Sheffield Music Service
Additional Information for Candidates for Music Development Teacher
November 2008
Sheffield Music Service is seeking to improve the pathways that will ensure children in all parts of the City can access quality music education experiences. We are looking forward to adding new members to the teaching team who will work with schools, communities and music teachers to lead activities including workshops, instrumental lessons (including Wider Opportunities classes), events and after-school ensembles. The main role of the new posts will be to teach high quality music lessons which help to development opportunities for young people in challenging circumstances. Applications are invited from teachers across all instruments and musical styles including singing, contemporary and world music as well as classical music. It is envisaged that most Music Development posts will be part time, but full-time posts will be considered where this would best meet service needs. The number of posts and whether they are full or part time will be determined by agreement with the teacher after interview.
The new post is an exciting opportunity to have:
- the chance to help shape the development of music education within the new hub
- the support and challenge of working with the Sheffield Music Service Team
- the experience of working with school, community and music professionals committed to child-centred learning.
Sheffield Music Service is part of Sheffield City Council’s Children and Young People’s Directorate and the Learning and Achievement Service Extended Learning Team (XLT). The aims of the Learning and Achievement Service:
- To raise standards of achievement.
- To transform learning and make it fit for the 21st Century
- To improve the quality of teaching
- To improve leadership of our schools
Summary of Music Service Aims and Provision:
Sheffield Music Service works with schools and other partners to bring high quality musical experiences to every child’s personalised learning. The Music Service provides:
- Subsidised instrumental lessons which take place in schools.
- Music groups which any child who is learning an instrument can join including bands, orchestras and guitar group.
- Affordable instrument hire.
- Large scale wider opportunities provision (whole class instrumental teaching)
- Residential courses and tours.
- Professional development for teachers in schools and community musicians.
- Live performances and workshops for young people.
- Links with partners including SheffieldMusicSchool and SheffieldAcademy (Saturday music schools), Musical Works (world music agency) and the Sheffield Cathedral Singing Project.
Current Staffing Structure (November 2008):
Music Development Coordinator and Music Development Teachers are new posts and will be managed by the Assistant Music Service Manager (Access and Opportunities)
All Music Development Teaching Posts will be fixed term to March 31 2011, although the possibility of an extension of contracts will be considered if funding is renewed. The Pay and Conditions for Music Service Teachers are currently School Teachers Pay and Conditions. The Music Service Pay Policy is under review.
Music Hubs - The Plan
- To establish a Sheffield Music Hub (or two smaller Hubs) based around a Secondary School and its community including schools and nurseries.
- To target areas of the City where music provision/engagement is relatively low.
- To invite schools to bid to become a Hub and to base the choice upon a successful track record of support for music and outreach.
- To put teaching provision into curriculum time, working alongside existing class teachers and community workers with an emphasis on Foundation/Key Stage One and Key Stage Three.
- To use Key Stage Two Wider Opportunities Funding to support the Hub development for children in KS2.
- To work with families and the wider community to raise awareness of the benefits of music activity through a range of projects including family music evenings in schools.
- To engage with SEAL programmes (Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning) in schools to connect musical learning with Social and Emotional Development.
- To ensure the project is run with existing school management, teachers and community workers to establish sustainability.
- To facilitate appropriate financial/in-kind contributions from stakeholders to work toward long-term sustainability.
- To engage an external consultant (ie Associate Headteacher) to evaluate the project on an on-going basis including teaching quality and views of children, schools and families.
- To provide a range of appropriate after-school and holiday music activities.
- To offer pathways into the music profession for young people including a young leaders programme and Arts Awards.
- To run this project as a pilot for additional schools to form ‘Musical Hubs’ in future.
Sheffield Music Service is committed to the Every Child Matters Agenda and the Music Manifesto. It is a member of the Federation of Music Services whose aim is to make ‘Every Child’s Music Matter’.
Do not hesitate to contact Ian Naylor (Assistant Music Service Manager – Access and Opportunities) on the number below for further information.
Sheffield Music Service
Bannerdale Centre
125 Carterknowle Road
Sheffield S7 2EX
Tel 0114 250 6860