The Roles of Vocabulary Knowledge

in Reading Comprehension in EFL


Chiyoda University of Education Tokyo University of Fine Arts


The present study aims to reexamine Qian’s (1999) empirical research, which explored the relationship between depth...

Key Words: Vocabulary, Word Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Academic Reading

1. Introduction

In L1 reading research, it has long been recognized that vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension are closely related to each other...

1.1 Defining Vocabulary Knowledge

It is necessary to clarify what I mean by ‘breadth’ and ‘depth’ of vocabulary knowledge. “Breadth of vocabulary knowledge” is...

1.2 Assessing Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge

In order to assess vocabulary size, two tests are usually used: The Vocabulary Levels Test and The Eurocentres Vocabulary Size Test (hereafter EVST)...

2. Method

2.1 Participants

Ninety university students...

3. Results

Table 1 presents...

Table 1

Descriptive Statistics of Vocabulary Knowledge (N = 45)

Test MPS M (%) SD Range (%)

Note. MPS = Maximum possible score.

Figure 1 shows...

Figure 1. Correlations at different proficiency levels.

4. Discussion

Based on information...

5. Conclusion

The present study...


I would like to thank...


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