The Processed Engineered Fuel – the key for competitiveness in the current European cement market
The construction of an installation for pre-treatment and feeding of processed engineered fuel(PEF) started in June in Zlatna Panega Cement plant. The project is part of the alternative fuels development program of the company and is aiming to increase the fossil fuels replacement rate to 36% by 2015.
Zlatna Panega Cement plant has two kilns with collective capacity to produce 1,100,000 tones of clinker annually. It currently utilizes used tires achieving up to 10% heat replacement.
Processed engineered fuel is a mixture of different solid waste materials like plastics, papers, textile, rubber, oil sludge, biomass, etc.PEF is not waste, but a marketable product that must meet strict end user requirements for a solid fuel.
Zlatna Panega Cement has an impressive list of wastes that can be used as alternative fuels and raw materials in its IPPC Permit. The plant is entitled to use almost any kind of alternative fuels and raw materials in the production.
With the current project the plant will focus on separated light fraction of the solid municipal wastes, non-recyclable packages and some production waste streams from various sources.
The company has already signed letter of intend for 25000 tons per year separated material from Sofia municipality and from the packaging companies (Ekopack and Bulecopack) and is proceeding with the signing of contracts for the delivery of the material.At second stage Zlatna Panega Cement intend to work closely with local municipalities like Troyan, Lovech, Pleven, Lukovit and Veliko Tarnovo which are in progress of development of their waste separation. The city of Sofia and the other Bulgarian cities are under EU pressure to find beneficial use for the generated municipal wastes.
The PEF pre-treatment installation is consisted of several units: receiving station, primary shredder, separators and secondary shredder. The material will be shredded and prepared, then transported into a silo and fed through the main burners of the kilns.The final shredded material will be with particle size less than 25 mm. The equipment has the possibility for future use of other types of wastes. Capital investment is 4.8 millions EURand the payback period of the projects is expected to be 3.3 years.
GET study concluded that up to 15% replacement of coal with PEF, based on light fraction of municipal waste, can be used together with the tyres with small effect on production. Typical biomass content in such a PEF will decrease the CO2 emissions.
The substantial cost savings will improve considerable the profitability and strengthen the competitiveness of the company today and post 2012 with the new CO2 constraints.
Solving part of the problems of the municipalities with the wastes will strengthen the position of Zlatna Panega as a reliable partner in the region.The plant recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy environment for both the employees and the people who live nearby. It is clear that the license to continue operating with increasing usage of alternative fuels will be paramount to the success and it has to be secured.
In that respect the design concept has been enhanced with best availably technology, in filtering the air and ensuring that the building is designed to keep the odor levels unnoticeable.
The plant will be focused in campaign to educate, and train the employee and the surrounding communities on the benefit of using alternative fuels. Green belt will be planted to enhance the aesthetics and integrate the building with the environment. Top hygiene standards will be implemented alike in the rest of the European countries.
Zlatna Panega Cement long term target (by 2020) is to replace 50% of its coalwith the following secondary materials: whole tires, refused derived fuel, industrial wastes, oil sludge, high carbon ash, home grown biomass, sewage sludge, algae.
The development is already in progress. The challenge is great, but preservingthe environment and solving the waste problems of local communitiesis a substantial driving power for the plant in Zlatna Panega.