar had a “OCC Shoebox Packing Party” beginning with a pizza dinner for the youth who packed the boxes. The church family has been collecting for several weeks for stockings for all the residents at Heritage Hall Nursing Home. On Sunday, November 19, Cedar had their annual Thanksgiving Dinner with a special Thanksgiving program to follow. The church prepared food boxes for five families complete with a turkey, a bag of potatoes, and other items for a Thanksgiving meal.
The youth of First Baptist Dillwyn packaged and delivered their OCC Shoeboxes to Bethlehem Baptist Collection Center. FBC prepared and delivered 115 Thanksgiving meals to people of the area on Sunday, November 18. About 50 members and guests assembled that night to enjoy a fellowship meal.
Fork of Willis provided food for 8 families for Thanksgiving! A turkey and all the fixings, plus at least 3 bags of food was given to five families and gift cards were given to the other three families.
Jones Chapel is participating in the Cumberland Christmas Mother program and has selected 21 “Angels” for gifts. After worship on December 10, those participating in the Cumberland Christmas Parade will have lunch before heading out. The church bus will be decorated and there will be plenty of candy to pass out during the walk beside the bus.
Mt. Zion WMU gave $100 to the Longwood BCM to sponsor students with their ministry to the Woodlands. When Mt. Zion provided a meal in September, they asked about their various work. One of the students said one project is to adopt a grandparent at the Woodlands. Later the ladies asked a member who is at the Woodlands about it, and she said she had seen the Longwood BCM students visiting! Nursing Home residents love visits – this is a worthy cause! If you would like to sponsor a student to adopt a grandparent at the Woodlands, the cost is only $10.
Mulberry Grove worked on several projects in November, including their collection of items for Hope for Appalachia and OCC shoeboxes. Other individuals continue to volunteer at the bi-monthly food distribution at the Crystal Cathedral, and the outreach ministry continues on a regular basis. The focus for December will be the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Mulberry Grove held its annual Harvest Festival on November 11. A large crowd braved the cold to have a great time of food, fun, and fellowship. Attendees enjoyed Brunswick stew and hotdogs as well as desserts. There was a lively cake and cupcake walk, face-painting, games for the children and music by Charlie Llewellyn, Jimmy Wooten, and Cindy Jones. Brunswick stew was delivered to individuals in the community and some was frozen for later use.
In conjunction with Thanksgiving worship service, Sharon prayerfully commissioned their Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, and enjoyed a lovely covered dish luncheon. Members contributed 58 dozen home-baked cookies to a recent Kairos Prison Ministry weekend in the Buckingham Correctional facilities, and are currently collecting items for residents of Heritage Hall. Rose of Sharon WMU continues visiting with and delivering meals to those who are sick or homebound.
On November 12, Tar Wallet had a camera crew film their worship service for a documentary. It will be shown on the Voice of America network. The documentary is featuring the Sudanese pastor and his family that Tar Wallet and other churches are sponsoring.
Buckingham held a Brunswick Stew on November 11. Music was provided by MegaLife (Rev. Bill Gillespie, Rev. Geoff Bruschi, and Rev. John Moxley). Kelsey Bruschi sang may beautiful songs with the group. One hundred quarts of stew was sold and the $572.00 cleared will be used for Youth group activities.