The Prison Department Under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania Panevezys district probation service
Officers Perception of Existing Educational Methodologies Used in Panevezys District Probation Service & Panevezys Correction House
Ms. Ruta Januleviciene
Project ,,Psychodrama and Creative Education in Prison” Coordinator


After the pedagogical and practical psychodrama training conducted by the Romanian Psychodrama Association and the London Centre for Psychodrama Individual & Group Psychotherapy I started to give psychodrama sessions with warm-up exercises for ex-prisoners during the project “Psychodrama and creative education in prison” in the Panevezys District Probation Service. Since then I have provided practical seminars by the use of psychodrama techniques to disabled people, other groups of society and even individual consultations.

I am especially pleased and grateful for the notes of the method of psychodrama, guidelines and warm-up exercises to the Leaders and Trainers of the Romanian Psychodrama Association and the London Centre for Psychodrama Individual & Group Psychotherapy. I am very thankful to the whole Team of the Panevezys District Probation Service, especially Mr. Edmundas Toliusis, Director of the Panevezys District Probation Service, for the opportunity to join the project and conduct psychodrama sessions for ex-prisoners together with the Panevezys District Probation Service Probation Department senior specialist Lina Motuzienė and/or inspector Irina Vitonienė in the Panevezys District Probation Service.

I have always tried to show that my approach was meant as much more than a psychotherapeutic method, my ideas and arrangements for seminars have had different subjects and aims for ex-prisoners and I have emphasized that empathy, creativity and spontaneity affect the very roots of personal and spiritual development, and thus affect our happiness and involvement in every sphere of lives. Furthermore, I always wanted that those seminars would help people to discover themselves as unique personalities and to face their challenges with dignity and strength.

I am further pleased and thankful for the Leaders of the project ,,Psychodrama and Creative Education in Prison” that the method of psychodrama has been used with ex-prisoners in Panevezys District Probation Service for the first time in Lithuania. The results of the survey show the importance of applicability of this method more widely in Lithuanian prison settings and other probation services.

The last and foremost, I would like to thank the many people who have been part of the Grundtvig Partnership programme project “Psychodrama and creative education in prison”. These are the people who are in the field, who are on the front lines, so to speak. They are people who know the problems and are providing real solutions. They are people of faith, law enforcement officers, prison officials, social workers, psychologists, prisoners and ex-offenders. They direct, participate, advise, collaborate, and work on this project. Many thanks to them All.

R. Januleviciene, 2015

Introduction: Background to the research, methods, and aims

Psychodrama group is action oriented method of psychotherapy. Psychodrama is not “therapy” in the medical sense of the word, but an emotional experience within the framework of an interpersonal encounter with spiritual values of its own. This experience may or may not make the participants more aware of themselves or more balanced. In any case, the goal is not to produce “cure”, but simply adopt warm-up exercises of psychodrama in the work with ex-offenders in order to help them become as spontaneous and creative as possible within the boundaries of each individual’s personal limitations, develop their interpersonal skills and fulfill their personal aspirations.


·  The aim of this survey is to research the employers’ opinion regarding the use of psychodrama therapy in Panevezys Correction House and Panevezys District Probation Service. The research also includes comparative studies of the results of the same survey made in 2013.


·  To examine employers’ perception of psychodrama therapy in Panevezys District Probation Service and Panevezys Correction House.

·  To analyze psychodrama therapy’s impact as group therapy and role playing for prisoners and ex-prisoners in Panevezys District Probation Service and Panevezys Correction House.


·  The used method was a survey which contained seven items regarding personal information, information about general reintegration activities, information about psychodrama therapy in probation and prison settings (usefulness, known types of activities, frequency of use, the relationship between psychodrama therapy and different aspects of physical and psychological wellbeing and the relationship among psychodrama therapy and other types of therapies ran by Lithuanian prisons and probation services).

The survey with staff was carried out throughout April to May, 2015. 60 questionnaires were distributed: 30 to Panevezys District Probation Service and 30 to Panevezys Correction House. Finally, 50 completed questionnaires were returned, amounting to a response rate of 83,3 per cent of respondents.

Scope and Limits of the Study:

Psychodrama group therapy is now used as a significant and respected therapeutic method around the world. In Lithuanian prison settings and probation services psychodrama therapy has been known for the first time thanks to this project. Prior the distribution of survey, the following has been done:

·  The sequence of questions has been changed.

·  The items under the question No. 6 ,,What is Psychodrama therapy used for, and in which degree?” have been adopted regarding programmes ran by Lithuanian prisons and probation services.

The results of surveys made in 2013 and 2015 reflect strictly the subjective opinion on these investigated issues.

Respondents’ description

A total of 50 staff were completed questionnaires between April and May, 2015, including Director General, Deputy Director General, Chief of Municipality Probation Office, Chiefs, Senior Inspectors and Inspectors from Administration, Probation, Social Rehabilitation, Guard and Security areas of Panevezys Correction House and Panevezys District Probation Service. Employers ranged in age from 18 to over 40. The majority of respondents were women over 40 years old. The study included 50 staff from the three main departments: probation, social rehabilitation and guard & security.

Table 1 Profile of 2013 & 2015 Survey Respondents

Staff of Panevezys Correction House and Panevezys District Probation Service / 41 in 2013 / % / 50 in 2015 / %
18-25 / N/A / N/A / 1 / 2
26-35 / 7 / 17 / 13 / 26
36-40 / 9 / 22 / 17 / 34
over 40 / 25 / 61 / 19 / 38
Women / 30 / 73 / 44 / 88
Men / 11 / 27 / 6 / 12
Guard & Security / 1 / 2,4 / 11 / 22
Social Rehabilitation / 10 / 24,4 / 11 / 22
Administration / 4 / 9,8 / 5 / 10
Probation / 26 / 63,4 / 19 / 38
Psychology / N/A / N/A / 3 / 6
Other / N/A / N/A / 1 / 2

Analysis and Results

The employers of both institutions consider that the quality of the social activities carried out in their organizations is quite efficient. In addition to this more and more inmates perceive participation in social rehabilitation programs not only as possibility to be conditionally released under probation supervision but as useful and meaningful activities. According to Simona Mesoniene (2009) successful resocialization of convicts requires not only social support, but also elimination of the underlying causes of criminal activity and reduction of the risk of recurrent criminal behaviour (risk). Research has proved that rehabilitation and correction programmes are quite effective at reducing recidivism. It is also proven that skill-improvement programmes can be successful in subjects on probation[1].

The majority of respondents think that psychodrama therapy is useful in reintegration process of inmates. In Lithuania social rehabilitation of inmates is organized bearing in mind the possibilities and peculiarities of penitentiary institution, the length of the sentence, serving conditions and using individual, group or massive forms, psychological and pedagogical methods. The process of social rehabilitation is based on implementation of programs. Accordingly positive results of respondents show that psychodrama therapy might be used in combination with other therapies such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, creative arts therapies and group analysis, depending on the training of the therapist and the nature of the problem. The negative responds show that some employers who have never experienced psychodrama for any substantial amount of time are afraid of psychodrama as a therapeutic method. Many tend to overdramatize its process and emphasize its presumed dangers.

The following results showed that majority of employers don’t know the answer what role of Psychodram Therapy might play in Anger Management as well as in Release of Emotions process. Penitentiary Institutions and Probation Services in Lithuania ran behavioral correction program ,,EQUIP’’. “Equip” is a cognitive behavioral programme designed to teach young people to think and behave responsibly. It involves 40 sessions on anger management, social skills and mutual assistance. The goal of “Equip” is to motivate and empower young people to help one another. It applies to minors and young people in correctional institutions and probation services[2]. The Psychodrama Therapy might be applied in the above mentioned programme because it creates safe environment in which offenders and ex-offenders could play their involvement in a criminal action once again in order to increase their self-understanding about the nature of their crime and anti social behavior. Psychodrama allows for the safe expression of strong feelings and, for those who need it, moves from “talking about” into action and gives opportunities to heal the past, clarify the present and try out new behaviours.

The following results showed that majority of employers don’t know the answer what role of Psychodram Therapy might play in adjustment to prison environment. According to Good Practice Guide of the project ,,Psychodrama and Creative Education in Prison” (2015)

psychodrama therapy contributes efficiently to a creating a positive learning environment in prison. Using psychodrama techniques with inmates enhances their chances to change, to adopt appropriate behaviours, to succeed in cognitive reframing through exposure to new learning situations, and to assume a new socially acceptable role and identity[3].

The majority of respondents do not know the answer. By implementing the project ,,Psychodrama and Creative Education in Prison” it could be concluded that psychodrama therapy could be crucial not only for occupation of offenders and ex-offenders, but also for reduction of self harm and improvement of their well being. One of the best examples is HMP Grendon prison. HMP Grendon prison operates as a therapeutic community since 1962. Grendon is a Therapeutic community which involved Community Meetings; Group Meetings; Creative Therapy; Community Activities; Work and Education. There are special therapeutic units where inmates face up their crimes through group therapy, art therapy and psychodrama[4]. Research studies show that this pioneering approach to rehabilitation produces extraordinary results. According to Jinnie Jefferies (2015) research shows by comparing Prisoners have attended Grendon and those on a waiting list who have committed violent sexual or any other offence and attend Grendon and who stays longer than 18 months reduce there offending compared to those who did not come[5].

Psychodrama therapy is an important activity that sustains the development of new skills and explores unresolved personal feelings and thoughts in the opinion of few respondents. Through this process, prisoners and ex-prisoners could be helped to bring to closure unresolved issues which have prevented them from developing more adequate life-coping skills.

The half of respondents of both institutions considers the role of Psychodrama in behavioral correction program quite efficiently. „Behavior-Interview-Change“ is individual program for motivation in changing antisocial behavior of ex-prisoners. Behavior-Change-Talk is a semi-structured programme, which consists of 5 to 7 interviews. This program is basically designed for individual motivation of ex-offenders and ran by all Probation Services in Lithuania.

The following results showed that majority of employers don’t know the answer what role of Psychodrama Therapy might play in preventing collective tensions through self-groups of conviction of violent crimes. Based on project “Psychodrama and creative education in prison” partners’ experience it could be concluded that psychodrama is a key in the work with sexual and violent offenders.

The respondents of both institutions consider possible benefits of psychodrama therapy in social skills improvement. The psychodrama sessions organized with ex-offenders in the Panevezys District Probation Service showed that it helped them to develop their basic and interpersonal skills. During the psychodrama and creativity sessions ex-prisoners learned from each other, new ideas and transfer of ,,what works”. Target group learning in the Panevezys District Probation Service is not just about knowledge acquisition. It’s about ,,learning for life” and ,,finding good examples how to improve their relationship with family and loved ones” in society.

The majority of employers don’t know the answer what role of Psychodrama Therapy might play in developing and maintaining a high self-esteem. The practical results of psychodrama and creativity sessions with ex-offenders in the Panevezys District Probation Service highlighted the fact that it helped them positively assess and love themselves and to increase their personal development, confidence and interpersonal skills. By attending the sessions ex-offenders improved motivation – preparation for reintegration and employability. It also increased their capacity to act as responsible citizens.

The vast majority of emplyers of both institutions consider that the presentation of good practice examples of psychodrama therapy to the society may consolidate partnership between local authorities and non-governmental sector. The participating organisations benefited from the results of this partnership project “Psychodrama and creative education in prison” by gaining knowledge, skills, new competences and experiences regarding psychodrama and other intervention methods with prisoners and ex-prisoners. Through local and international media the activities and results of the project “Psychodrama and creative education in prison” has been highlighted to professionals and general public. The created website enhances the public perception on both custodial challenges and educational opportunities.

The vast majority of respondents of both institutions don’t know what kind of role could play psychodrama therapy in prevention of criminal subculture indications in penitentiaries. The majority of Lithuanian penitentiary are colony type institutions, where criminal subculture, traditions and hierarchy has a significant impact on the behavior of convicts. Newly arrived convicts participate in adaptation program in order to eliminate violence and negative peer pressure in penitentiaries. Therefore it should be considered the possibility to involve some methods of psychodrama therapy in adaptation program with the aim to secure psychosocial environment of pedagogical interaction.