Waste Management Procedures
The section on Halon contains the following:
Topic / See PageBefore You Begin / 2
Halon 1211 / 3
Halon 1301 / 6
Before you begin
/ Chlorinated fluorocarbons commonly used in refrigeration and fire suppression systems.Category
/- Ozone depleting chemicals—under increasing restrictions.
- May be hazardous (U-listed) or non-hazardous.
- Halon 1212 is not on any hazardous waste list.
- Halon 1301 is not on any hazardous waste list.
- Empty containers are non-hazardous.
/ No laboratory analysis requiredAccumulation
/- Partially filled containers should be kept for reuse, or returned to vendor for refill.
- For empty containers, see empty drum section.
Waste Reduction
/- Use product until container is empty
- Send to location that can use it
- Retain in original cylinder
/- Recycle canisters, if applicable
- Recycle halon
- As a last resort, dispose of the material at state permitted hazardous waste facility.
- Do not mix with the crude oil stream, the gas stream, or any used oil being shipped to a recycler. This is a halogenated chemical.
- Do not place in trash or allow to be placed in a landfill.
/ If not hazardous waste:- List on General Cargo Manifest
- Complete all of Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, EPA Form 8700-22.
- Complete entry in Hazardous Material Section [Section I] of theFieldwood Energy Shipping Manifest prior to transportation (see example).
Retain records for three years.
Continued on next page
Shipping Instructions: HALON 1211
1.Call or FAX Dock/Base to schedule shipment.
a.Contact owner to schedule pick-up of material.
2.Package as follows:
- Ship in the original Specification 3A, 3AA, 3B, 3E, 3AL, 4B, 4BA, or 4BW.
3.Mark Package:
- Mark container “Chlorodifluorobromomethane, (Fire extinguisher charges or compounds), 2.2, UN1974”
- Stencil container-“Fieldwood Energy” and the generator’s location (i.e. Eugene Island 158)
- Label Package:
- "Non Flammable Gas" label
- For packages having a volume over 64 cubic feet (478 gallons) and for portable tanks of less than 1000 gallons: place labels on at least two ends (other than the bottom) or two sides.
5.Prepare shipping papers:
- Enter “Chlorodifluorobromomethane, (Fire extinguisher charges or compounds), Halon 1211), 2.2, UN1974” on a blank line in the Hazardous Materials Section [Section I] of the Apaache Shipping Manifest. Enter the number “126 in the column headed, “EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE” (See example).
6.Placard Vehicle/Vessel:
- For cargoes of more than 1000 pounds: "Non Flammable Gas" Placard with
UN number 1974. The number "2.2" should appear in the lower corner.
- For cargoes less than 1000 pounds: No Placard required on transport vehicle.
- Cargo or portable tanks shall be placarded as above on opposing sides if capacity is between 119 and 999 gallons and on all four sides if 1000 gallons or more.
- See attached placard
- Load cargo in accordance with the following shipping limitations:
Passenger Aircraft / 165 pounds (75 kg)
Cargo Aircraft / 330 pounds (150 kg)
Cargo and Passenger Vessels / May be stowed either on deck or under deck.
Other Requirements / None
- Include MSDS with shipment.
Shipping Instructions: HALON 1301
- Call or FAX Dock/Base to schedule shipment.
a.Contact owner to schedule pick-up of material.
2.Package as follows:
a.Ship in the original Specification 3A, 3AA, 3B, 3E, 3AL, 4A, 4AA, 4B, 4BA, 4BW.
3.Mark Package:
- Mark container “Refrigerant Gas, n.o.s.(Contains Bromochlorodifluoromethane, Halon 1301),UN1078”
- Stencil container-“Fieldwood Energy” and the generator’s location (i.e. EugeneIsland 158)
- Label Package:
- "Non Flammable Gas" label
- For packages having a volume over 64 cubic feet (478 gallons) and for portable tanks of less than 1000 gallons: place labels on at least two ends (other than the bottom) or two sides.
5.Prepare shipping papers:
- Enter “Refrigerant Gas, n.o.s.(Contains Bromochlorodifluoromethane, Halon 1301), 2.2, UN1078” on a blank line in the Hazardous Materials Section [Section I] of the Fieldwood EnergyShipping Manifest. Enter the number “126” in the column headed, “EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE” (See example).
6.Placard Vehicle/Vessel:
- For cargoes of more than 1000 pounds: "Non Flammable Gas" Placard with
UN number 1009. The number "2.2" should appear in the lower corner.
- For cargoes less than 1000 pounds: No Placard required on transport vehicle.
- Cargo or portable tanks shall be placarded as above on opposing sides if capacity is between 119 and 999 gallons and on all four sides if 1000 gallons or more.
- See attached placard
- Load cargo in accordance with the following shipping limitations:
Passenger Aircraft / 165 pounds (75 kg)
Cargo Aircraft / 330 pounds (150 kg)
Cargo and Passenger Vessels / Must be stowed either on deck or under deck, however under deck should be used if available.
Other Requirements / None
8.Include MSDS with shipment.
Version 0, October 2013Page 1 of 5