The Rotary Club of Aurora, Ohio

Membership Application and Information
August 2016

This is a short manual for new and prospective Aurora Rotary Club members introducing them to the purpose of the organization, the expectations of its members, the financial cost of membership, our chosen areas of service, the current projects undertaken by our Club (both local and international), and our association and responsibility to Rotary International.

The Rotary Club of Aurora, Ohio
Application for Membership


Name ______
Home Address ______City ______Zip______
Work Address ______City______Zip ______
Company Name ______
Home phone ______Cell Phone ______Work Phone______
Date of Birth ______Spouse/Partner Name ______
Spouse/Partner Anniversary Date ______Email: ______

Occupation ______

Which Rotary Club of Aurora, Ohio, member recommended you for membership? ______

Why do you want to join the Rotary Club of Aurora, Ohio?

What special abilities do you have that might benefit the Rotary Club of Aurora?

I. A Definition of Rotary

Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
II. The Object of Rotary
1. To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise through the development of acquaintance as the opportunity for service.
2. The promotion of high ethical standards in business and professions.
3. Through service in one’s personal, business and community life.

4. Through the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace.

III. What is Expected of You as a Member of the Rotary Club of Aurora?
The purpose of joining the Aurora Rotary Club (RCA) is to help our local community and areas throughout the world with Rotary International’s six areas of focus: 1. peace and conflict prevention and resolution; 2. disease prevention and treatment; 3. water and sanitation; 4. maternal and child health; 5. basic education and literacy; 6. and economic and community development.
You must be a member in good standing as determined by our bylaws, constitution, mission statement, and Rotary International’s expectations. A member in good standing means:
You will attend our weekly meetings, join some of our committees, actively participate in at least two of our projects, and keep your Rotary Club dues current. Rotary International requires each member to
attend at least 50% of the meetings or attend make ups.* Additionally, you are encouraged to attend some of our social events, and get to know, learn, and enjoy the responsibilities and privileges of membership. You also have voting rights.

*“Make-ups” are defined as: Attend other Rotary Club meetings, participate in chairing or attending committee meetings and other local, district, or international events. You also get credit for attending the RCA board of director meetings. Make ups are recorded by the secretary of the club. Reporting all make-ups is the responsibility of the RCA member.

IV. Make Up Opportunities and Credits
One for each Rotary Club meeting.
One for each alternative Rotary Club meeting
One for each Rotary district meeting
One for each Rotary committee meeting
Two for each committee meeting, if you are the chairperson.
Two for each project meeting of a project, if you are the chairperson.
One for each Rotary “round-table”meeting. A round-table meeting is when three or more Rotarians get together and discuss Rotary ideas, projects or Rotary matters.
One for each project participation (If it is a two-or-three shift project, you get one make-up for each shift)
One for each attended “service club meeting” scheduled on cruises. (You need to get a “make-up” card signed by the attending Rotary Club meeting officer)
If you attempt to ”make up” at another Rotary Club and the time or place has changed, you do get credit for “attempting to attend.”

V. What is the Cost for membership?

The Rotary Club of Aurora, Ohio, charges $167.00 annually for members. This includes the Rotary Magazine, the annual Rotary International dues, and the District 6630 dues. There is a one-time initiation fee of $100 for new members. In addition there are costs for weekly meals at each meeting. Currently, breakfast meetings are $8.00 and evening meetings usually $15.00-$30.00. The support of the Rotary Foundation is encouraged by giving $100 annually = EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year)

VI. Annual Fundraisers of the Rotary Club of Aurora

The Taste of the Western Reserve has become our outstanding community event. For the past fifteen years the Rotary Club of Aurora has held its “TASTE” event of the year. We involve over twenty local restaurants to bring their specialties to present to guests to enjoy and judge. The Taste also has a raffle, silent auctions, and offers outstanding entertainment during the Sunday afternoon at the Signature of Solon Country Club. We generally have over 400 guests and raises over $20,000 annually to support the many Club projects and activities.
Recently we have added a fall-tailgate party on a Sunday afternoon. This event is held at Doogan’s Restaurant in Aurora and features a televised football game. Guests enjoy good food and drink in indoor comfort and may wager on the football game results. This event brings in an additional $2,000.

VII. Avenues of Service
The Rotary International’s chosen AVENUES OF SERVICEfor Rotary Club projects are:

Club Service

Vocational Service

Community Service

International Service

Youth Service

VIII. Please check at least two Aurora Rotary Club COMMITTEES that you are interested in participating:

___ Finance
___ Membership
___ Social Activities
___ International Service
___ Rotary Foundation
___ Public Relations
___ Publicity
___ Scholarships
___ Youth—New Generations
___ Fund Raising
___ Vocational Service
___ Club Service
___ Local and International Grants
___ Community Service

IX. Are you interested in serving on the Aurora Rotary Club Board of Directors? ____Yes ____ No
XII. Please check at least two Aurora Rotary Club PROJECTS that you are interested in participating:

___ Aurora Students-of-the-Month – honoring outstanding students from the Aurora Schools
___ Streetsboro Students-of-the-Month - honoring outstanding students from the Streetsboro Schools
___ District 6630 4-Way Test Speech Contest – for Rotary District 6630 high school students
___ Aurora Rotary Club 4-Way Test – for Aurora and Streetsboro high school students
___ Leaf Pick up– help raking leaves for those unable to do so working through local churches and Scouts
___ Car Show – antique car show at Sunny Lake Park sponsored by the City of Aurora
___ 4th of July Parade & Games for children sponsored by the City of Aurora
___ Shoe Boxes = Christmas gifts for the for the Children-of-the-Dump in Nicaragua
___ Bead Bracelets made by hand by the Children-of-the-Dump in Nicaragua
___ Shelter Boxes for temporary tent housing delivered to crisis areas throughout the world
___ Neighbourhood School in Kenya, a school started for orphans and the destitute children in the area.
___ Relay for Life– Walking a track to satisfy another’s pledge to raise money for fighting breast cancer
___ Camp Sunshine – a summer camp for students needing extra help in school to remain and retain proficiency
___ Fishing Derby at Sunny lake Park– sponsored by the City of Aurora for children
___ Community Service Day – assisting seniors and those with special needs in home fix up and maintenance
___ Water Project in El Salvador– water project for a small village in the mountains of El Salvador
___ Food Bank VOA – local community food bank for providing food for those in need
___ Fill-a-Bag - Feed-a-Family Food Drive where bags of food are delivered to local Aurora houses
___ Neighbor-to-Neighbor – repairing local houses for those in need
___ Chamber of Commerce – attending local Chamber of Commerce meetings representing our Rotary Club
___ Police Dog for Aurora – participating in police-dog visits to other Rotary Clubs and Schools
___ Christmas Bell Ringing– ringing the Salvation Army Christmas bell for their red-kettle fund raiser
___ Portage County Habitat –“Restore”- a Rotary Cluster project helping a thrift store accommodate
___ Santa Telephone Calls – receiving calls from small children who believe they are talking to Santa Clause
___ Breakfast with Santa– serving breakfast for local children with gifts, games, and a visit from Santa
___ Mulching gardens and trees at Sunny Lake Park for the City of Aurora
The following Rotary Club of Aurora projects require participation from the entire membership:
X Taste of the Western Reserve
X Tailgate Party

XIII. I understand that, if accepted for membership, it will be my duty to exemplify the Object of Rotary in all my daily contacts and activities. I agree to pay the current initiation fee of $100 and the annual dues of $167.00 in accordance to the bylaws of the Club. I hereby give permission to the RCA to publish my name and proposed membership, if applicable, only to RCA members. I understand and will comply with the conditions of membership, attendance at meetings, making up missed meetings, and participation in committees and projects.

Proposed Member’s Signature: ______Date: ______

I have reviewed this Member’s Application in its entirety with the above proposed RCA member, and I believe he/she understands its content.

Sponsor’s Signature: ______Date: ______