The Purpose of Healthier Leaders Serving Healthier Communities is to provide space and resources for congregational teams and rostered ministers to grow and strengthen the overall vitality of their ministries.

The Vision of Healthier Leaders Serving Healthier Communities is that every congregation and every rostered minister will be whole and healthy witness of the good news Jesus Christ in their daily lives and congregational ministry.

The Process of Healthier Leaders Serving Healthier Communities invites a congregational team of six (5 lay leaders and 1 rostered minister) to attend 4 retreats over the course of 12 months.

Retreat 1 April 6,7, 8 2018 2 nights, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Retreat 2 October 6, 7 2018 1 night, 2 days Saturday am- Sunday afternoon

Retreat 3 January 18, 19 2019 Friday night and all-day Saturday

Retreat 4 April 2019 All day Saturday TBD

During each retreat we …

  • Address the characteristics of vital congregations and provide resources to improve vitality.

(Each congregation will take the Congregational Vitality Survey to identity ministry strengths and growth areas.)

  • Introduce and provide time to practice new ways of praying and worship experiences
  • Teach and provide resources about healthy leadership skills
  • Learn how to learn, learning to lead in this time of adaptive change
  • Provide time and space for teams to meet with a coach during the retreat. (After each retreat team will continue to meet with coach to work on goals set by the team.)
  • Clarify the expectations and roles of lay, rostered leaders in vital congregational ministry

Vital Congregations Retreat 1 April 6, 7, 8,2018

Connect with God

Have a clear sense of mission

Focus on doing God’s work

Willing to change and try new things to live into God’s mission

Deepens faith in God, helps adults and children grow in faith

Worship is joyful, filled with prayer and a sense of God’s presence

Vital Congregations Retreat 2 October 6,7, 2018

Connect with each other

Welcome visitors, accept newcomers, incorporate new people in the life of the congregation

Caring and supportive of members in times of need

Uses the gifts of all

Involves all ages in decision making

Manages disagreements in a healthy manner

Close knit and buildings healthy relationships

Vital Congregations Retreat 3 January 18,19, 2019

Connects with the world

Helps people live out faith in daily life

Is a positive force in the community

Equips people to share their faith

Advocates for social justice

Partners with other congregations

Serves those in need

Vital Congregations Retreat 4 April 2019 TBD

Connect with other vital congregations

Celebrating successes and sharing failures

Best practices, collecting ideas,

Reflect on the learning, learn from each other


Make plans for next steps

Your Healthier Leaders Serving Healthier Communities TEAM: This is a wellness model. We accompany you on your journey toward becoming healthier! We provide resources, space to practice new skills, and a coach to guide you as you set new goals for yourself and your congregation. We don’t have a prescription, magic wand or a silver bullet. There are no easy answers in church leadership today, but we are hopeful and committed to walking this journey with you.

  • Barbara Solsaa-Clergy Life Coaching
  • Tammy Devine, Portico
  • Richard Bruesehoff, Spiritual Director, Portico-retired
  • Greg Kaufmann, Assistant to the Bishop NWSWI
  • Laurie Skow-Anderson, DEM, Assistant to the Bishop NWSWI

The cost of each retreat is $200 per congregation due at the time of the retreat. (The actual cost of each retreat is around $100 per person. The balance is covered by the ELCA Renewal Grant.)