/ <enter sponsor dept or bureau name>

<enter project code & name>

Lessons Learned

Document Instructions

<This document template contains directions for use or sample entries. These directions are enclosed in brackets (< >) and are italicized. They are included to help you fill out the form. As you complete the form, delete these instructions.

Please follow this document naming conventionto facilitate document search and retrieval:

<project code (if appropriate)> <project name (abbreviated)> <document name (abbreviated)> <version (if appropriate)>

All documents should be posted to the appropriate project folder in SharePoint. >

Document History

<The document history is a log of changes that are made to the document, who made the changes, and when. For example, the initial creation of the document may contain the following: Version 0.1, Date 1/1/2004, Author Charlie Brown, Status Initial creation. Subsequent updates to the document will be Version 0.2, 0.3, etc. The first published version of the document should be Version 1.0.>

Version / Date / Author / Status / Section / Revision Description
0.1 / Initial Draft
1 / First Published

Table of Contents


1.1Purpose of This Document

1.2Glossary and Acronyms


2Project Evaluation



2.3Lessons Learned Work Session


3Lessons Learned Matrix


<enter project code & name>
Lessons Learned v X.X / Page 1 of 9 / Printed: 4/20/2019
/ <enter sponsor dept or bureau name>


1.1Purpose of This Document

This Lessons Learned document captures all the learning gained --- whether successes or failures --- from the process of performing the project. It should also record recommendations to improve future project performance. Lessons learned may be identified at any point. This document contains a matrix to compile, categorize, and store lessons learned.

1.2Glossary and Acronyms

<Provide all terms and acronyms that may be used within this document.

Table: Terms and Acronyms Used in This Document

Term/ Acronym / Definition
PMM / Project Management Methodology (example)


<Identify the sources of information/reference materials that were used to this document,such as:

1. Author name, title, and publication date.
2. Author name, title, and publication date.

[Enter text here]

2Project Evaluation


Lessons Learned is carried out periodically to highlight recent successes and setbacks in order to teach future projects what activities will most effectively and consistently produce project success.


Each team will hold a session with their respective team members and complete the “lessons learned” matrix that considers a list of questions for each of the following categories: General Processes, Phase Specific, and Control Specific. This matrix will be submitted to the team and the facilitator in preparation for a post-mortem lessons learned teamwork session.

In addition, each sub-team or individual team member will consolidate a short list with their top ten “what went well” and “what we can do better” to present to the team at the session.

At a minimum, a lessons learned work session should be conducted at the completion of a project, but it is recommended that these sessions also be conducted at the completion of each project phase.

2.3Lessons Learned Work Session

At the session each sub-team or individual team member will present their respective top ten lists of “what went well” and “what we can do better.” The team will determine what the next steps are depending on what information is shared. A member of the PMO should be present at the work session to capture process gaps and opportunities for process improvements on future projects.


List the people who participated in the work session.

Table: Lessons Learned Work Session Participants

Name / Location / Phone / Email Address / Role(s)
<enter project code & name>
Lessons Learned v X.X / Page 1 of 9 / Printed: 4/20/2019
/ <enter sponsor dept or bureau name>

3Lessons Learned Matrix

<As each team reviews its deliverables and respective lessons learned, the following questions may help you focus your responses. >

Lessons Learned Matrix
Project: / Date of Meeting:
Project Manager:
Project Phase: / Phase or Project Complete Date:
Attendees (Analysis Team): / Customer Name:
Verification / Y, N, or N/A / Explanations/Lessons Learned
Was there efficient support and buy-in from the project sponsor and bureau/agency management?
Were all the stakeholders identified during the strategy, initiation, and planning phases?
When information or documents were handed off to other groups (the downstream process), what worked well and what can be improved?
Were there challenges or barriers in the downstream process? Were the challenges or barriers overcome? If so, how?
Were roles and responsibilities clearly defined?
Was there efficient support and buy-in from all the identified stakeholders?
Did the business users have existing process documentation?
Was the end-user satisfied, overall, with the final product?
Were the end-users involved in the entire project lifecycle?
Did the project planning include enough consideration for the necessary procurement?
What were the biggest successes in the procurement process?
Was the vendor and/or COTS evaluation process successful?
What were the biggest challenges in the procurement process?
What were the successes and/or challenges of the CoP process?
Did the implementation of the project disrupt customer service?
Did external forces, e.g. government regulations or departmental standards, change unexpectedly within the project lifecycle?
Was the schedule created for the project reasonable and accurate?
Did the contractor deliver components of expected quality when promised?
Did the contractor underestimate time, resources, and/or cost of the components?
Were selected personnel sufficiently available for the project?
Were personnel given appropriate roles and responsibilities? Were they successful?
Were the requirements managed effectively?
Were the defined requirements accurate, comprehensive, and verifiable?
How often were deliverables reworked based on the introduction of new requirements?
Were the defined requirements accurate, comprehensive, and verifiable?
Did the final product/process meet the defined acceptance criteria?
Did the project design fulfill the documented requirements?
Did the project implementation follow the project design?
Were there challenges with implementing the design?
Was a project SharePoint site established and utilized?
Was the project formally requested?
Was the project scope well-defined? Did the delivered project/process align with the defined scope?
Was the Communications Strategy/Plan effective?
Was risk identified and managed throughout the project lifecycle? Were there significant risks not identified?
Were issues identified, reviewed, and addressed throughout the project lifecycle?
Was the project plan maintained and updated throughout the lifecycle?
Was the change control process effective?
Were status reports accurate and on-time?
Were testing responsibilities clearly defined and executed?
Were test scripts effective in gauging the usability of the product?
Did necessary stakeholders participate in the acceptance testing process?
What were the most valuable templates and/or processes?
What were the least valuable templates and/or processes?
Was the project complete within budget?
What were the most critical factors for project success?
<enter project code & name>
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/ <enter sponsor dept or bureau name>


<In this section add any additional information relevant to this document’s subject matter. >

[Enter text here]

<enter project code & name>
Lessons Learned v X.X / Page 1 of 9 / Printed: 4/20/2019