Good club meetings begin with the Club officers. They establish the goals and standards for Club meetings and they act as role models for other members.
This is the most important office in the Club. Provides the leadership and guidance the Club needs to be successful. Helps supply the positive, supportive environment Club members need to fulfill their self-development goals. Leads each Club meeting, setting the tone and pace of the meeting.
Vice President Education
This is the second most important office in the Club. Responsible for planning all regular and special Club events.
Vice President Membership
Is responsible for bringing new members into the Club; ensures that all members are satisfied with the Club. Coordinates with the VP Education to keep meetings diverse, entertaining and educational.
Vice President Public Relations
Is responsible for attracting guests to the meeting through publicity. Keep members informed by producing a Club bulletin.
Is responsible for keeping clear and accurate records of Club meetings, business, membership records and correspondence.
Is responsible for collecting dues and writing checks. Budgets for the Club’s growth and development.
Sergeant At Arms
Sets the tone for friendly, productive Club meetings with facility management and guests.
Is the host; creates a pleasant atmosphere; introduces the speakers and participants. Requires preparation.
The meeting revolves around the speaking program. Club Members present prepared speeches from the basic or advance manual.
Provides a written evaluation for designated speaker, based on their manual assignment. Completes the form. Presents positive, oral, helpful suggestions, before the Club, to improve the speaker’s skills.
Table Topics Master
Provides those members not assigned a speaking role an opportunity to speak during the meeting. Structures the topic to help members “think and speak
on their feet.”
General Evaluator
Evaluates everything that takes place during the Club meeting. Presents positive, oral, helpful suggestions before the Club, to improve the overall Club skills.
Joke Master
Generates laughter by telling a short story or funny joke.
Is responsible for monitoring the time for each segment of the meeting. Operates the timing light, which indicates to the Speaker how long they have been talking.
Word Master (AH Counter/ Grammarian)
Introduces the “Word of the Day,” defines and demonstrates its use in a sentence. Keeps track of Club member’s use of the Word, AH’s and Uh's, along with other unnecessary sounds.
Also brings attention to incorrect grammar or pronunciation.
Vote Master
Collects and counts all ballots submitted during the Clubmeeting. Announces the results for Best Table Topic, Speech, and Evaluator.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Club opens the meeting by paying respect to the American Flag.