Behavioral Health Integration Stakeholder Workgroup
August 15, 2014
Action Plan Chart
Topics – Completed
Item / Action / Responsible Parties / StatusSecretary/Director Inconsistency / Will provide authority to the Secretary where applicable; specific duties (i.e. hiring staff, etc.) will remain with the Executive Director / DHMH-AAG / Completed (refer to handout)
PBHS Definition / Do we need a Public Behavioral Health System definition? / None / Determined not to be necessary in statute
Somatic Health / Can we include reference that the Director of BHA collaborate; reference may fit in Health General 7.5–204 / DHMH-BHA / Completed (refer to handout)
Recovery Housing / Can we re-title the definition of recovery housing to supportive housing? / None /
- The term “Recovery Housing” will be changed to “Recovery Residences”
- New definition completed (refer to handout)
Accepting Gifts / Review 8-206 and determine whether BHA should be able to accept gifts / DHMH / BHA does not plan to repeal
Fair Housing / A subcommittee (Patient Rights and Fair Housing) will review and make recommendations / Subcommittee / All housing language not in compliance with the Fair Housing Act will be repealed
Deaf Services / 10-908 through 10-913 reference a program and advisory council that no longer exists for individuals who are hearing impaired / None / 10-908 through 10-913 will be repealed
References to Deputy Secretary / As of October 1, 2014, there will be a new title for the Deputy Secretary of Behavioral Health and Disabilities / DHMH-Deputy Secretary’s Office / Health-General 5-804 (a) (8) and 7.5-203 (a) (2) will be changed by the publisher of the Annotated Code of Maryland with DLS approval
Topics for Discussion
Item / Action / Responsible Parties / StatusCSA and LAA / Refer to local entities as Local Behavioral Health Authorities and define LBHAs to include CSAs, LAAs and integrated entities) / DHMH-AAG
- New definition completed for LBHA and LAA (refer to handout)
- BHA is reviewing statute to identify where the CSAs are present and determine if LAAs should be added
- BHA is reviewing statute to identify where CSA and LAA can be replaced with LBHA (refer to handout)
Patient Rights / A subcommittee (Patient Rights and Fair Housing) will review and make recommendations. / Subcommittee /
- Include “entities licensed to provide health services” under 8-703, expanding right from discrimination by hospitals to other service providers
- Current list of rights for individuals in hospitals under 10-701 will remain
- Workgroup will discuss including patient rights for community and non-licensed programs
Definitions Regarding DSM5 (including Addictive Disorders) / Need to update statute to reflect changes in DSM5
Should Addictive Disorders be included with Mental Health and Substance Use? / DHMH-BHA
Yngvild Olsen (MATOD)
Lori Rugle /
- Title 8 language by NCADD will be included in draft
- MATOD will review Title 8 and make recommendations based on DSM5
- The Center for Excellence on Problem Gambling will work with MATOD to include Addictive Disorders in Title 8 where appropriate
Peer Services / Include peer services to the exempt services list that do not require licensure; Define peer services to include adult, family and youth peer services. / DHMH-BHA / Two definitions of peer services (refer to draft) under 7.5 will be drafted to include:
- Peer services family and youth
- Family support services
Definition of Facilities / Does the definition of “facilities” need to be redefined? (specifically to not include “clinic”) / For Workgroup Discussion /
- Redefine “facility” to include only hospitals (10-101 (e))
- Workgroup will discuss whether to include a definition for “outpatient program”
Licensure and Regulations / References to adopting regulations in Titles 7.5, 8 and 10 / DHMH-AAG / Will delete references to licensure and regulations in Title 8 and 10 and replace in 7.5
Salaries / Salaries for employees of community MH programs may not be less than salaries of State employees of a comparable grade and step at State facilities (Health – General 10-905) / For Workgroup Discussion
Large Group Homes / Does BHA want to continue to approve large group homes in future? If so, should SUD group homes be re-categorized into small and large? / For Workgroup Discussion