1. What common quality does both the French and Russian revolutions possess?

The radical phase of both revolts was promulgated by foreign invasion

  1. What common component did the Chinese and Mexican revolutions possess?

Land distribution

  1. Who are the more prominent prophet’s of the Quran?

Mohammad, Jesus, Ibraham, Moses, Noah

  1. Describe the basic characteristics of Impressionist painting and provide examples

Landscapes, emphasis on light; Monet and Cezanne

  1. What was the primary reason for the decline of the Han and Imperial Roman empires?

Corruption and invasion

  1. What were the primary causes of WWII in Europe?

Treaty of Versailles, economic conditions, appeasement, rearmament, lebensraum

  1. What is the primary characteristic of the Neolithic “revolution?”

Settled communities

  1. What are the characteristics of mercantilism?

Colonization; Import raw, export finished; government subsidization; mother country becomes self-sufficient

  1. What is the most significant political difference between Han China and classical India?

The Chinese recognized bureaucracy and meritocracy

  1. Why did the Chinese government stop their voyages of discovery in the early 15th century?

Internal dissension, Japanese pirates; construction of the Grand Canal

  1. Prior to the Voyages of Discovery, what regions of the world did the Middle East trade with?

Africa, South Asia, East Asia

  1. What 16th-century language was created as the result of two societies colliding?


  1. Judaism is based on a covenant between God and ______.

The people

  1. I will name the timeframe, you identify the manufacturing center of the world:

500 BCE --- Mediterranean

0--- Mediterranean

500 CE --- Nowhere

1000 --- China

1500 --- China

  1. What regions of the world had the greatest influence on southeast Asia in the year 1000?

India and China

  1. Trade brought which faith to Indonesia?

Islam and Hinduism

  1. What classical civilization helped dar al-Islam in its medical research?


  1. What does renaissance Italy and the Abbasid dynasty have in common?

In both cultures political fragmentation accompanied cultural creativity

  1. What east Asian culture was never conquered by the Mongols?


  1. Why was the Spanish able to defeat the Aztec Empire?

Dissension within the Aztec Empire

  1. What ethnic group dominated Anatolian politics in the 11th century?


  1. What are the Christians of Ethiopia called?


  1. Chinese respect for authority is called ______.

Filial Piety

  1. What were the Muslims of north Africa called?


  1. Who was the real power broker in Japan between 1600-1854?

The Shogun

  1. Why did Christianity not receive wide acceptance in China?

Evil spirits, hell

  1. What were the two most profitable products produced by slave labor in the New World?

Tobacco and sugar

  1. I will provide the encomienda characteristic and you provide the term

Pure-bred Spanish ---peninsulare

Spanish descent, born in colonies---creole

Spanish and native intermarriage---mestizo

European and African intermarriage---mulatto

Free blacks---Gens de Coleur

  1. What religion is centered on the elimination of desire and suffering?


  1. What do Francis Xavier and Ignatius Loyola have in common?

Jesuit missionaries

  1. What treaty was created to stop Portuguese and Spanish bickering in the New World?

The Treaties of Tordesillas

  1. Which group was the minority and which group was the majority in Mughal India?


  1. The political terms “left” and “right” were first used in which revolution?


  1. What common characteristic is possessed by the causes of both the Ottoman and Mughal empires?

Both were created by nomadic norseman

  1. What topic might social historians study?

Family, gender relations, demographic studies, religious development

  1. What region of the world discouraged interaction with foreign countries in the 17th and 18th centuries?

East Asia

  1. Besides the New World, identify three Spanish possessions in the 16th century.

Iberian possession, Spanish Netherlands, southern Italy

  1. What Asian products were supplied by New World silver to Europe between 1450-1750?

Silk, porcelain, spices

  1. What Christian group was condemned at Nicaea and believed that Christ had two personas


  1. When global slave trade declined in the 19th century, in which continent did it increase?


  1. What did 19th-century western liberals see as the role of women?

The mother of citizens; (Cult of Domesticity); purveyor of morality

  1. Who was the wealthiest person in the world in the 14th century?

Mansa Musa

  1. More than anything else, what was the key to European global dominance in the 19th century?

The Industrial Revolution

  1. Identify three “pax”s in history

RomanaMongolica Britannia

  1. Identify two regions where slavery was abolished in the 1860s.

Russia and United States

  1. I will identify the century, you identify the country that dominated the Atlantic during that time:






  1. What was the most dynamic ism of the 19th century?


  1. Controlled nationalist forces (also called the Kuomintang) in China in the first half of the 20th century:

Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi),

  1. Who promoted industrialism in late 19th-century Japan?

Meiji reformers

  1. What is the term for the expulsion of Moors from Spain between 1000-1492?

The Reconquista

  1. The last colony in the mainland of the New World to become independent was ______.


  1. Who was the Egyptian president that nationalized the Suez Canal and favored Pan-Arabism?

Gamal Nasser

  1. Why did East Asian economies become powerhouses in the 1980s and 1990s?

Producing quality products for export

  1. What is the primary difference between Chinese and Japanese emperors?

The Japanese emperors were primarily figureheads

  1. What sub-Saharan nation has the greatest percentage of its population with European ancestry?

South Africa

  1. What gathering of European nations justified the imperialistic carving of Africa?

The Berlin Conference

  1. Besides India, what countries were created by the British independence of that region?


  1. The precursors of the Aztecs between the 8-12 centuries was

The Toltecs

  1. What discouraged mechanization in imperial Rome?


  1. What enabled sailors to sail into the wind?

The lateen sail

  1. What was England’s biggest import in the 19th century?


  1. What caused the Bantu diaspora?

Knowledge of agriculture and iron

  1. Why did Russia enter the Russo-Japanese War?

To get Manchuria

  1. What Chinese ism demands unquestioned loyalty to superiors?


  1. What two religions allow for female monasticism?

Buddhism and Christianity

  1. Where was the only successful slave insurrection in history?


  1. Which Chinese dynasty developed the examination system?


  1. What did the cultures of Africa contribute to the cultures of the Americas?

Folklorereligionmusic crops

  1. What classical Greek philosopher advocated “may the force be with you?”


  1. I will name the cultural practice that inhibited women, you identify the region or country:


White Face PaintJapan

Corsetswestern Europe

  1. Which region of the world experienced the most dramatic decline in urbanization at the end of the foundations era?

Western Europe

  1. What aided 19th century European expansion into Asia and Africa?

Military technologymedical improvements steamship

Industrial revolution

  1. What similarities exist between Aztecs and Incans?

Regional tradehuman sacrifice military conquest

  1. Why was Japan more successful than China in resisting imperialist encroachment?

--absence of natural resources--reform orientation of Japan

--island--aggressive foreign policy of Japan

  1. What similarities do you see in the Social Contract Theory and the Mandate of Heaven?

They both justified revolution

  1. Who dominated the Mediterranean Sea in the 16th century?

Italy and the Ottoman Empire

  1. What 12 century- empire extended from Korea to eastern Europe?


  1. Pol Pot is identified with what Asian revolution?

Khmer Rouge

  1. How far west did Zheng He get?

East Africa

  1. What common characteristics did both Russia and Japan possess on the eve of WWI?

Rapid industrialization

  1. How did Spain govern its New World properties?

Through appointed viceroys

  1. What common characteristics were possessed by European colonizers in the New World and Southeast Asia?

Both used forced labor

  1. What product did both Asia and Africa want from Europe in the 19th century?


  1. What improved European life expectancy between 1450-1750?

New World food

  1. What was the common characteristic between the Ottoman and the Austro-Hungarian empires

Their multi-ethnicities

  1. What is the basic ideological difference between Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin?

Lenin believed a communist revolution needed professional leadership

  1. What similarities existed between Gandhi and Mao?

Both sought the support of the peasantry

  1. What distinguished European presence in Africa prior to 1870?

Limited to coastal regions

  1. Historically, what has been the relationship between communism and gender equality?

Communism has encouraged it

  1. What three commodities characterized the Second Industrial Revolution in the last half of the 19th century?

Steel, electricity, chemicals

  1. What were the two largest cities in North America in 1491?

Teotihuacan and Cahokia

  1. What common goal was shared by the American Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

The protection of private property

  1. What late 19th-century characteristic of imperialism was shared between Asia and Africa?

Competition between European powers

  1. What did the Kamikaze (Divine Wind) and the Protestant Wind have in common?

They both frustrated the enemy invader of an island nation

  1. What three characteristics drove discrimination in Latin America in the 19th century?

Skin colorformer slave status ethnicity

  1. I will name the founder, you name the faith:

Ahura MazdaZoroastrianism


Siddhartha GautamaBuddhism


Kung Fu-tzuConfucianism



  1. What are the two primary reasons for the rise in population during the 20th century?

The Green Revolution and improvements in public health

  1. What is being described in this quote”

“And what, oh priests, is the noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of misery? It is . . . right belief, right resolve, right speech, right behavior, right occupation, right effort, right contemplation, right concentration.”


  1. What common characteristic is present in the lives of many leaders of mid-to-late 20th century African decolonization?

They spent time in prison

  1. What common characteristic is shared by the Haitian and American revolutions?

They both granted equality to their citizens

  1. Who determined current political boundaries in Africa and the Middle East?

European powers

  1. What product linked Great Britain, India, and China in the 19th century?


  1. What nation experienced the greatest war-related deaths in WWII?

The Soviet Union

  1. What do Ho Chi Minh, Jomo Kenyatta, and Kwame Nkrumah have in common?

They all opposed colonial rule

  1. What economic priorities did India and China make in the decade after WWII?

Industrial development

  1. What major difference existed between British, American, and Japanese industrialization?

Japanese industrialism was sponsored by the state

  1. What has been happening to worldwide family size since the end of WWII?

It has been decreasing

  1. Cite 5 epidemics in the last 500 years

Epidemics in 16th-century MesoAmerica

The Cholera epidemic

Influenza, 1918

Spread of syphilis

Spread of AIDS

  1. Which countries in north Africa retained a Christian presence following the spread of Islam?

Egypt and Ethiopia (Coptic)

  1. What common quality existed in labor relations in Russia and the U.S. in the 1860s?

They both eliminated slavery in that decade

  1. What common characteristic did both Asian and European philosophies possess in the pre-modern world?

They were rooted in religion

  1. What common characteristics exists in the decline of both the Roman and Abbasid empires?

There was a growing reliance on mercenary armies

  1. What commonality exists in the formation of the Muscovite Russians and the Ottoman Turks?

The decline of the Ottoman Empire

  1. Why is population increase omnipresent in modern agricultural societies?

Children are seen as an important source of labor

  1. What commonalities exist in the spread of Christianity and Buddhism?
  • They developed out of other faiths
  • They were aided in spread by trade networks
  • Developed monastic orders
  • Venerated high spiritual merit
  1. What European nation experienced rapid economic growth during WWII?

The Soviet Union

  1. What similarities exist between the Aztec and Incan civilizations?

Both had innovative agricultural techniques

  1. When did most African colonies become independent?

After WWII

  1. Who said this? “I contend we are the first race of the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. I contend that every acre added to our territory means the birth of more of us who otherwise would not be brought into existence.”

A)A French revolutionary in 1792

B)A Russian Marxist in 1917

C)A British imperialist in the 1880s

D)A Chinese communist in 1949

E)An American patriot in 1776

  1. What common goal was shared by early 20th-century revolutionaries in China and Mexico?

Land reform

  1. What connection exists between Machiavelli and Arthasastra?

Both defined the relationship between the ruler and the ruled (Arthasastra was an early Indian political philosopher)

  1. Which of the following American crops toured the world the fastest during the Columbian Exchange?


  1. What is extraterritoriality?

Foreign exemption from local laws

  1. Who was the earliest Egyptian ruler, credited with uniting the Upper and Lower kingdoms?


  1. What story, written 4000 years ago, describes a king’s quest to achieve immortality

The Epic of Gilgamesh

  1. Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han

Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han

Sui, Tang, Song

Sui, Tang, Song

Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic

Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic


  1. What East Asian kingdom never became a part of the Mongol Empire?


  1. What crop was the staple of the poor in 17th-19th century Europe?


  1. What common trait was shared by Renaissance Italy and the Abbasid Empire?

Both combined political fragmentation with cultural creativity

  1. What were the most important contributions of Napoleon?
  • Napoleonic Code
  • Spreading nationalism
  • Confederation of the Rhine
  • Concordat of 1801
  • Created model school system
  1. What two religions travelled to Indonesia (Spice Islands) via trade?

Hinduism and Islam

  1. Who denounced Josef Stalin as a “cult of personality”

Nikita Khrushchev

  1. What was the Japanese equivalent of the French medieval knight?

The Samurai

  1. Where was the greatest manufacturing region in the world between 1000-1450


  1. How did the European Industrial Revolution impact the rest of the world?
  • Search for raw materials
  • Search for hinterland
  • Tourism
  • European rivalry
  1. In what region of the world do the greatest number of

Muslims live---South and Southeast Asia

Christians live---Western Hemisphere and Europe

Hindus live---South Asia

  1. How are Mao and Gandhi similar?

Both sought the support of the peasants

  1. What is the major difference between Viking and Arab expansion?

Vikings attacked rural communities while Arabs attacked urban communities

  1. What additional country was created out of Indian independence in 1948?


  1. Which of the following is out of place in time?

ConfuciusLaozi Mohammad Siddhartha Gautama Socrates

  1. What was the last country in the New World to abolish slavery?


  1. What belief is described by the following characteristics:

Loyalty to ruler

Filial obedience to father

Respect for elders

Chastity for wives


  1. What was the papal decree that separated the Portuguese possessions from the Spanish possessions in the New World?

The Treaty of Tordesillas

  1. What did the Han and Roman empires have in common?

Centralized governments

  1. Where was the early Soviet Union’s NEP more successful?


  1. Where was Stalin’s Five Year plans more successful?


  1. Who is associated with the invention of moveable type?


  1. What were the effects of the Russo-Japanese War?
  • Growing confidence in Japan
  • Growing distrust of Japan with the western world
  • Russia lost Sakhalin and Kurile islands and Port Arthur
  • Humiliation for Russia and creation of Duma
  1. Who backed the Egyptian takeover of the Suez Canal in the mid-1950s, forcing France and Britain to back down?

Soviet Union (U.S. remained mum)

  1. How did goods typically travel in the Atlantic triangular trade?

European Guns to Africa, slaves to New World, raw products to Europe

  1. What similarity existsbetween Cheng He and Vasco da Gama?

Both made it to east Africa

  1. Who were the Gang of Four?

Survivors of Mao’s regime, led by his wife

  1. What Constantinople (Istanbul) cathedral was converted to a mosque?

Hagia Sophia

  1. What did quinine and steam enable?

The Scramble for Africa

  1. Who said “L’etatcestMoi?”

Louis XIV (“I am the state”)

  1. What connection exists between nirvana and Moksha?

Buddhist (nirvana) and Hindu beliefs in the liberation from suffering

  1. I will name the religious edifice, you identify the religion:

Hagia Sophia---Christian

Angkor Wat---Hindu



  1. I will name the religious document, you tell me the religion:


