David joined Longmeadow Lions in 1992, but transferred to West Springfield in 1999.

HisService:Eyemobile, Inc. assisted in the creation of the EyeMobile corporation ’01-’03, Treasurer ’03-‘05, West Springfield Lions Director ’99-‘05--Vice President ‘01-‘02--President ’02-‘03--District 33Y Cabinet Treasurer ’01-‘02--Region Chairperson at Large and Region Advisor ’01-‘02--Lions Orthoptic Clinic of Western Mass. Secretary ’97-‘01--Zone Chairperson, Zone 7 ’97-‘01--Longmeadow LionsVice President ’94-’95, President ’95-‘97

Awards Melvin Jones Fellowship Award--International President’s Appreciation Award January 2004 Committees Committee Chr Longmeadow Lions Charitable Organization raised over $100,000 to purchase ambulance--Co-chr 50th Anniversary Committee Longmeadow Lions--With the West Springfield Lions operate food and beer concession for 17 days September NE's Big E--Helped run a three day operation selling soda at the Taste of West Springfield each June--Volunteered to work at 2004 USGA Women’s Open, The Orchards in South Hadley. His five four hour shifts turned into 180 hours over ten days in the transportation of players, coaches, caddies and USGA officials.

Personal Certified public accountant at Burkhart, Pizzanelli, PC in West Springfieldfor 14 years. Financial analyst, internal auditor, insurance auditor.Board of Directors of Estate Planning Council of Hampden County six years. President 2003 – 2004, Master of Science in Taxation degree HartfordUniversity 1994 Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree, BentleyCollege 1974. I have two sons, David E. Gervais, 29, First Lieutenant US Army, serving Korea, Garrett Gervais, 24, living in New Hampshire.

Dennis M. Fountain is a lifelong resident of Palmer,resides in the Three Rivers section with his wife of 16 years Linda

and his three daughters Rachael 12, Amanda 10 and Holly 8.

Occupations and Services: Cobbler--Computers Plus where he is currently owner and computer technician--on-air talent working for WARE for 4 years--Disc Jockey for private parties for over 20 years--Sunday School teacher for Second Congregational Church--8th grade CCD teacher for St. Anne’s--graduate of Palmer’s Citizen’s Police Academy--five years as a Director with the Palmer Downtown Partnership--served 2 years on the Palmer Board of Health--5 years on Palmer’s By-Law Committee--currently in 2nd year on the Zoning Board of Appeals--member of the Loyal Order of Moose (Lodge 1849) since 2001--Girl Scout Leader for over 4 years and received the Outstanding Leader Award in 2004--Certified Lead Determinator and is certified in Adult, Child and Infant CPR and First Aid Basics. In his free time Dennis, loves Science Fiction, especially Star Trek and Stargate, is an avid music enthusiast, loves television, movies and enjoys lawn care. His history with Lions is as follows: Dennis joined the Palmer Lions Club on November 2, 1984--joined the Ludlow Lions Club on May 1, 2001.

Club Committees Served District Y as ChairpersonChristmas Party 2001 – currently--Easter Bunny Sales 2002 – currently--New Projects 2001- currently--Speech Competition 2001 – currently—District A:All State Band--Atlantic City Trip--Appreciation Night--Beach Party—Bowling--Bulletin Editor--Calendar Raffle--Christmas Basket--Christmas Trees--Constitution & By-Laws—Finance--Fuel Fund—Greeters--Health & Welfare--Light & Broom Sale--Lioness Liaison--Membership & Attendance--Nominations/Installation--Pancake Breakfast—PlaygroundProgram—Publicity--Sight Mobile--Tag Sale--Thanksgiving Dinner--Toll Gate--Turkey Dinner—Tent--Wheelchair Basketball

Club Offices Held Y Secretary 2001 – currently A:Leo Advisor--Bulletin Editor--Membership Chairperson—Director--Tail Twister--3rd Vice President--2nd Vice President--1st Vice President—Secretary—President.

District:Governor’s Testimonial--Speech Contest—EyeMobile--Zone Chairperson 33 A 1992--Zone Chairperson 33Y 2003, 2004--Cabinet Secretary Treasurer 2005.

Awards & Recognition: Best Scrapbook Award 1987--2-Member Key--100% Presidents Award 1992--Perfect Attendance--Joseph J. Carmada Award 1996, International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation Jan 2006

What an exciting Lions year 2006 – 2007 is going to be. District 33 Y can be very proud to have “gone over the top” with donations and grants for the Eye Mobile in 2006. It is wonderful to see District 33 Y Club support for Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund, Lions Orthoptic Clinic, Emergency Sight and Hearing Treatment Foundation, and Lions Clubs International Foundation among others.

I have been a Lions Club member since 1990. I joined the Tekamah, Nebraska Lions Club because I wanted to serve my community where I lived. Three years later I served as club president, soon after I became active at the district level. In 1998 – 1999 I served as Vice District Governor and in 1999 – 2000 I served as District 38 O Governor in northeast Nebraska.

I moved to West Springfield in the summer of 2003 and transferred to the West Springfield Lions Club in 2004. I met VDG David Gervais and he informed me he was going to serve as District Governor in 2006 – 2007 and he needed a Cabinet Secretary / Treasurer. It certainly didn’t take long to become active at the district level of Lions Clubs again.

I am looking forward to serving Lions Clubs at the district level again. I know that District Governor David has a big heart. I have seen first hand his commitment to service at the club level and at the district level. It will be great to serve the Lions of District 33 Y as Cabinet Secretary / Treasurer and I want to thank Governor David for this opportunity.

Yours in Lionism,

Mike Martin

Cabinet Secretary / Treasurer

Thank you, IPDG Greg prentice for all your support of the Leo program. Your efforts are now showing with the chartering of the Taconic Leos on March 14, 2006—and, hopefully, the South Hadley Leos by June.

*****A Chicopee Lions Club is forming. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in joining,

PLEASE contact Granby Lions President Ron Pare of the sponsoring club. Or contact Chris

Waller, the Extension Lion who is working with Granby.*****

Congratulations to the following clubs for their newsletters:

Adams, Cummington, Charlemont, Cheshire, East Longmeadow, Easthampton, Granby, Hampden Lioness, Greenfield, Hinsdale, Huntington, Northampton, Southwick, Springfield 16 Acres and Williamsburg. We've received several issues from each club that will be judged in the Best Newsletter competition. Fifteen clubs send newsletters to their members. I'm sure there are other clubs who don't send me a copy. What a great way to keep your members in-the-loop and involved.

My compliments to all Melvin Jones presented this year: Laura St. Cyr, Charlemont; Jay Oelrich, Easthampton; Dick Laing, Adams; Rick Gurney, Cheshire; Steve Mizula, Deerfield; Leonard Bergeron, Northampton; Velia Zewski, Northampton (posthumously); James Doubleday, Pelham (posthumously); Ken Witek, Southwick; a Lion from West Springfield not yet presented. That's 10 of the 20 to meet our goal for this year. I believe Springfield 16 Acres is working on presenting a couple as well. Based on the 1/3/06 report from LCIF, the following clubs have monies to present a Melvin Jones Fellowship to a deserving member:

Adams Agawam Cummington Easthampton Granby Greenfield

Hadley Hampden Holyoke Huntington Montague-Erving Northampton

Pittsfield Springfield16Acres Stockbridge Whately

The following clubs have the indicated amounts designated towards unnamed Melvin Jones (there are some monies designated toward particular individuals as well for some clubs):

Amherst $525Ashfield $125Charlemont $500Cheshire $200

Dalton $250Deerfield $100East Longmeadow $500Great Barrington $462.50

Hatfield $800Hinsdale $200Lee $125Longmeadow $100

Pelham $100South Hadley $700Southampton $300Wilbraham $200

Willamsburg $500HoosacValleyLeos $250

Clubs only need $1000 to be able to present a MJF. Why not honor someone at our June Advisory meeting with a MJF????? It takes about 6 weeks to get a plaque from LCI (longer in the spring) so order now!!!! If any club wants details of specific $$ donated in an individual's name, please contact DG Jean.

Check the District website, LCI's website, MD33 website, International Convention website and

for info, forms, pictures and anything else you may want to download.

PU 101's are coming out. They must be submitted to LCI and DG Jean as soon as possible. Secretaries: your membership reports are required monthly, even if there is no change in membership. Please refer clubs to CST Dennis if they are having problems filing on-line. Activity reports are due, by the 5th of the month, to the District Governor, Vice District Governor, Zone Chairpersons and Region Chairpersons. The District Governor uses them to judge the Best Club competitions at the District and State levels. So, if your club is not recognized and you think it should be, check with your Club Secretary to make sure this report is being submitted, and all club work is reported—Including the number of hours volunteered by members, monies donated and to whom, as well as number of eyeglasses recycled.

The SriLanka District S and District Y Recycled Eyeglasses Project: Currently District S has contributed about 15,000 pair and Y has collected about 11,000 pair. We are currently in the process of washing, sorting and reading all of these glasses. They will be brought to District S which will be responsible for shipping. We're hoping to meet with two District Governors from Sri Lanka, who are working on this project with us, at the International Convention. Remember, broken glasses, lenses only, or frames only are not acceptable. They must be whole, useable glasses. Sunglasses are accepted now, too. For shipping glasses not in conjunction with this particular project, broken metal frames can be recycled for the money which then is used for shipping. We are asking that Clubs donate to the shipping of glasses if they'd like. Checks should be made out to 33Y Recycle Glasses Project and sent to PDG Paul Snow.



LCI is having a Display Board at International Convention. Districts with "signature projects" are allowed to submit a display. The Board of the Lions Orthoptic Clinic voted to submit a display, and Lion Jay Oelrich has done so for the Clinic. Spread the word to our Lions to look for our display when they're at the International Convention. A most special

to Lion Jay for putting the display together.

Charlemont Lions Club - selling raffle tickets for their inaugural 120 Club - only selling 120 tickets.

South Hadley Lions Club - Spaghetti Supper at Adelfia's Restaurant, Route 202, South Hadley on the 1st Tuesday of each month, October through June: March 7, April 4, etc.

Granby Lions Club - Texas HoldEm at the Harmony Pub & Grill on Rt. 202 in Granby on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, such as March 8, March 22, April 12 and April 24.

You can combine a pleasant event with helping the Lions - what more could you want. Visit the District website calendar for more complete details on each of these events:

3rd Advisory Meeting/Worldwide Induction Day 3rd Advisory Meeting on April 10. This event should be attended by all new members since April 05, their sponsors, and by all other Lions of the district to congratulate the sponsors and to welcome the newest members of 33Y. This is a fine time to salute those who have made the decision to join our great organization.

Peace Poster e-Postcards You can now send Lions Club Peace Poster e-Postcards, free of charge by going to Lions International Website:

International Convention Training Sessions The letter that accompanied Our STATE convention registration form mentions training sessions for the volunteers to the International ConventionAT the Convention. We do not yet have any word on the schedule for these but will keep you posted when we find out about them.

Obviously the headlines above are fake. But for how long? Membership in District Y is on a steady decline. A number of clubs have done a fabulous job of adding new members! ALL clubs are at stake. Every club needs to add members. Each member of each club has to ask someone to join. If that person says, "NO!" turn to the next person and ask. Besides, how much pride will you feel when you say,

"I was once a Lion."

Our very talented Speech contestants We were very honored to havePID Chuck

for 2006 "What Family Means To Me." Kostro and Lion Claire as our guests.

One special Leo and future Leos?

Anyway, they were great cheerleaders!

There were games… and fun dancing,

reporting more reporting er, more reporting,

a meeting of the minds a tea party and patience.