The Sandy Watson Memorial Fund Guidance Notes

About the Young Scot Sandy Watson Memorial Fund

The Young Scot Sandy Watson Memorial Fund is delighted to accept applications from young Scots to receive financial support for projects, personal development and community support. This could be anything from a course to support you with your career goals, to activity you want to host in your local youth group, and we would love to hear from those with a focus on mental health or the arts.

The Young Scot Sandy Watson Memorial Fund is in place to support young Scots during Year of Young People 2018 in memory of the late Sandy Watson OBE, the former CEO of Angus Council and Chair of NHS Tayside, who committed many years of service to the Young Scot Board. Sandy’s belief and commitment to all that young people can achieve in their communities reflects the objectives of this fund, to benefit the development of young people themselves, and of their communities.

Criteria for funding

  • Funding is available for groups of young people aged from 11-26 years old, living in Scotland.
  • All members of the group should be a member of Young Scot and provide valid card numbers.
  • We can only look at applications filled out by young people within the age range. Applications may be filled in with the support of a worker only where additional support is required.
  • We cannot accept proposals that do not submit costings and a personal statement.
  • The Grants Committee is not able to fund personal fundraising or organised overseas expeditions for personal development.
  • We are unable to fund activities that have been in progress for six months when applying.
  • The Young Scot Sandy Watson Memorial Fund is unable to support staff costs.
  • Please remember that funding is not guaranteed.
  • If required, a member of the Grants team may contact your referee for more information on your idea.

What types of activity can be funded?

We can’t wait to support amazing projects across Scotland! Financial support will be provided to groups of three or more to support community development under the themes of mental health or the arts, through any of the following:

  • Events with a focus on the themes; that people can look back on as successful and fun.
  • Skills and knowledge development that will support future career aspirations (This can include courses or workshops).
  • Creation of a new initiative, group or enterprise with an aim to benefit the communities you are involved in.
  • Events or initiatives that aim to reduce stigma and inequalities, or build collaboration and learning under the themes of mental health or the arts.

While open to all young people who are looking to develop themselves or contribute to their communities, the fund is particularly targeted at those who might not be able to do so due to the barriers of:

  • Affordability –inability to afford costs associated to activity;
  • Geography –issues with accessing opportunity due to their location; and
  • Disability –issues with taking part due to cost or unsuitable infrastructure or support.

How much money can you apply for?

Funding is available for groups of three or more and there are five grants of £2000 available. All members of the group should be aged 11-26 and have a valid Young Scot card. Details of all group members should be given on the form.

Will you need to report on your activity?

If your idea is successful in receiving a grant, a short report telling us how the money was spent, including a budget summary and any future plans to acknowledge the support of the Young Scot Sandy Watson Memorial Fund in all related publications. Logos are available on request. These reports may be filled in with the support of a worker where required.

Funding timescales and deadlines

Applications will close at 5pm, Friday 16th March 2018, and we won’t be able to look at any applications until after the closing date. We will be in touch with the outcome of all funding requests week commencing 26th March.

Successful applicants will receive funding by 1st April. Please be aware of this date when considering what activity your application relates to.

Contact us

If you would like to get in touch with us about the Young Scot Sandy Watson Memorial Fund, please email our team at or phone the free Young Scot InfoLine on 0808 801 0338.

Data Protection

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the personal data provided on this form will be processed by Young Scot and may be held on computerised database and/or manual files. It will also be shared with delivery partners as necessary.

If your application is unsuccessful, we will remove all details held from your application.


Your names
Addresses (including postcodes)
Daytime telephone
Dates of Birth
Young Scot card numbers
Proposed start date
Proposed end date


Please list your cost requirements (e.g. equipment hire, materials, advertising costs, venue hire, etc).

We do like exact costs, so please don’t round up or down and breakdown costs as fully as possible. You can add more items where required!

Expenditure (costs)

Item 1 / £
Item 2 / £
Item 3 / £
Item 4 / £
Item 5 / £
Total cost of activity / project / £


Amount requested from fund / £ / 2000
Own income/savings towards project / £
Funding from other organisations* / £
Other / £
Total income of activity / project / £

* Please let us know any other organisations you have requested funding from. Unfortunately, we cannot provide funding to other projects which have received other funding.

Funding payment made by BACs. Please send a copy of a recent bank statement from the nominated account with your application to save time if successful.


Job Title
Daytime telephone
Relationship to group

A referee should be someone independent that knows your group well, including your experience and skills, and would be able to comment on the application if contacted by Young Scot.

Young Scot Enterprise (known as Young Scot) is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland, No 202687 and is registered Scottish Charity, NO SC029757. Registered Office: Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5EZ


We want to know about how amazing your idea is; your statement should describe your group’s ideas from start to finish. It’s your chance to shine so please give as much information as possible.

Key points to include:

Young Scot Enterprise (known as Young Scot) is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland, No 202687 and is registered Scottish Charity, NO SC029757. Registered Office: Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5EZ

Ø  What is your activity / project?

Ø  How will the funding make your activity / project have on you and others?

Ø  Overall, why do you think your activity / project should receive a grant?

Ø  How will it be managed?

Young Scot Enterprise (known as Young Scot) is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland, No 202687 and is registered Scottish Charity, NO SC029757. Registered Office: Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5EZ

How did you hear about the Young Scot Sandy Watson Memorial Fund

Please send us over your completed form to:

Young Scot Enterprise (known as Young Scot) is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland, No 202687 and is registered Scottish Charity, NO SC029757. Registered Office: Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5EZ