Paediatric Intensive Care Retrieval Outreach Study Day

Venue: Heartbeat Suite, Southampton General Hospital

Date Friday 6th May 2011

Time 0900hrs–1600hrs

Course Outline:

This course is provided for all Nurses and Doctors working in areas involved with the assessment and stabilisation of critically sick children prior to the arrival of the PICU retrieval team.

Course Aim:

To equip you with the knowledge and skills required to assess and treat critically sick and injured children in your care, prior to transfer to a tertiary centre.

Provisional Course Content:

Lectures: Assessment and Stabilisation

The Blue Baby


Common Respiratory Conditions/ Difficult Airway

Traumatic Brain Injury

Workshops: Clinical Scenario Practice

Mechanical Ventilation

Fluid management

Application forms will be available in the New Year

For further information please contact:

Jill Thistlethwaite

Liz Poindestre

Gareth Jones