The document below has been compiled by Trinity College Carmarthen, as an example of how the Provincial Syllabus can be interpreted in the Foundation Phase encompassing the Desirable Outcomes using the ‘shower’ method of planning.
KM 2007.
The proposed implementation of The Foundation Phase is as follows: September 2008 3-5yrs (Nursery & Reception)
“ 2009 5-6yrs (Year 1 )
“ 2010 6-7yrs (Year 2)
In order for the transition to be as smooth as possible it will be a rolling programme, where good practice exists very little will change however the philosophy of the new reform requires a clear understanding.
See Welsh Assembly Government guidance notes:
Below are a few considerations-
*Do not panic!
*Good practice already exists (collaboration)
*R.E. is what makes our schools unique (distinctiveness)
*Learning is reciprocal (co-operation)
*Children are able and inquisitive (empowerment)
*Organisation and planning is the key (environment)
*Begin with what the child knows and can do (knowledge)
*Behaviour, discipline & expectations are important (respect)
*Each child is an individual (rights)
*Allow for change and adaptability (flexibility)
*Children deserve the best possible provision (responsibility)
As practitioners and providers we should embrace this reform, it will build upon current provision. Ensure that children are given a voice, an opinion a right to interpret and investigate, experiment and discover, interact and challenge, whilst being guided and supported by enthusiastic significant others (children or adults).
Overview of a possible planning method
The R.E. themes can remain the same and can be explored within a variety of activities, within projects and occasionally as discreet sessions. The planning aims to emphasise the context of learning.
(This planner is for RECEPTION and will include R.E theme – Jesus)
Step 1 Fig 1 (Thought shower session- responses given by pupils to family theme)
This would be the initial planning perhaps this will be the basis for a whole term.
Step 2 Choose one of the ideas and again ask the children to give their ideas, they can be words, phrases.
Step 3
Having discussed with the children you can now begin to think about the areas within your learning environment, and start to plan activities and areas that will support the children’s learning, understanding, skills and knowledge further.
There will need to be a balance of child initiated/ chosen tasks and adult led activities. If the environment is well planned then the children will develop skills in a variety of ways.
This could be developed as a wall display
personal book or a video recording of the
pupils talking about their favourite people
My teacher (drawings, paintings, descriptions)
My friends (circle time, self-chosen tasks, outdoor)
The above activities can now be planned into group tasks, whole class discussions, paired activities – the context is what is important the skills and learning objectives will follow.
The areas of learning can incorporate investigation tables, book collections baskets of items, website searches etc the key is not to think of a subject.
Instead think of an experience, a concept or skill.
The R.E. strand can be incorporated within the experiences provided and need not be lost within the project.
Learning Objective / Ideas/resources / ActivitiesJesus was part of a family / Discussions, drawings, songs, photographs of the children with their families. / Family trees
Circle time
Rhymes & songs
Famous families (TV)
Small world play
Role play area
Think what kind of people they are / Photographs, drawings, mirrors, my most treasured item, tape measures, foot measures, scales, catalogues. / Personal book
Role play
Group/paired tasks
To scale paintings
To understand that Jesus was kind and caring
Experience some of Jesus’ teachings / Bibles, books, videos, clothing & props, pastels & backing paper roll / Role play/outdoor area re-create a story
Large montage of story – paired task
Reading/viewing two stories with the pupils they give opinions regarding favourites & note the qualities that kind and caring people have
Year 1
R.E. strand: Christian Life and Values
Step 1
*To learn that individuals are valuable to God and unique
*To learn that God cares about the people pupils care about
*To learn that God is concerned with the way we treat each other
*To learn that Christians care for animals as part of God’s creation
Step 2
Focus-Who do I help? : Teachers, Family, Friends, My Pets
Example of activities during a session
Areas within the learning environment:-
Role play area, small world (animals), ICT:RSPCA website, craft corner (paints, pastels, paper etc)
Group 1 (Adult led) My pets
Using photographs brought in by the pupils or chosen from our pet shop, children are encouraged to talk about their pet and how they care for him (tape these descriptions)
Give the pupils opportunities to ask eachother questions and play a can you remember game eg
Teacher: Do you remember Claire what Tom’s dog’s favourite toy is?
Children create a poster of their pet and it’s needs around him.
Group 2 (Child led) Create a kennel or Fish tank
Junk modelling activity, children to look through catalogues for ideas and choose an animal from the class pet shop. Draw their ideas then in pairs create a model for their chosen pet (to scale). Ask the children about their choice of materials and colours.
If space and resources allow this activity could be done in the outdoor area and developed further by asking a carpenter to do a project with the children eg create a rabbit hutch for our pet rabbit.
Group 3(Adult led) RSPCA website
Read articles and view clips of animals and cruelty caused by humans. Ask the children their opinions and ways in which we could try to stop this. Ask them about their feelings?
Re-cap on the information then encourage the children to think of some questions in order to create a group questionnaire for families thinking of buying a pet.
If the learning environment has been well planned then the remainder of the children can be in other groups interacting with the resources prepared in child led activities.
Other possible group activities :
Create a poem about my pet Finn
Create a 3D chart of the children’s pets from playdoh and place them in boxes to represent a chart :
Fish / Cats / Rabbits / DogsLearning objectives / Possible learning activities
To learn that everyone is special and loved by God / Display, look and talk about photographs of all the children in the class, celebrating their differences. Compare these photographs with photographs of other children from other countries and cultures throughout the world (use resources such as those available from Oxfam Action Aid, Christian Aid). Again celebrate their differences.
Tell the story of ‘Robert and The Fountain’ (a story about a boy who has a birth mark) to illustrate that even though we are all different, God loves us all the same.
To learn that God cares about friends and families and other special people / Ask pupils to bring in photographs of family members, and other people special to their family to share and discuss (be sensitive to the pupils’ individual circumstances).
To learn that we are all members of God’s family / Link the idea of belonging to the service of Baptism (be sensitive/ acknowledge those who have not been baptised or who have been dedicated or had a naming ceremony etc.). Talk about Baptism as a special celebration of becoming a member of God’s family. Explain that there are special people who take part in the celebration of the Service of Baptism such as parents, Godparents, clergy and members of the congregation. Hold a role play baptism service in the classroom/ church. Take photographs/ video the baptism for later discussion.
To learn that God is concerned with the way we treat each other and that Jesus told stories to show this. / Talk about how we show concern and respect for each other. Use the story of the Ten Lepers (Luke 17.12- 19) or the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) to show how Jesus noticed and appreciated gratitude. There is a good opportunity here to use Godly play to convey the meanings of these stories to the children.
To learn that Christians care for God’s creation / Pass samples of God’s precious creation around the class (e.g. a flower, a rock, a seed, a feather, a piece of fruit, a shell etc.) Talk about how these things look and feel and discuss why each thing is precious and why we should care for them.
Tell/ read stories that associate some of the Welsh saints with the care of animals (e.g. Melangell and the Hare, Beuno and the Curlew, Caradog and the mouse, Illtud and the birds). The story of St. Francis of Assisi’s care for animals could also be included. Again these stories could be explored using the Godly play approach.
Year 2 R.E. strand- Other Faiths
Theme : People
*To know the story of the Exodus and the giving of the Ten Commandments
*To look at illustrations of synagogues and talk about them
*To see religious artefacts associated with Judaism
The ideas above are ones given by pupils, your children may very well give a diverse range of responses. Be sure to start with what they know and interests them.
The Foundation Phase guidance highlights the importance of the children being a central part of the planning and evaluation process.
Step 2 eg
Families Groups Friends
Today Brownies Best friend
Long Ago Cubs/Scouts Party
Royal Singers Playing
TV families Choir Sharing
Parents Swimming club Sleepover
Brothers & Sisters Church Holiday
Special days Same
Jobs Voices
Teachers Loud
Bin men Squeaky
Mum & Dad Nasty
Cooks Kind
Cleaners Shouting
These ideas can then be developed into activities and areas within the setting:
Activity 1 : Who do I need?
Set the pupils a problem solving task in pairs eg
It’s Grandma’s 80th Birthday and we need to organise a party what will we need and who do we call to help us?
Arrange the pupils into pairs or groups and give them 5 mins to thought shower, stop them and prompt if neccessary then give them books, magazines, directories and catalogues to get information.
Activity 2 : Follow one item?
Another problem solving task, begin by talking to the whole class about what they had for breakfast this morning.
Write these answers on the whiteboard then choose one item and ask the pupils Where did that item come from?
How did it get there?
Who helped to get it to my table?
The children can then in groups create a pictogram showing the items journey.
A class book can then be created to show the products journey. eg Olly orange
Learning objectives / Possible learning activitiesTo know more about the life of Moses / Tell the story of Moses’ (birth, rescue from the Nile, upbringing, escape from Egypt, burning bush)
To learn more about the synagogue by looking at illustrations and talking about them / Explain that a synagogue is a place where
Jewish people met to pray
Show pictures of the interior of a synagogue: pick out the bema, the rabbi’s seat, the ark, lights and symbols (e.g. the star of David) and talk about them
To see religious artefacts associated with Judaism / Show a Torah scroll, skull cap, prayer shawl, phylactery or mezuzah and explain the purpose of each