It’s hard to believe that we are already well into the second semester of the school year. We had a very successful first semester. I would like to take this time to thank everyone for their continued support and involvement. The time and effort students, staff, parents, and community members put forth to support our great school does not go unnoticed.

Friday, January 14, 2011 marked the second date of the year that the District is required to report enrollment data to the Department of Public Instruction. This second Friday count is combined with the third Friday count of September and averaged to determine our Full Time Equivalency for state aid purposes. Pending final approval from DPI, our total membership count for state aid purposes for 2011-12 school year will be 280. This is a decrease of 3 students from the 2010-11 school year. Wisconsin’s Equalization Aid formula distributes financial assistance to school districts to achieve two basic policy goals: (1) reduce the reliance upon the local property tax as the sole source of revenue for educational programs; and (2) guarantee that a basic educational opportunity is available to all pupils regardless of the local fiscal capacity of the district in which they reside. Based on 2010-11 October certification data, the School District of Plum City was aided 55.8% by the state. The remaining 44.2% was then collected at the local level.

The membership count does not include the 25 students who are currently open enrolled into the school district this year. We do not count these students for membership purposes. For each full time student, the district receives $6,796 in revenue. Conversely, we have 12 students open enrolling to another school district and we lose $6,796 for each student.

As always please do not hesitate to call or stop in at school should you have any questions or concerns about school district operations.

From the Desk of the Superintendent By: Mark Luebker

Inside this issue:
The Daily 5 Tasks / 2
HS Principal’s Article / 2
PC Educ. Foundation / 3
Early Childhood Events / 3
Music Department / 4
News from 5th Grade / 4
S.O.S. Group Update 5 / 5

Plum City School District

Special points of interest:

Open Enrollment is February 7—25th. Please return forms to school by the 25th.

President’s Day is February 21st—no school.

February 18, 2011

Volume 23, issue 4

From the Elementary Principal’s Desk By: Mark Luebker

Parent/Teacher conferences were held on Thursday, February 17. We appreciate the work parents do at home to reinforce the work being done at school. Meeting with your child’s teacher will help build a strong parent/teacher partnership that is necessary to reach the common goal of helping your child get the best education possible. Talk with your child and let he or she know that you have talked with the teacher regarding areas for growth. Create an action plan and check your child’s class work and homework to see if the action plan is working. Continue to communicate with the teacher to discuss progress. If you were unable to attend conferences, please be sure to contact your son/daughter’s teacher and set up a time to talk.

The Daily 5

This school year the elementary staff and I have been doing a book study of The Daily 5, written by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser, better known as “The Sisters”. Teachers have implemented some or all of The Daily 5 strategies in their reading block.

The Daily 5 is about designing a structure that would ensure all children were working at their level of challenge while taking responsibility for their learning and behavior. The Daily 5 is a series of literacy tasks which students complete daily while

Students are well into their second semester classes and are looking forward to warmer weather as spring arrives. Many seniors are busy filling out scholarships and getting their post-secondary plans finalized, while others are eager to enter the work force and begin new lives on their own. Mrs. Ott and several seniors have been working hard on finalizing the itinerary for the 2011 class trip. The class trip is scheduled to leave Plum City on Saturday, May 7th and return home on Sunday, May 15th. The class trip will include stops in Chicago, Gettysburg, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and New York City. A complete class trip itinerary will be posted on the Plum City School Website when it is finalized.

The junior class is busy planning their futures as well. Many are enrolled in ACT prep courses to help prepare them for an upcoming ACT test. The junior prom committee is making final arrangements for the junior prom which will be held on Saturday, April 16. The grand march will be in the high school gymnasium at 4:00 p.m. After the grand march, students will board buses and travel to the Stout Ale House for dinner and activities.

I would like to thank the parents who attended parent teacher conferences on February 17th. Keeping good communication with your child’s teacher will have a positive outcome in the development of your child’s education. Parents are encouraged to set-up conferences with teachers at anytime, especially if their child is having difficulty with a particular class. The middle school teachers continue to offer an after school study hall M-Th for any student needing extra help.

It is great to see 38 middle school and 9 high school students participating in forensics. I believe forensics to be one of the most beneficial activities students can get involved in. The next middle school meet is scheduled for Thursday, February 24th at St. Mary’s. The high school has their first forensics meet on Wednesday, March 2 at Elmwood. Good luck to all participants.

Here are some important dates to mark on your calendar.

Saturday, February 19-Solo and Ensemble

Contest at Spring Valley

Monday, February 21-Presidents’ Day – NO


Tuesday, March 1-WIAA Boys Basketball


Friday, March 4-Middle School Ski Trip

Tuesday, March 8-Internet Safety Pro

gram at Spring Valley

Tuesday, March 8-WIAA Girls Basketball


Thursday, March 10-Autopsy Field Trip

at CESA 11

Wednesday, March 23-Elementary and


School Spring Pictures

Friday, March 25-Early Release for

Teacher In-service

Monday, March 28-No School

Thursday, March 31-Reality Check at

Mondovi - Junior Class

Internet Safety Presentation

The middle school and high school students from Plum City and Elmwood have been invited to attend an Internet Safety program at Spring Valley High School on March 8th. The program focuses on the “Dark Side of the Internet.” Unfortunately, technology available for education and entertainment also puts our children at risk of contact with predators, bullies, and a sexualized culture. There will be a special presentation for parents at 6:30 p.m. on March 8th at Spring Valley High School. Parents are highly encouraged to attend this program to learn more about the dangers of digital technology.

Elementary Principal’s Desk Continued . . . .

From the High School Principal’s Desk By: Paul Churchill

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Plum City School District


* * * * * * * * *

You may apply for open enrollment from February 7–25, 11

An Open House for 3 year olds will be held on February 18th from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Children should be accompanied by an adult and may come and go as they are able or stay for the entire morning. Each child attending will receive a free activity bag. The bag includes age appropriate books and activities to help prepare them for the upcoming preschool screening.

4 year old and new to the district 5 year olds screening will be March 18th from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

3 year old screening will be on April 15th from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

The children will participate in age appropriate activities and will be observed and evaluated by school staff. The school nurse and audiologist will be available for hearing and vision checks.

Birth thru age 2 screening will be on April 15th from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Developmental evaluations will be completed by the Birth Thru Three Coordinator from Pierce County.

All screenings will be scheduled by the Elementary School Secretary. Please call Tabby at the Elementary, 715-647-2911, to register your child.

NEWS from the PLUM CITY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC. By: Connie Binkowski, President

3 Year Old and 4 Year Old Screening and Open House

Upcoming Early Childhood Workshops

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Volume 23, issue 4

Dates to remember

February 18th—3 Year

Old Open House

February 25th—

”Make & Take


March 3—Green eggs

and ham breakfast

March 11th—”Fun &


March 18th—4K


March 24th—4K

circus @ 10:30 a.m.

April 8th—”Math &

Early literacy”

April 15th—3 year old

screening and birth

thru 2 screening

During second semester the Senior English classes will be studying English Literature through reading, discussing, composition, research, and enactment of heroic skits. The first unit of the semester covered the development of Old English through the eras of the Roman, Celtic, Viking, and Anglo-Saxon conquests, traditionally dated from 44 B.C. to 1066 A.D. After reading Boewulf, St. Bede, “The Seafarer,” and ancient riddles, the students dramatically created an hour of activity by living as the valorous Englishmen of old.

The classroom was transformed into a traditional Mead Hall, presided over by Chieftian Alex Jespersen, wearing a traditional Viking crown. All of the men carried “weapons” of defense and were served hot apple-flavored meat, chunks of bread, and roasted turkey drumsticks by the dainty serving ladies, Abbey Anderson and Niky Deirks. The Viking trumpeter, who called the troops to feast, was Ryan Gilman. After reading alliteration poetry and eating the foods, the men threw the turkey bones on the floor, to be “picked up” by the maidens. The activity was concluded by watching battle scenes from the movie “King Arthur.”

Experiencing Anglo—Saxon Activities By: Margee Ott

Reality Check By: Nanette Murray

Plum City Middel/High School

621 Main Street

Plum City, WI 54761


Plum City School District

The Plum City

Educational Community

will provide a positive learning environment in which students can excel in academics, arts, and extra curricular activities, developing respectful, responsible, and productive citizens.

Visit us on the web!

Plum City Elementary

950 Main Street

Plum City, WI 54761



the teacher meets with small groups or confers with individuals.

The Daily 5 is more than a management system or a curriculum framework – it is a structure that will help students develop the daily habits of reading, writing and working with peers that will lead to a lifetime of independent literacy.


Thank you to all of the 4K students and their families that participated in the “Hands on Science” activities on January 14th. A great time was had by all at the many science stations.

On February 25th Mrs. Hilleren has planned “Make and Take” activities for her students and their families.

We will be having a “Fun and Fitness” workshop for 4K students and their parents on March 11th from 9:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m. Please come dressed comfortably and ready to get a good workout!

“Math and Early Literacy” is the theme of the final workshop scheduled for April 8th. Various centers will be set up to help children familiarize themselves with their letters and numbers.

Hope you can make it!

The Daily 5 Tasks: Creating a Sense of Urgency

Read to Self

The best way to become a better reader is to practice each day with “Good Fit” books that you have selected yourself. It’s Fun!

Work on Writing

Just like reading the best way to become a better writer is to write each day. It’s Fun!

Read to Someone

Partner reading provides opportunities to practice strategies, improve fluency, check for understanding, and hear your own

voice while sharing in the learning community.

Word Work

Expanded vocabulary leads to greater fluency in reading, therefore increasing comprehension. Becoming more proficient as a speller leads to writing fluency and the ability to get your ideas down on paper.

Listen to Reading

Just Hearing fluent and expressive reading of good literature expands your vocabulary; helps build your stamina and will make you a better reader.

It’s hard to believe that half of the current school year is over already and we’re well into February. But it’s been a long winter with all of the snow and cold and I’m sure everyone is looking forward to spring, some of us for different reasons. For example, I’m sure the seniors are thinking more and more about their class trip and graduation and what their future may hold in store for them. But before that, hopefully, they are thinking about applying for all of the various scholarships that are available to them here at Plum City High School. We are very fortunate, considering our size, to have so many from which to choose. If you need assistance with your applications, I’m sure Mrs. Noel will be glad to help you. Also, if you have any questions regarding the scholarships that the Foundation administers, please feel free to contact Mr. Churchill or myself and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.

We would like to acknowledge recent donations that we have received in memory of Robert Lecander, Lennis Kane, and Mona Monson. Our sincere thanks to the donors that have chosen to memoralize their friends and family members in

this manner.

Also, our gratitude to Loren Kassera and Karen Fredrickson for their very generous contributions to the Foundation. They will enable us to continue our mission of supporting the School District of Plum City in providing excellent educational opportunities to its students.

We appreciate all contributions and please remember, when making a donation to the Foundation, it is not only tax deductible, bur your money is serving a worthwhile cause in your local community. Thank you for your continued support.

Plum City Apparel 9

Realtiy Check 6

Fifth grade is really fun! In Science we are learning about the solar system. We are working on a Power Point slide show about the solar system. After we finish all the slides we will be able to show the whole class.

The most fun thing we do in fifth grade is Reading Buddies. At the beginning of the year the fifth grade teacher and the kindergarten teacher pair up a fifth grader and a kindergartener. Then once a week we go down and read to our Reading Buddies.

Monday the 7th was the 100th day of school. We got to do lots of special activities. Some of the things we got to do were worksheets about what there will be in 100 years. We got to eat 100th day cupcakes and we got to make a 100th day necklace with our reading buddies by stringing 100 fruit loops on a piece of yarn.

Solo & Ensemble Contest and Large Group Festival

5th Grade News by: Bekah Henn

5th Grade News by: Hailey Eggenberger

Solo & Ensemble Contest

On Saturday February 19th Plum City musicians grades 6-12 will be competing in a music festival to be held in Spring Valley. The Dunn St. Croix Solo & Ensemble Festival South is designed for students to sing or play their instrument for a rating. Class “A” entries have a chance to move on to the state level in May. This event starts in Spring Valley at 8:00 a.m. Busing will be provided and the public is invited free of charge.

Large Group Festival

Plum City will again host the Dunn St. Croix Large Group Festival this year. The festival is slated for Tuesday April 5th. Large ensemble groups such as concert band and concert choirs will perform for area judges. Neighboring schools will also participate. This event is open to the public and is free of charge.

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Plum City School District

The Freshman Smorgasbord is Sunday, April 10th. Contact the High School if you would like to purchase tickets.

Time flies when you’re having fun!

It’s been quite a while since we’ve had an update in the newsletter, so we’d like to let everyone know just what we’ve been up to:

Taking a look back, SOS has raised almost $8,000.00 for the Plum City schools since its inception. We have many dedicated SOS members that have helped with various fundraisers to get us there. Garage/bake sales, Family Fiesta (catered/donated by Annabell’s Catering) Milkcaps, Boxtops, aluminum cans… all those things add up.

We’d like to share with you just a few ways that has allowed us to Support Our School:

-AR Rewards at the elementary school

-Donated funds to WSRA book purchase

-Replenished wood chips on playground, twice

-Author visit/workshop

-Basketball mini-camp

-MS/HS Concussion program (IMPACT)

-Christmas “wish” tree for teachers

-Reupholster weight room benches @ HS

-Family Fun-Day

-Single cup coffee makers at each school

-Playground equipment/balls

-Printer for HS computer lab