Time: Thursday Q1
Called by / HL7 Electronic Services and Tools WG / Facilitator / David Burgess
Purpose / WGM / Note taker(s) / David Burgess
Attendees: / David Burgess, Mary Kay McDaniel, Ewout Kramer, David Hay, Reuben Daniels, Jeff Brown, Gaby Jewell, Dave Hamill, Ken McCaslin, Andy Stechishin
Agenda Topics
Review Agenda
Update on roll out of Work Group Meeting Scheduling App
Electronic Services / Tooling Merger
FHIR Registry Application
Conference Call Schedule
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
- Update on roll out of Work Group Meeting Scheduling App.
- At the time of the meeting, the first set of training had been completed. Over all feedback was that the Application was well received. An issue was found concerning the counting of attendees for joint meetings. (Hosting WGs did not capture WG affiliation, so some of them are accustomed to estimating head count for the entire joint session, were the WGM Scheduling App asks each WG to give a head count estimate.) The proposed solution, (for cases where this is common practice), is to have the hosting WG go ahead and estimate the entire head count, and put a note in the application indicating that they have accounted for all participates. The joining WGs, after seeing this note in the application, will then submit a head count from their WG as 1 attendee. (As 0, is not a valid entry.)
- Electronic Services / Tooling Merger
- Reported that the merger of Electronic Services and Tooling have successfully merged, and are now the Electronic Services and Tools WG.
- Overview of the new HL7 website design
- Dave Hamill brought up the newly designed HL7 website, and gave the group a preview of the site.
- FHIR Registry Application
- We reviewed the FHIR Registry Requirements, and determined the next step was to put together an RFP.
- We discussed the possibility of obtaining servers from Amazon, or other like entities that may provide free / low cost hosting. Recommendation was made to send a note to HL7 CETO, CTO, and TSC Chair to look into the possibility.
- It was decided that the RPF would be put together by the EST group with input from FMG, and Staff.
- David Burgess will take lead on putting the RFP project plan.
- Dave Hamill will provide a template RFP from a previous project.
- A list of target vendors will need to be gathered.
- Throughout the building of the RFP, we will work closely with FMG to insure we are accurately representing the needs of the project.
- The RFP will need to receive sign off from the EST WG, FMG, TSC, HL7 CEO, and CTO, before being released for vendor submissions.
- Suggested that RFP include a cutoff date for the submission of questions, and possibly a scheduled day for phone in Q&A, followed by the release of all questions and answers to the full vendor list.
- RFP should also be presented with scoring process that can be used to evaluate the responses to the RFP.
- Conference Call Schedule
- Do to the absence of most of the regular conference call attendees, it was decided to hold off a decision on the best time to schedule calls, until we had the opportunity to query a larger group of participants.
- Dave Hamill – Find older RFP for use in creating the new FHIR Registry RFP.
- David Burgess – Work with EST and FMG to Develop Project Plan to move forward with the FHIR RegisteryRFP.
- WG – Establish Conference Call Schedule
Proposed Agenda
Page 1 – Electronic Services Work Group Minutes – 17 February 2014