

„The quality systems and best practices in the fishing industry”.

Messe Berlin Exhibition Center ( Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin- Germany)

Hall nr7.3 room „BERLIN“

17 – 18 January 2014 r.

The Conference is organized by the Organization of the Sturgeon Fish Producers under the patronage of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland.

Day 1 (Thursday16.01.2014)

14.00 - 18.00 Accommodation in Berlin Mark Hotel

Berlin Mark Hotel

Meinekestrasse 18-19,

10719 Berlin, tel.:+49-30-880 02 0

19.00 – 20.00 Dinner at the hotel and split of the participants into thematic groups for the

next day (I group sturgeon + II group aquaculture and inland fisheries +
IIIgroup HELCOM + IV group Administration)

Day 2 (Friday17.01.2014)

06.30 Breakfast at the hotel;

08.30 Transfer from the hotel to the conference venue in the fair Grüne Woche (gate nr 7);

09.00 Entrance to the conference (clothing should be leftin the cloakroom on the ground

floorafterthe presentation of the invitation to the conference - for free)and

registration(hall nr 7.2 “Berlin”- second floor);

10.00 The opening of theConference – dr Kazimierz Plocke- Secretary of State in the

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland and Robert Kloos -

Secretary of State in theMinistry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of


The Moderator of the Conference-dr inż. Zbigniew Karnicki

10.30 -10.50 prof. dr hab. Ryszard Kolman – The current situation ofsturgeon restitution in

the Baltic Sea;

10.50 – 11.10 dr Jörn Gessner (Germany) –Intersection between commercial fishing and the

species protection;

11.10 – 11.40 Marcin Ruciński –European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014-2020;

11.40 – 12.00 Questions and answers;

12.00 – 12.30 Coffee break;

12.30 – 12.55 dr Cornel Ceapa (Canada) – The strategy of product development and the

diversity of sturgeon farming;

12.55 – 13.10prof. dr hab. Tomasz Linkowski - The main problems of the Polish Baltic Sea

fisherywith emphasis on fishing issues, market and the quality of the cod;

13.10 – 13.25 Jerzy Safader –Fish processing - food safety systemsand related problems;

13.25 – 13.40 Monika Kołodziejczyk –Traceability of fish and fish products;

13.40 – 13.55 Dionizy Ziemiecki – Fishermen, anglers and Cormorant and the status of

marine tourism in Poland;

13.55 – 14.10 Krzysztof Karoń – Predatorson aquaculture facilities;

14.10 – 14.25Mirosław Kamiński – Friendly Odra River (The need to harmonize thefishing

exploitation and environmental protection in the Odra River - legal and

professional framework for the joint management of the fishery 20 years after

the founding of the MKSO);

14.25 – 14.40 Michał Korolko – Good productionand fishing practiceson the example of the

Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship;

14.40 – 14.55 Andrzej Marczyński – „Aquamar” – „reclamation of lakes by

probiotechnological method”,

14.55 – 15.25Questions and answers;

15.25 The end of the first day of the conference;

15.25 – 16.00 Dinner (after dinner the possibility of transition to the Grüne WocheFair -

Organization of the Sturgeon Fish Producers stand hall nr 11.2);

19.30 Transfer participants from the fairto the hotel (gate nr 7);

20.30 – 21.30 Dinner at the hotel.

III group- HELCOM and IV group – Administration at 12:30 return by bus to the hotel, where from 1:00 to 6:00 pmthey have thematic blocks – workshop. Each group separately, coffee break service and lunch.

III group – HELCOM- The development of sustainable fisheries HELCOM PG – „Quality systems and good practices in the fishing industry”.

IV group – Administration- members of the European Union „Quality systems and good practices in the fishing industry”. The further development of production and products of sturgeon.Meeting of the European countries - inland fisheries.

Day 3 (Saturday18.01.2014)

06.00-09.00 Breakfast at the hotel;

I GROUP - sturgeon

Leader: dr Cornel Ceapa

09.00 Worldsturgeon aquaculture and the threat of the planned US ESA listing of 15

sturgeon species.

LIT, LAT, PL, D, RUS everybody 5-10 min – national reports on new

technology resources,

Język oryginału: angielski


10:30 – 11.00Talk about where sturgeon aquaculturegoes.

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee service in the restaurant.

II GROUP aquaculture and inland fisheries

Leader: prof. dr Mirosław Szczepkowski

11.30 – 12:00 Monika Kołodziejczyk - Traceability of fish products – requirements of the

European Union.

12.00 – 13.00 Discussion.

13.00 – 13.30 Coffee service in the restaurant.

III group – HELCOM

9.30 – 18.00 The development of sustainable fisheries HELCOM PG – „Quality systems and

good practices in the fishing industry”.

Conference memberswho don’t participate in the above workshopat the hotel - Visiting the stands of Poland, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Russia and other countrieswith the presentation of sturgeon and other products such as caviar.

For all workshop groups:

13:30 -14:15 Lunchat the hotel;

14.15 Substitution of a coach and a trip to the fair;

14:30-19:15 Visiting the stands of Poland, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Russiaand other countries

with the presentation sturgeon and other products such as caviar.

19:15 Meeting and departure to the hotel;

20.00 – 21.00 Dinner at the hotel.

Day 4 (Sunday19.01.2014)

7.30 – 8.30 Breakfast;

Check-out and departure after breakfast.

Additional information about the Conference:

- „Organization of the Sturgeon Fish Producers”– hall 11.2(on 17 and 18.01.2014,
additionally at 5:00 p.m. cooking show)

- Contact numbers during the conference:

- the main organizer: Aleksandra Dmytrasz + 48668103 272

- Organization of the Sturgeon Fish Producers:

Iwona Steinke (German) + 48602389 008

Anita Zapart (English) +48668411 062

- Representative in Berlin, Klara Piwnicka-Hensche +49177 55 80942
(available from 16th January 2014 from 2:00 p.m.)

Applications should be sent by e-mail: ;

The application should contain:

- Name and surname

- contact number

- Passport or ID number (the document that applicant will be travelling with)

In case of cancellation of participation in the Conference up to 7 days before the start, participant agrees to cover the costs of participation (including: the cost of accommodation, meals,tickets).

For more information please contact the office by e-mail: ; or
by telephone tel./fax. +48 56622 36 32 (in Polish, German and English); address: 87-100 Toruń, Słowackiego 80 Street, Poland.