JANUARY 5, 2015
The Lyon County Fiscal Court met in special called session on Monday January 5, 2015 with the following members present: Judge Wade White, Magistrates Bobby Cummins, Danny Walker, and Steve Cruce and County Attorney Lee Wilson.
Brother Jerrell White gave the invocation and the court led the pledge to the flag.
On motion made by Judge White and seconded by Mag. Cummins the court approved the county employees as listed. The vote was Mag. Cummins and Walker and Judge White voting yes and Mag. Cruce voting no.
On motion made by Judge White and seconded by Mag. Cruce the court approved of employee Denise Sutton as Treasurer. The vote was unanimous.
On motion made by Mag. Cummins and seconded by Mag. Walker the court approved the county bonds for the following:
Judge/Executive $100,000
Jailer $ 10,000
Clerk $100,000
Sheriff $ 10,000
Coroner $ 10,000
County Revenue Bond $870,000
Constable $ 10,000
Deputy Coroner $ 10,000
The vote was unanimous.
Lyon County Fiscal Court
Special Called
January 5, 2015
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On motion made by Judge White and seconded by Mag. Walker the court appoints Donnie Robertson to the Lyon County Water District Board with term expiring 12-31-2018. The vote was Judge White and Mag. Walker and Cummins voting yes and Mag. Cruce voting no.
On motion made by Judge White and seconded by Mag. Cruce the court appoints Charles Murphy to the Lyon County Water District Board with term expiring 12-31-18. The vote was unanimous.
On motion made by Judge White and seconded by Mag. Cummins the court appoints Russell Johnson to the Ambulance Board replacing Michael Wiggins. The term will expire 1-1-2016. The vote was Judge White and Mag. Cummins and Walker voting yes and Mag. Cruce voting no.
On motion made by Judge White and seconded by Mag. Cummins the court appoints Harvey Foss to the Ambulance Board replacing Bobby Cummins. The term will expire 1-1-2017. The vote was unanimous.
On motion made by Judge White and seconded by Mag. Cruce the court appoints Carrie Barnett to the Extension Service Board. The vote was unanimous.
On motion made by Judge White and seconded by Mag. Cruce the court appoints Mariesa Driver to the Extension Service Board. Both appointments made replace Anne Webber and Paul Akridge on the board. The vote was unanimous.
On motion made by Mag. Cruce and seconded by Mag. Cummins the meeting was adjourned. The vote was unanimous.
Wade White, Judge/Executive