Rt Mikaele Radrodro 29thFebruary 2013

Nakorovou (Concluded: 16thJuly 2013)

Vuna, Taveuni

Sir / Madam,

RE: Chiefly Status in theAi iTaukei Community

General Outlook:

The FijiIslands and Rotuma’s Chiefly system does not follow nor adopt the British Monarchy system of the Kingdom (Chiefly) Title successor appointments.

Fiji and Rotuma have its own system that follows closely some of the Biblical system of appointments as successor to the title of being King (Chief).

Ai iTaukei Communities in the Fiji Islands and Rotuma hadand are becoming very educated and knowledgeable to the various principles of Leaderships from all over the world, that sometimes supports or contradict the very nature and fibre of the Ai iTaukei fundamentalsas being the foundations to theAi iTaukei Cultural survival in the Fiji Islands and Rotuma.

The past and recent differences between the various Chiefly family members, Chiefly Mataqali members, the King Makers, Vanua and even Government bodies todetermining the correct, true and rightful Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title holders in Fiji and Rotuma,needs to be addressed seriously now more then ever before.

When the ‘Sun sets’ after a day to end its light to the world we live in, the expectation of a ‘New Dawn’ is often mixed with the uncertainties, sometimes anxieties or fear of the unknown, with ‘what tomorrow brings?’ kind of questions.

Total pure darkness brings about a sudden limitation to the sight and the path to be travelled is always anyone’s guess. Blind leading the blind!

The dawning and setting of the sun in a day, is like the beginning and the ending of a Chief’s reign. There should not be at any time prolonged darkness or delayed appointment for the Chiefly Title successor, just as the sun sets to rise again.

However, my personal and humble belief is that the preparations for the New Dawn (New Title Holder) should be an ongoing practice with the relevant stakeholders,while the Sunlight (current Chiefly Title Holder) is still shining (alive) and not in the Dark (when there is no Chief holding the title) after the Sunlight is out.

This is being ‘Accountable and Transparent’ to the Vanua and all other stakeholders.

The Vanua with the assistance and support of the Confederacy, Provincial Office and other Government bodies should be responsible to determine the ‘Rightful’ Chiefly Title holder at all times.

I shall try not to point any fingers on any individual Family, Mataqali, Districtand Province, Government bodies etc to have wide varieties and flexible views on the differences arisingout of the Chiefly Title successoror rightful Title Holder, but to determinehow best this matter should be addressed.

I find this particular subject to be very challenging being from a Chiefly family myself, to be thinking and speaking outwardly from an external view, as well as internally to have a good mixture of both spheres and balance of ideas, being flexible with utmost understanding and tolerance.

To the various stakeholders of theAi iTaukei Communities in Fiji and Rotuma with interests to this subject, I humbly invite you all to please be open minded and flexible,inallowing God to the Choice you will take and make believing that your Choicefor the Vanua ChieflyTitle successor, shall be one with the good of all races within his District, Province and the Nation at heart.

The Chiefly Title is not for faint hearted individuals seeking self glorifications but, only for those honouring the Gift of people God gave and continues to give in whatever capacity, form, quality and quantity.

Please enjoy with me the journey to determining how best the Ai iTaukei race in the FijiIslands and Rotuma could best resolve this much debated subject that sometimes results in unnecessary deaths, due to unresolved disputes and disagreements within the disputing factions.

Disputes, conflicts and unnecessary deaths in the communities due to the struggles for power in any area could be avoided and resolved ammicably if Villages, Districts & Matanitu Vanua Elders work closely with the Provincial Roko Tui’s, District Officers, District Administrators, Divisional Commissioners, Local Government Authorities, the Ai iTaukei Affairs Board and Ministers responsible to find ways in addressing and solving such dilemmas in the communities.

The views stated herewith in this document are but my own personal opinion as; anAi iTaukei and not of the Chiefly family I originate from, neither the Chiefly Mataqali, Vanua, District, Province, Chiefly relationship ties around the whole of Fiji, Faith, Professional Associations, and Belief, I align myself with or to.


(a)Chiefs Categorised:

Today’s Chiefly families need to be scrutinized to properly determine the History behind the true, correct and rightful Chief for the village, District, Province and even in the Fiji Islands and Rotuma.

Chiefs Histories could be categorised in various ways to those that:

1)Attained Chiefly title through the royal family male blood line and

with the Vanua Elders blessings to be rightfully from God

2)Obtained Chiefly title through power of war battles

3)Obtained Chiefly title through royal family female blood line (when royal family male blood line becomes distinct)

4)Became Chief by means of deceptions

5)Made to be Chief by the people for various reasons

6)Being Chief as becoming the first to settle in an area

7)Becoming Chief as the Eldest in a Chieflyroyal family line

8)Given the Title to be Chief by his/her Chiefly royal family elder siblings

All these eight (8) categories listed were and are adopted everywhere in the FijiIslands and Rotuma.

Category number 1 remains the ideal concept the Vanua should base its decision and focus on at all times although, category number 7 & 8 are acceptable if, the Vanua support and backing is there.

Category number 3 maybe accepted in certain circumstances however,adopting category 3 must be determined properly to avoid future Vanua heartaches.

Category numbers 2, 4, 5 & 6 should be understood in its totality and slowly made known to the Title holders of these categories themselves of what they were and are by the Ai iTaukei Lands & Fisheries Commission together with the Roko Tui’s of their respective Province in the presence of the Vanua Eldersboth verbally and in written formsto avoid unwarranted backlashes and future conflicts.

(b)Chiefly Family members:

The Chiefly family members are/were members of the present and late bestowed High Chiefs of any Vanua in the FijiIslands and Rotuma.

These elite members must have the qualities, characteristics and respect for, to and from the Vanua who uplift them to such high standards.

The eldest to the youngest in the Chiefly family lineage is and should be limited within the family unit alone.

This same principle of Chiefly family lineage (eldest to youngest) should notin anywaybe a stumbling block to interfere with the Vanua’s decision inchoosing who they wish to be their Chiefly Title successor but should only from within and remain with the Chiefly family unit.

The choice of Chiefly Title successor is the Vanua’s sole responsibility.

The Vanua, Confederacy and Government should therefore understand that the choice of Chiefly Title successor should always be from within the ambit of the Chiefly family alone and not from the extended Chiefly family.

The Vanua with the assistance of the Government may appoint anyone from within the Chiefly family unit whom they believe to meet their criteria expectations in Character, Qualitiesand Passion to lead the Vanua as Ai iTaukei Chief.

The Ai iTaukei Chiefly family must also know beyond their understanding, that they have no say whatsoever to the Vanua choice of the Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title successor and that they should be very humble with respect, to the Vanua’s Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title successor appointee.

Most of the times, the Chiefly family members themselves voice their opinions, objections and other matters openly in the public when the Vanua Elders fail in their roles.

The Matanivanua (Herald) should be the one speaking publicly in matters relating to the Chiefly Title successor and for the Chiefly family members.

(b)Chiefly Mataqali members:

The Ai iTaukei Chiefly Mataqali members are an extended family unit of the Chiefly family members, divided into segments of Tokatokas (subclans).

Some members of the Chiefly Mataqali today were originally not from the Chiefly Mataqali or Chiefly family, but were brought into the Chiefly Mataqali and Chiefly family for various reasons that should be remembered by:

1)Those families themselves that were brought into the Chiefly Mataqali& Chiefly family

2)The Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga) for their future records in the determination of correct and rightful Chiefly Title successors

3)The Vanua and Government authorities when making decisions forthe successor to the Chiefly Title Holder.

In the determination of these facts, those responsible should properly determine the Ai iTaukei Chiefly Mataqali members, to identify the members of the ‘Rightful Chiefly family Unit’and not all Chiefly Mataqali members as not all Mataqali members are qualified.

It is not everyone or every member within the Chiefly Mataqali that may ascend as the Chiefly Title successor and all cannot make claims as such, as being the sad case of what is happening in today’s society.

Furthermore, the majority members of the Chiefly Mataqali today, immaterial of where they originated from,all want to lay claim to the Vanua’s Chiefly Title.

Each family unit (Tokatoka or sub clan) within the Chiefly Mataqali should be taught by the Ai iTaukei Vanua Elders, their traditional, cultural roles and behaviours which their Vanua is respected for, so in turn these Chiefly families could teach their individual family members the Truth of whom, how, what, where and why, they are beingcalled the Ai iTaukei Chiefly Mataqali members.

The Ai iTaukei Vanua Elders responsibilitiesshould be,to put in place measures to cross check each of the Ai iTaukei Chiefly Mataqali families with the Vanua teachings they had been teaching their individual family members, to be able to correct any errors of wrong teachings there and then to guiding their Chiefly Mataqali members with the Truth.

So often and is a fact, that whatever is being told today would not be the same as that interpreted by others, when the same information returns to the sender, whether today or tomorrow – Misinterpretation of information.

(c)Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga):

The Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga) should not be swayed neither be influenced by anyone’s decision but their own, who they choose and appoint to be the successor to the Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title, knowing that the Almighty God had given and bestowed upon them theirTraditional / Customary Duty of Care to the Ai iTaukeiKing Makers.

I do firmly believe that it is the duty of the Mataqali King Makers and Vanua Elders to properly nurture train and guide future Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title successors from within the Chiefly family unit when they are still tender and young in age.

In performing their traditional Duty of Care the Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga) are excising their God given talent and obligation to freely choose whom they believe and trust to carry the Vanua upon their shouldersfor the Vanua and not themselves.

It is therefore important for the Elders of the Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga) to see, listen, hear, analyse, scrutinizeand determine all qualities, characteristics and qualifications, even the gravity aspects of the successor choice,before installing the next Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title Holder.

The decision to appoint the VanuaAi iTaukei Chiefly Title successor should be done whilst the reining Vanua Ai iTaukei reigning Chief is well and alive,so that his Chiefly blessings maybe bestowed onto his successorand not in any way be rushed after the Chief had passed away.

Everystones areto be turned and facts drawn according to the law of the Almighty God, Vanua and the Government for the Ai iTaukei Chiefly title successor appointment.

The betterment and welfare of the people of every race living within the boundary of the Vanua for the Ai iTaukei Chiefly leadership should be paramount as this should be the guiding factor for the Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title holder’s role to the Vanua, District, Province and Government.

The best policy is when a member of the Chiefly family is born they are to be groomed by the Vanua Elders into becoming a Chiefly Title successor contender, in time to come that demands a lot of patience, humility, knowledge, love for all and wisdom.

The Vanua Elders should encourage the Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga) without any hesitation, that the Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga)would conduct their Traditional and Customary obligations without fear of victimisation from anyone whatsoever, when they remain steadfast and true to their Godlycalling.

The Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga) should be given the freedom to exercise their God given talent, wisdom, ability without any influence or interference from any sources whatsoever, to determining for themselves who they intend to appoint as their Vanua Chiefly Title successor.

Any interference whatsoeverfrom whatever sources to compromise the duty of the Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga) in appointing theAi iTaukei Chiefly Title successor makes the Chiefly Title successor and Mataqali King Makers(Sau Turaga) as beingpuppets.


The Vanua has eyes, ears, heart, mind and intellect of their own that even thetertiary qualified individuals over the centuries and more so of today’s society baffle and stumble upon.

The Vanua with its various Mataqali’s have their individual obligations to their installed Chief and their Vanua that has to be performed at all times, to allow the Chief to perform his duties to the Vanua without hesitations and the Vanua its duties to the people.

The Ai iTaukei communities of youths today who would be the Vanua leaders of tomorrow are often used by theAi iTaukei Elders today during Social gatherings to be their ears, eyes, hands, legs and mouth to conducting their Traditional obligations.

The Vanua Elders’ collective decision makingauthorities’, remains intact with them (Vanua Elders) alone and is rightly so, to avoidbureaucratic individualand immature decisions being carried out by the Vanua, if anyone else for that matter intends to make decisions on their own for the Vanua.

TheseAi iTaukei youths eye witness every details of traditional and cultural protocols taken and carried out by theirVanua Elders, thus the Youths forming their (youths) own opinions in time to come, when they become ‘ Vanua Elders’ of their individual communities themselves.

The ‘Wrongs’ of today usually become the ‘Rights’ of tomorrow, based on the Vanua Elders actions that these Ai iTaukei youths experienced andgathered on the way to becoming Elders of their respective Vanuas’ themselves.

Usuallyas evidenced during this era, these youth experiences becoming hard stains to remove after youths grow old and when it is justified from within and supported from without.

The Vanua Elders should be very well versed with the Vanua’s traditional and cultural protocols, history, Chiefly relations around the FijiIslandsetc.

The Vanua stands independent of its own, way apart from the Chiefly Family and the Chiefly Mataqali members.

The Ai iTaukei Vanua Elders decides for the Chiefly family andthe Chiefly Mataqali members, whomthey wish to be installed as the Ai iTaukei Chief of the Vanua and not vice versa, as the Title Holder holds the Ai iTaukei Vanua title and not of the Chiefly family title.

There were and are tendencies of corrupt practices, when money becomes an issue to being used to ‘Bribe’ Vanua Elders and the Mataqali King Makers in strengthening ones desire tohave firm grip to the Ai iTaukei Vanua Chiefly Title.

Favouritisms between some of the Chiefly family members and the Mataqali King Makers (Sau Turaga), the Vanua Elders and even with the Government bodies, could be seen as disturbinghindrances to appointing the correct and rightful successor to the Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title that brings with it instable Chiefly leaderships to the Vanua.

Desire to be wealthy in monetary value blinds the eyes, deafens the ears and cripples the mindthat stops the heart from its duty of functions to supply fresh blood to the whole body.

This same principle applies to the Vanua when money is used for the purpose of securing ones hold to the Ai iTaukei Chiefly Title.

There were and are issues of contentions for differences within the Vanua,Province and Confederacy and also with Government departments on this very particular and peculiar matter, when wrong choices of the Ai iTaukei Title holders were and are appointed.