The next Baptism will be held during the 11:00 am service on Sunday, November 19th. If you or someone in your family would like to be baptized, please contact one of the clergy.

Love Thy Neighbor
We are partnering with local Daughters of the King non-profit organization to provide 100+ meals for Seniors, Disabled, and Homeless in our community each Wednesday from now until November 15th. For more info. or if you want to jump in and help, contact Mishelle Phillips (r615-403-0703, call or text is fine)

St Paul’s Food Pantry

Did you know that St Paul’s has a food pantry for anyone who requires help to get them through the day or days ahead? We thank you for your continued support. The foot traffic continues to be steady so your help is appreciated.The list of items that we stock is endless. So instead of publishing a list of all the items, it might be prudent to ask for the items that are low. The pantry is low on peanut butter and jelly, 1 lb. bags of rice, and small and large boxed or canned juices. For the household bags we are in need of laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid. When the buy-one-get-one-free store ads are posted, place the second one in your shopping cart for the Church pantry. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please call, text or email Fred or Rita Warner at or 615-886-0743.


We are looking for Youth that would be interested in becoming a readerduring our Sunday morning services. Contact Carl if you or someone you know might be interested.

Tonightis ourPumpkin Carving EYG– dinner provided – bring a friend and pumpkin! There will also beSunday Schoolthis morning at 10am over in Barnabas – breakfast snacks provided.

More info in the email or from Carl. If you are interested in getting on our weeklyYouth News, helping out, or if you have fun ideas to share, let Carl know! We're all in this together!

All Saints Sunday Concert - November 5, 2017 - 4:00 p.m.

Please join us for an afternoon concert featuring theMass in G minorby English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams. This stunning choral work features double choir and soloists. There will be an opportunity for names to be read of those who have passed. We will include all names that have been listed in newsletters since last year, but if you would like to add a name(s), please email Donna Stokes-Rogers , and they will be added to the readings.
There will also be a Memorial Flower Cross, where you are invited to bring flowers and add them to the cross, much as we do at Easter.Last, if you would like to make a music memorial donation, please let Donna know. You can send the wording for your memorial to Donna at the email listed above.


To the St Paul’s Community:

St. Paul’s Vestry is composed of 12 parishioners who are members in good standing in regard to both regular attendance and regular pledging. Their term of service is three years. At the end of 2017, four current Vestry members will end their time of service, and new members will need to be elected.

The Vestry meets monthly as a group, but individually, Vestry members are active at St. Paul’s in various ways. While the Rector manages the daily operations of the Parish, the Vestry sets the annual budget and oversees the use of the Parish’s finances. The Vestry also works closely with our clergy and staff to improve the overall operations of our Church.

Over the next month, I will be accepting nominations for the four Vestry positions that will need to be filled. Please contact me if you would like to nominate either yourself or a fellow parishioner. During the months of November and December, the current Vestry will review the nominations and ultimately present four nominees to the Parish for approval at the Annual Parish Meeting in January. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at the Annual Parish Meeting.

The goal of the Vestry in reviewing the nominations will be to ensure that our Vestry accurately represents the diversity of our Parish, and that the Vestry contains members with varying interests and strengths. No experience is required, only a desire to share your time and talents. I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Jay Fahey, Sr. Warden
or (615)-521-0559

It’s in the bag!

The Women of St. Paul’s need your swag. Every year we put together fabulous goody bags for our annual retreat at Monteagle. This year we’re asking retreat goers (and if you haven’t been to the retreat yet, come on) to contribute something small to our bags for 110 women. It can be something you make (sachets, refrigerator magnets, bookmarks and the like) or store-bought (individual tissue packs, snack crackers, travel-sized lotions and toothpaste).

Use your imagination and creativity. Keep in mind that we will need 110 of the items you might donate. If you can contribute, please contact Katie Faulkner at and let her know what swag you plan to add to the bags. We’ll see you On The Mountain!

November 1 is All Saints day!

At our noonday service on Wednesday, November 1, we will have a special service of healing and remembrance and music. ALL ARE WELCOME! The service begins at 12:05PM.

If you knit or crochet,
Sorta knit or crochet
Wanna knit or crochet,
Please gather together in Founders Hall
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Drop in as you can)
Bring yarn and needles if you wish (not necessary)
More information: Jane Muir
615-566-8465 call or text

Name Tags

If you haven’t put on your name tag today – please consider it!
A habit of name tag wearing is good for our fellow parishioners and for future staff looking to learn everyone’s name.

There is a sheet in the back for those missing or lost name tags.

TODAY – October 22, 2017

7:30 am:Holy Eucharist

830 am – 12:15 pm: Nursery Available

8:45am:Holy Eucharist/Children’s Chapel

10:00 am – Christian Education

11:00 am: Holy Eucharist

5:00 pm - Youth

6:00 pm:Holy Eucharist


Adult Christian Education
You Have Heard the Scripture and the Sermon---
"Now, how do I live the Words?"EFM Room
Join us in discerning the message God has for you and experience practical ways you can make that message a part of your daily life.

What in the World is the Preacher Talking About?
A Lectionary Based Bible Study - Otey Hall.
Our class will focus on the lectionary assigned for Sunday and attempt to get a better understanding of each reading, a sense of why they were placed side by side, and what they mean for us today.

New Church Record Keeping and Database – REALM

St. Paul’s is moving to a new kind of church record keeping solution called REALM. REALM is a 100% web-based solution that is easy to use with a fresh and intuitive interface. It primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way you – our members – are involved in the church. Not only will this improve work life for our staff, it will make it easier for our parish family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on and grow as a connected community.