Border / All four borders are written neatly, with the theme, pictures, quotes, vocabulary, etc. and all directions were followed. / Two or more borders are written/drawn neatly and directions were followed / One border is written neatly, with at least one of the following: the theme, concept vocab. etc / Border is written neatly but is off topic or does not have to do with the book . / No Border
Questions / There are two questions about characters, theme conflict, etc. Each question is thought provoking and has a clearly written full sentence response / Two questions about character, theme, conflict, etc. have some mistakes, answers are not in full sentences / Onlyquestion about character, theme, conflict, etc. with answer in full sentences / Only question about character, theme, conflict, etc. answer not in full sentences / Now questions or responses
Illustrations / Two Illustration were created with effort (not hurried); large enough to see; Entire page is colored. / Illustration was created with “some” effort; Most of the page is colored. / Illustration was created with “some” effort; Some of the page is colored. / Illustration was created hastily; Some or none of the page is colored. / No Illustrations
Quotations / The two quotations used from the text are copied word for word, in quotation marks with a page number / Two quotations are used from the text but they have spelling errors in them or do not have quotation marks or page numbers / One or more quotations are used, has spelling error, and/or does not have quotation marks or page numbers; / One quotation is used, has spelling errors, and/or does not have quotation marks or page numbers / No Quotations
Appearance / The project was neat, clear, and shows a lot of brainstorming and effort went into it / The project is not as neat as it could be, but the information is organized / The project lacks neatness and looks like little effort was put into it; the information isn’t organized well on the paper / The project is sloppy and disorganized; it looks like it was done on the “bus” / The project is extremely sloppy and disorganized or large sections are missing
Score: /100
One Page Rubric