Minutes of a meeting of Crowland Parish Council held on 3rd April 2017
At 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms, Hall Street, Crowland
Present - Coun B Alcock, Mr M Atkinson, Mr R Boot, Mr P Cooper, Miss C Elphee,
Mrs T Croxford, Mr P Haselgrove, Mr D Kempton & Mr J Parnell
Also Present - Winston Brown, Lincs Free Press
In the Chair - Mr D Ringham
Clerk - Mrs D Halliwell
385. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Mr D Ancil, Mr J Boor, Mrs J Head
and Mr G Quince. Also, Coun J Astill and Coun A Harrison.
386. Police Matters
There were no police present and no report received.
There had been a further meeting with the police this morning, and the Chairman felt that progress had been made.
They had been shown the 101 flier that had been included in this month’s magazine. It had been noted that there was a greater Police presence in Crowland since the first meeting with officers a few weeks ago. They had been working closely with ASB officers at SHDC. They had been doing regular evening patrols and will do more daytime patrols during the Easter holidays. All members really appreciate the extra effort shown by the officers.
Parishioners must remember to report ALL incidents on 101.
387. Declaration of Interests
Allotments - Mr P Haselgrove
British Legion - Mr R Boot & Miss C Elphee
Crowland Cares - Mr D Ringham
Crowland Abbey PCC - Mr M Atkinson
388. To Agree as a correct Record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Page 73 Item 363 “other Large” should read …..”zero turn”…..
Page 73 Item 363 “exempt or revalued should read “organisation will be able to apply for a discount”
page 74 item 369 should read fuel tank AREA is still there and by SHELL not BP
Once these amdendments have been made the minutes were proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting by Mr P Haselgrove. Seconded by Mr P Cooper. All agreed.
389. Reports on matters outstanding of the previous meeting not on this agenda
Mr Boot is continuing to work on the tree survey.
Mr Flowers and Miss Elphee have both looked at the damaged town sign and it was ok but is now leaning Clerks to ask Mr Flowers to have a second look and see what need to be done
Action - Clerks
Coun Alcock had represented the Parish Council at a meeting of SE Lincs Home Building Forum. The main thrust of the meeting had been to encourage builders to build houses. Funding is available in the correct circumstances such as self builds.
We are still waiting for a date for a meeting with Mike Oneygarth.
Mr Boot has found out that the tree in correspondence, item 10, is on SHDC land.
Still waiting for clarification from LCC on tourist signage for Crowland.
390. Assets working party
Continues to move forward.
The land for the new allotments has been prepared following advice received.
There are plans to go in to Planning at SHDC to comply with the conditions stated.
The AWP has a meeting arranged with the architect and an infrastructure engineer and the party requires the Parish Councils authority for his fees.
The AWP also require authority to get Western Power to supply power to the site.
Both these items with prices were referred to “In Committee”
Mr Atkinson proposed that this authority was given and was seconded by Miss Elphee. All agreed.
The AWP will come back with quotes for fencing, the building, the roadway etc.
These quotes will need to be approved quickly as time scales are tight so this may mean extraordinary meetings.
391. Report from the Finance Committee
All members have received minutes of the meeting.
It was the aim of the finance committee to keep the precept at the same level as last years, but due to the timing of last year’s meeting the correct tax base was not available so it shows an increase.
The committee had authorised the accounts for payment up to the end of March.
The Clerk is to query the LALC payment and report back to the committee.
It was proposed that hire charges were increased by 2%.
This was proposed by Mr Atkinson and seconded by Miss Elphee. All agreed.
The overall financial position had been reviewed and was all solvent.
The Cash Book Summary will be more detailed next year.
BACS for wages is being considered.
The Sports hall lease is ready to be signed.
A Charitable Organisation for the Sports Hall is to be proposed.
392. Report from the Farms & Gardens Committee
The large Kubota has been serviced.
The zero-turn grass cutter has been serviced.
The grass cutting has started in earnest.
The quote from LCC for grass cutting twice a year has been accepted.
There has been no reply from the tree officer regarding the trees in Ambury Gardens. So, this will now have to be deferred until the autumn.
There had been a new grass cutter demonstration and the general workers had been very impressed with the machine. Mr Boot would like to look at getting one of these to replace the large Kubota. This machine has the option of a “one point greases all” facility which would be a very worthwhile extra.
393. Report from the Planning Committee
All members have received minutes of the meeting.
The committee had deferred discussing the two Crease Drove development applications in order that all members could have a look at them and have the opportunity to comment on these large developments by attending the April Planning Meeting.
They have also now had an application for the Bridge Caravan Park that all members may wish to consider.
The drainpipe in Hall Street that was emptying on to the pavement has now been lowered after involvement from LCC Legal Services.
SHDC Planning has received an appeal from Wheatley Homes to develop either side of Harvester Way.
There has been an overwhelming interest in the hanging baskets this year. There are to be 100 ordered.
Planning have received a copy of the Local Plan and been advised that the consultation period is from 10th April 2017 to 22nd May 2017.
This has been delegated for Planning Committee to look at in the first instance.
Clerks to include Local Plan on May Planning Agenda. Action - Clerks
394. Report from the Amenities Committee
There has not been a meeting of this committee.
There has been progress on the Sports Hall with the Lease details having been agreed.
It has not been seen yet in order to sign it.
Once this has happened the Gymnasium can be looked at as this will bring in revenue.
The two play areas are being reviewed and the committee will bring ideas and costs to the council.
The gate that was “stolen” from the children’s play area has been recovered. It was found in some nearby hedging.
395. Report from the Health & Safety Committee
All members have received minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2017.
It was decided that the chainsaw should not be sold at this point in time, but it should remain locked away.
This committee will pick up the issue of the problem parking in front of the barrier during football matches. Action - Amenities Committee.
Mr Boot will look at the problem with the overflow in the pavilion.
Members commented on how neat and tidy the shed now was.
396. Skate Park
There had been a further meeting with the Skate Park Group where they had been able to have a look at an indicative design that was very well received.
There had been some ideas received from the people who will use the facility.
Mr Ringham asked if the Council is happy for the Committee to continue as they are with the Skate Park Group.
Mr Cooper proposed that the committee carry on as they are doing. Seconded by Mr Boot. All agreed.
The mobile Skate Park is coming to Crowland again on June 4th 2017.
Access to the Skate Park need further discussion with the Skate Park Group.
The Skate Park Committee need to consider exactly where the football pitch is to be located.
397. A16/Highways Matters
Mr Atkinson suggests that the Parish Council speak to Anglian Water about the further works on fen Bridge and ask if there is an alternative to digging up the bridge again. Clerks to contact Anglian water with this question. Action - Clerks
Clerks to write to LCC and ask for details of the Pot Hole Programme for Crowland
Action - Clerks
398. Code of Conduct
The Parish Council has currently adopted the model Code of Conduct from SHDC.
SHDC now have a new one and it was queried if we should now adopt the new version. Clerks to obtain the new model Code of Conduct from SHDC and include on next agenda.
Action _Clerks
399. Correspondence
1. Amjad Sheikh at Freeths - E-mail Explaining the advice he had received concerning the trees at the Health Centre. The complete removal of the trees is not supported on the grounds of privacy to the windows and the structural engineer’s advice is that this should not be considered as further consequential movement could occur to the building. It has been recommended that the trees be reduced to a height no lower than the height of the tennis court fencing circa 12ft. The existing height of the trees is in excess of 24ft and its proposed that the height of the trees be reduced in 2 stages (for structural reasons), with a growing season apart, arboricultralist will advise and confirm the timescales for removal, initial stage anticipated immediately. He hopes that the Parish Council are willing to work with this proposal and he looks forward to receiving our comments. The signing of the documents will require confirmation from the council that Mrs Stanojevic is authorised to sign on its behalf. Ideally this would be in the form of a council minute appointing Mrs Stanojevic, or a letter on Council Headed Paper. Mr Ringham will sort this one with Mrs Stanojevic.
2. Peter Atkinson - Email advising that the wooden bridge between the Kissing Ground and the Snowden Field is slippery and he asks us to note his concerns along with the fact that anyone slipping would not know who to make a report to. He requests that a dog bin is placed beside the ordinary waste bin at the end of the allotment roadway as the existing litter bin is “open”. Mr Boot will organise chicken wire for the bridge. Miss Elphee and Mrs Head are reviewing all the dog bins.
3. J Rowell, Newborough - Letter from Mr J Rowell enclosing minutes of a meeting of Newborough and Borough Fen Parish Council. He points out that they are going to try again for a gate at the bottom of Willow Drove and he will keep us informed. Noted
4. Andy Atcliff, Highways, LCC - E-mail in response to our e-mail requesting information about the further closing of Fen Bridge. He provides links to a press release and attaches a copy of his recent e-mail to the County Councillor. He adds they are awaiting dates from Anglian Water and once this is confirmed they will publicise the new road closure dates in the usual manner. Being dealt with under item 397, Highways matters.
5. John Carr, Trinity Cider House - Email advising that as most bars Trinity’s Cider House will be collecting and raising money for charity. He adds that it is well known that a lot of money deposited in charity jars sees little reaching its intended destination and he is keen that all that he raises goes to local beneficiaries. He hopes that the Parish Council may be able to advise on any financial support that he could contribute to within the community. Reply and suggest he chooses from the lists in the Town Mag.
6. LCC Highways - Details of a temporary traffic restriction by National Grid Gas, There will be a no waiting/no loading restriction in place on North Street (East side only between 60m & 95m north of East Street junction, between 10th & 13th April 2017.Clerks to ask highways to ensure that the area is fully restored following these works
7. Coun N Pepper - Copy of an e-mail Coun Pepper received regarding HGV’s still using the B1040,. Allan Vining had supplied photographs of 18 HGV’s he had taken in one period as police had
requested in order to speak with the companies concerned. Coun Pepper also suggests that a police presence is required to enforce the road traffic regulation and adds that he had brought this to the attention of the police at a meeting of Crowland Parish Council. Noted.
8.CPRE – Invitation to their CPRE forward planning workshop on 3rd May in Cranwell from10.30am to 4pm.the aim is to identify key issues for this year. Mr Boot may attend.
9.Peter Udy - South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036 is for consultation from 10th April to 22nd May 2017. This is the last opportunity for comments before it is submitted to the Secretary of State. There will not be any public exhibitions as this consultation asks for comments as to whether it is `sound` and complies with legal and procedural requirements. Covered in planning.
10.CPRE – Entries invited to Lincolnshire’s Best Kept Village and Small Towns Competition 2017.Entry cost £36 and closing date for entry is 5th May. Complete application and return.
11.Sybil Speechley – The proposal is to produce a digitized record of Crowland. She would like to set up a steering group and she would like one or two Parish Council members to join – preferably with business or accountancy experience. The nearest similar project is at Hebden Bridge. Mrs Speechley is looking for accommodation for the project and believes the small committee room in the Parish Office would be ideal? Contact Mrs Speechley and ask what she actually needs.