The Rotary Club of Terra Linda

High School Scholarship Application

The Rotary Club of Terra Linda

High School Scholarship Application

The Rotary Club of Terra Linda offers academic scholarships to graduating seniors from Terra Linda High School or Marin Catholic and residing in Terra Linda, CA. These awards are determined on a competitive basis and are based on the following criteria: community service, academic success (G.P.A. 3.0 or higher), and financial need. All students meeting these criteria are encouraged to participate in this process.

BACKGROUND: The Rotary Club of Terra Linda is part of Rotary International. It is a service club that provides assistance in the community, in international activities, vocational, and youth services. We promote high ethical standards and live by the “4 way Test”.

“The Four way Test” Of the things we think, say or do, First, Is it the Truth? Second, Is it fair to all concerned? Third, Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Fourth, Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Please provide your Personal Statement, it should include your intended field of study, perspective academic institution(s), academic goals, and how you intend to give back to your community. Your statement should be 300-500 words (double spaced) in length. Be sure to include your name at the top of your statement.

Please include at least one (1) letter of recommendation from a current or past instructor/supervisor familiar with your community service efforts should be included with the application.

One Copy of your official high school and/or college transcripts should be submitted with the application.

Return this completed form along with your portfolio by March 1,2012 to: Scholarship Committee P. O. Box 6682 San Rafael, Ca 94903, to be considered for this scholarship.

Please type or print:

Personal Information
First Name: ______
Last Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Telephone Number: (____) ______
Email Address: ______
Today’s Date ______
Parents Information
Fathers Name: ______Occupation: ______
Mothers Name: ______Occupation: ______
Total Annual Income: ______
What are your estimated college expenses in the coming year?
Tuition $ Living $ Misc. $ Total $
From Parents $
From Your assets $
From Your earnings $
From friends, relatives or trust funds $
From Social Security benefits $
From other sources $
Total $
Educational Information
High School: ______
City: ______State: ______Year Graduated: ______
GPA: ______
Prospective College(s):
City: ______State: ______
Perspective College(s):
City: ______State: ______
Perspective College(s):
City: ______State: ______
Intended Major: ______Full-Time or Part-Time (circle one)
APPLICANT STATUS (please check one):
First-year student (first-time freshman)
Full Time______Part Time______
Units you plan to completed: ______
Household income: ______
How do you plan to finance your education?______
CHECKLIST for scholarship:
______1) This completed application form
______2) 300-500 word Personal Statement
______3) Letter(s) of Recommendation
______4) Transcript(s)
Applicants will be rated by the Scholarship Committee and, if successful, be invited for a second level personal interview to make a final determination of award. Scholarships will be awarded at a regular meeting of the Terra Linda Rotary Club on TBA.