Darrington Horse Owners Assoc.
PO Box 123
Darrington, WA 98241
Name: ______
Family Members Info: Please include name and age
Name: Age Name: Age
Address: ______
City: ______Zip Code: ______
Phone: ______Emergency Phone:______
Email: ______
Would you like to be put on a mailing/email list for DHOA’s new and upcoming events ____ yes ____ no Preference ( ) mail or ( ) email
MEMBERSHIP: Dues for a family are $40 annually, which includes your immediate family, and single membership is $20 annually. Membership includes a monthly newsletter, use of the Rodeo arena and camping privileges on the grounds, as well as the opportunity to join in member events. Please bring new membership for application to our next monthly meeting at the Rodeo grounds.
MEETING: These are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the Darrington Rodeo Grounds concession stand. Everyone is welcome to attend.
PLAYDAY: These are held monthly starting in May and ending in September. This is always the second weekend of the month. The event starts at 10 am and signups start at 8 am.
Recognizing the fact that there is a potential for an accident wherever horse use is involved. Which can cause injuries to horses, riders and spectators, and also recognizes the fact that Darrington Horse Owners Association of Darrington, Washington, including officers, directors, or members cannot always know the condition of trails or the experience of riders or horses taking part in trail rides or other DHOA events and/or functions. I do hereby release the above named from any claim or right for damages which might occur to me, my minor children or horses.
Signature ______Date: ______
Darrington Horse Owners Association, PO Box 123, Darrington, WA 98241
Email: www.darringtonrodeogrounds.com