
Waste Management Procedures



The section on Halon contains the following:
Topic / See Page
Before You Begin / 2
Halon 1211 / 3
Halon 1301 / 6


Before you begin
/ Chlorinated fluorocarbons commonly used in refrigeration and fire suppression systems.
  • Ozone depleting chemicals—under increasing restrictions.
  • May be hazardous (U-listed) or non-hazardous.
  • Halon 1212 is not on any hazardous waste list.
  • Halon 1301 is not on any hazardous waste list.
  • Empty containers are non-hazardous.

/ No laboratory analysis required
  • Partially filled containers should be kept for reuse, or returned to vendor for refill.
  • For empty containers, see empty drum section.

Waste Reduction
  • Use product until container is empty
  • Send to location that can use it
  • Retain in original cylinder

  • Recycle canisters, if applicable
  • Recycle halon
  • As a last resort, dispose of the material at state permitted hazardous waste facility.
  • Do not mix with the crude oil stream, the gas stream, or any used oil being shipped to a recycler. This is a halogenated chemical.
  • Do not place in trash or allow to be placed in a landfill.

/ If not hazardous waste:
  • List on General Cargo Manifest
If hazardous waste:
  • Complete all of Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, EPA Form 8700-22.
  • Complete entry in Hazardous Material Section [Section I] of theFieldwood Energy Shipping Manifest prior to transportation (see example).
Maintain a copy of manifest offshore and at shore base facilities while shipping papers are active. Send original manifest with shipment.
Retain records for three years.

Continued on next page

Shipping Instructions: HALON 1211

1.Call or FAX Dock/Base to schedule shipment.

a.Contact owner to schedule pick-up of material.

2.Package as follows:

  1. Ship in the original Specification 3A, 3AA, 3B, 3E, 3AL, 4B, 4BA, or 4BW.

3.Mark Package:

  1. Mark container “Chlorodifluorobromomethane, (Fire extinguisher charges or compounds), 2.2, UN1974”
  2. Stencil container-“Fieldwood Energy” and the generator’s location (i.e. Eugene Island 158)
  1. Label Package:
  1. "Non Flammable Gas" label
  2. For packages having a volume over 64 cubic feet (478 gallons) and for portable tanks of less than 1000 gallons: place labels on at least two ends (other than the bottom) or two sides.

5.Prepare shipping papers:

  1. Enter “Chlorodifluorobromomethane, (Fire extinguisher charges or compounds), Halon 1211), 2.2, UN1974” on a blank line in the Hazardous Materials Section [Section I] of the Apaache Shipping Manifest. Enter the number “126 in the column headed, “EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE” (See example).

6.Placard Vehicle/Vessel:

  1. For cargoes of more than 1000 pounds: "Non Flammable Gas" Placard with

UN number 1974. The number "2.2" should appear in the lower corner.

  1. For cargoes less than 1000 pounds: No Placard required on transport vehicle.
  2. Cargo or portable tanks shall be placarded as above on opposing sides if capacity is between 119 and 999 gallons and on all four sides if 1000 gallons or more.
  3. See attached placard
  1. Load cargo in accordance with the following shipping limitations:

Passenger Aircraft / 165 pounds (75 kg)
Cargo Aircraft / 330 pounds (150 kg)
Cargo and Passenger Vessels / May be stowed either on deck or under deck.
Other Requirements / None
  1. Include MSDS with shipment.

Shipping Instructions: HALON 1301

  1. Call or FAX Dock/Base to schedule shipment.

a.Contact owner to schedule pick-up of material.

2.Package as follows:

a.Ship in the original Specification 3A, 3AA, 3B, 3E, 3AL, 4A, 4AA, 4B, 4BA, 4BW.

3.Mark Package:

  1. Mark container “Refrigerant Gas, n.o.s.(Contains Bromochlorodifluoromethane, Halon 1301),UN1078”
  2. Stencil container-“Fieldwood Energy” and the generator’s location (i.e. EugeneIsland 158)
  1. Label Package:
  1. "Non Flammable Gas" label
  2. For packages having a volume over 64 cubic feet (478 gallons) and for portable tanks of less than 1000 gallons: place labels on at least two ends (other than the bottom) or two sides.

5.Prepare shipping papers:

  1. Enter “Refrigerant Gas, n.o.s.(Contains Bromochlorodifluoromethane, Halon 1301), 2.2, UN1078” on a blank line in the Hazardous Materials Section [Section I] of the Fieldwood EnergyShipping Manifest. Enter the number “126” in the column headed, “EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE” (See example).

6.Placard Vehicle/Vessel:

  1. For cargoes of more than 1000 pounds: "Non Flammable Gas" Placard with

UN number 1009. The number "2.2" should appear in the lower corner.

  1. For cargoes less than 1000 pounds: No Placard required on transport vehicle.
  2. Cargo or portable tanks shall be placarded as above on opposing sides if capacity is between 119 and 999 gallons and on all four sides if 1000 gallons or more.
  3. See attached placard
  1. Load cargo in accordance with the following shipping limitations:

Passenger Aircraft / 165 pounds (75 kg)
Cargo Aircraft / 330 pounds (150 kg)
Cargo and Passenger Vessels / Must be stowed either on deck or under deck, however under deck should be used if available.
Other Requirements / None

8.Include MSDS with shipment.

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