1. The math professor noticed that one of his pupils was day- dreaming and not following the work on the blackboard. To get his attention he said sharpley;
"Brown, Brown, board!"
the pupil looked up startled and replied;
" Yes sir, VERY!"
2. First Freshman in math exam-
"How far are you from the correct answer?"
Second freshman in math exam-
"Two seats."
3. "I am delighted to meet you," said the father of a college student, shaking hands with the professor. "My son took algebra from you last year, you know."
"Pardon me," said the professor, "he was exposed to it, but he did
but he did not take it".
4. Math teacher- "Now we find that X is equal to zero."
Student- "Gee, all that work for nothing".
5. Capt.- "What are you scratching your head for, Pvt. Honeywell?"
Draftee- "Guess I got "ritametic" bugs".
Capt. "What are arithmetic bugs?"
Draftee- "Cooties".
Capt. "Why do you call them arithmetic bugs?"
Draftee- "Because they add to mah misery,divide mahattention,and multiply like the dickens".
6. Betsy: "If you have $2, and you ask your father for $4, how many will you have?"
Billy: "Two dollars."
Betsy: "You don't know your math."
Billy: "You don't know my father."
7. An engineer, a mathematician and a physicist were standing around the university flagpole when an English professor wandered by. "What are you doing he
"We need to know the height of the flagpole," answered one, 'and we're discussing the formula we might use to calculate it."
"Watch!" said the English professor. He pulled the pole from its fitting, laid it on the grass, borrowed a tape measure and said "Exactly 24 feet." Then he replaced the pole and walked away.
"English professor!" sneered the mathematician. "We ask him for the height and he gives us the length."
8. Although we live on a farm, my three daughters and I enjoy visiting the local zoo's petting area. However draw the line at giving them quarters to buy food for the goats. "You have goats at home you can feed for free anytime you want," I told them on the last trip. "Now each of you wants a quarter so you can feed these animals? how much sense does that make?"
"Seventy-five" my youngest daughter replied.