G063 - Mobile Communications questions

1. / A cellular telephone network provides a service that enables motorists to dial a number and receive traffic reports, from a computer, for
· roads in their locality,
· any specified motorway.
A motorist in London calls this service to receive the local traffic report. A report for the M62 (in the north of England) is also requested.
(a) Identify the information transferred
(i) to the traffic report computer
(ii) from the traffic report computer / [2]
(b) A passenger, in a car, calls the traffic report service. Explain how the cellular telephone system is able to provide a continuous set of local reports as the car travels along a motorway. / [6]
2515 June 2002 Q4
2. / Mobile telephones use video and sound. Discuss the implications for users of these telephones. Your discussion should include the characteristics, advantages and limitations. / [12]
2515 January 2004 Q6
3. / A satellite navigation system communicates with a database using a mobile telephone.
Describe the differences between a land based cellular system and one using low Earth orbit satellites. / [6]
2515 June 2004 Q5
4. / A motoring organisation provides each roadside mechanic with a cellular (mobile) phone.
(a) Explain how a cellular network operates / [4]
(b) State two features of a cellular phone that could be used by a stranded motorist. / [2]
(c) State two limitations of relying on a cellular phone to communicate in an emergency / [2]
(d) A call centre handles emergency calls. Describe how a modern ICT system could reduce the time taken by a mechanic to reach the stranded motorist. / [4]
2515 January 2005 Q5
5. / A small company based in the UK specialises in the manufacture and sale of hand-made wooden jigsaw puzzles for young children. The office staff use PCs linked through a Local Area Network (LAN).
The company employs sales representatives to market their jigsaws throughout the UK.
Each representative is equipped with a cellular (mobile) phone.
Explain how a cellular phone network operates. / [4]
2515 January 2006 Q2
6. / A large international car manufacturing company has a head office and a factory situated in Japan as well as factories in other countries.
One of the ways in which company employees communicate is by mobile (cellular) telephone.
(a) / Identify three limitations on the use of a mobile telephone. / [3]
(b) / Describe the steps which take place after a mobile phone user in the UK dials a mobile phone user in Japan. / [6]
2515 January 2007 Q2
7. / Drivers can use cellular technology to access traffic reports of their local area on a mobile telephone.
Describe how the cellular system works so that the report that is received is specific to a driver’s location. / [6]
2515 January 2008 Q1
8. / Information Technology (IT) is used in accessing directory enquiries. There are various methods of providing such services:
·  user dials a directory enquiries service;
·  user accesses an on-line directory enquiry service by a website;
·  user accesses an on-line (WAP) directory enquiry service by a cellular (mobile) telephone.
Explain how advances in technology may overcome the problems of using an on-line (WAP) directory enquiry service by a cellular (mobile) telephone / [6]
2515 June 2008 Q5
9. / A cellular (mobile) telephone service provider operates a call centre for enquiries. The call centre is based outside of Europe.
Describe how an enquiry from a mobile telephone, anywhere in the UK, is routed to the call centre. / [6]
2515 January 2009 Q3
10. / Describe how the emergency services can find the exact location of a mobile phone that is being used to make an emergency call in the UK. / [6]
G063 January 2012 Q6