The Pocahontas County Board of Education met in work session on Monday, June 30, 2014 at 5:00 at the Edray Industrial Park, Marlinton, West Virginia, with the following in attendance:
Mr. Steve Weir representing the Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation,
Marlinton Mayor Joseph Smith,
Mr. Roger Trusler,
Mrs. Linda Simmons,
Congressman Nick Rahall,
Michael Holstine, business manager at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory,
WV Agriculture Commissioner Walt Helmick,
Sam Mitchell representing Mitchell Chevrolet,
Judd Worth representing Pocahontas Continuous Care Center,
Peggy Hawse representing Senator Joe Manchin,
Phillip Cain representing Pendleton Community Bank,
County Commissioner Jamie Walker,
Carolyn and Fred Burns of Burns Motor Freight,
Delegate Denise Campbell,
Laurent Bennett representing Pocahontas County Parks and Recreation,
County Commissioner S. William “Bill” Beard,
Timothy McClung representing First Citizens Bank,
J. D. Morgan, member of the Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation,
David McLaughlin,
Senator Ronald Miller,
Robin & John Mutscheller,
Louise Barnisky representing the Marlinton Town Council,
Sheriff David Jonese,
Superintendent Donald K. Bechtel,
Ruth A. Bland,
Terrence C. Beam,
Sherry L. Radcliff,
President Emery Grimes representing the Pocahontas County Board of Education,
Vice President Janet E. McNeel representing the Pocahontas County Board of Education,
Member Cheryl Beverage representing the Pocahontas County Board of Education,
Suzanne Stewart representing the Pocahontas County Board of Education,
Hanna Sizemorerepresenting the Pocahontas County Board of Education
and Member Elect Jessica Hefner representing the Pocahontas County Board of Education.
The Pocahontas County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, June 30, 2014 at7:00 PM at the Pocahontas County Board of Education Conference Roomwith the following members present:
Emery G. Grimes, President
Cheryl M. Beverage)
Janet E. McNeel)Members
Hanna G. Sizemore)
Suzanne Stewart)
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Beverage, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board of Education Meeting held on Monday, June 16, 2014.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board unanimously approved the agenda.
Superintendent Bechtel stated that he was pleased to inform the Board that nineteen school bus operators, substitute school bus operators and two mechanics traveled a cumulative of 284,149 miles from August 18, 2013 until May 31, 2014 - all without incident. Dr. Bechtel stated that delivering children to the schools and safely returning them home again, deserved acknowledgment.
- Courtney Curran spoke on behalf of Sarah Cover, Lori Wayne, Aleisa Wayne, and herself regarding the proposed abolishment of the fifth grade position at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School.
Ms. Curran stated that, in conversations with both parents and staff members, everyone agreed the position is necessary.
Ms. Curran stated that budget restraints were cited as the reason for the abolishment of the position; however, since the budget was completed the following additions have occurred:
- Creation of position, “Coordinator of Teaching and Learning”
- Creation of position, “Director of Attendance/Homeless Liaison, Maintenance, and School Safety”, noting that this position, in its previous format, was “Attendance Officer” at a contract of 200 one-half days – now it is 261 full days and a supplement of $4,000.
- Creation of positions, “Teacher of Art (half time) at Marlinton Elementary School”
- Additional $4,000 supplement (for a combined supplement of $8,000) for the position of “Principal at Pocahontas County High School”
- Additional 21 days for secretarial help in the central office
Ms. Curran suggested that positions should be based on the needs of the students and not budgets. - Thomas Boothe, teacher at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School addressed the Board regarding the proposed abolishment of the English/Language Arts/Reading position at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School. Mr. Boothe stated that, since he has been teaching at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, English and Reading/Language Arts have been two separate classes taught by two teachers. He stressed to the Board the importance of small class sized in these core classes.
Mr. Boothe went on to explain that the elimination of a teacher does not impact the individual subject area, but also causes electives to be cut because of scheduling conflicts. - Anne Smith, teacher at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, spoke to the Board regarding the proposed abolishment of the English/Language Arts/Reading position at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School. Ms. Smith stated that the position in question was, in fact, planned for in the 2014-2015 budgets, and therefore should not be abolished.
Ms. Smith stated that every year there is question about whether or not the PILT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) money would be received from the federal government, and so far, the money has been awarded each year. Ms. Smith suggested keeping the position and placing the employee in that position on RIF/Transfer, if the money is not available for the next year. - Melissa Taylor addressed the Board regarding the kindergarten class sizes for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Taylor explained that currently Green Bank Elementary – Middle School has two kindergarten teachers and one aide. According to state law, any kindergarten class that exceeds 10 students must have an aide. As it stands, there are approximately 27 students enrolled in kindergarten for the upcoming school year. This means, there will be a class of 10 students, one teacher and no aide and a class of approximately 17 students, one teacher and one aide. Ms. Taylor voiced her concerns about the inequity in class size and coverage.
- Angela Vandevender, teacher of third grade at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, addressed the Board about the proposed abolishment of the fifth grade position at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School. Ms. Vandevender pointed out that, if the proposed abolishment goes through, Mr. Rittenhouse would not have a collaborating teacher (a person teaching the same grade level and material). She stated that from personal experience she knew teaching without a collaborating teacher was very challenging. Ms. Vandevender said that, for the benefit of students, each teacher should have someone they can bounce ideas off of.
- June Taylor, teacher of second grade at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, approached the Board to urge them not to abolish the fifth grade position or the English/Language Arts/Reading position.
Ms. Taylor explained that ‘middle of the road’ students get lost in large classes. These are the students that are not loud or have behavior issues, do not require special attention, and generally will not ask for help. She noted that individualized student attention creates better students.
Ms. Taylor also noted that she is a former Language Arts/Reading teacher at the middle school level. She stated that the amount of work the students complete is staggering. Not to mention the transition to project-based learning and the massive amount of time that will require. - Morton I. Taber, II, English/Language Arts/Reading teacher at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School spoke to the Board with his concerns. Mr. Taber stated that, if the other English/Language Arts/Reading position is abolished he will do the best job possible for the students. He said that he is a parent with two sons in the Green Bank School and as a parent and educator he feels that children learn best when they are in a consistent, predictable environment.
- Ricky I. Sharp, II, Principal at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, addressed the Board regarding the concerns raised by the staff of Green Bank Elementary – Middle School. Mr. Sharp stated that when asked by the central office administrators if cuts in staff could be made he agreed they could, however, they would not be in the best interest of the students. Mr. Sharp said that school climate at Green Bank was at an all-time low because of the lingering threat of personnel cuts.
Mr. Sharp then addressed the issue of the kindergarten class size at Green Bank. Mr. Sharp stated that he informed the central office in May of the possible need for additional staffing.
Mr. Sharp addressed a third issue; the hiring of a principal at Pocahontas County High School with an additional $8,000 supplement. Mr. Sharp stated that, when asked the reasoning behind the additional supplement he was told that the principal would essentially be over two schools (the high school itself and the vocational classes). Mr. Sharp pointed out that Green Bank Elementary – Middle School was technically two schools with only 60 less students than Pocahontas County High School.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Beverage, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved the Budget Supplements and Bank Reconciliation for the May 2014.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Beverage, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board approved to authorize payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $35,949.74.
Ms. Beverage recused herself while the Board voted on her travel reimbursement in the amount of $107.52, which passed with a 4-0 vote.
Mr. Grimes recused himself while the Board voted on his travel reimbursement in the amount of $24.64, which passed with a 4-0 vote.
Ms. McNeel recused herself while the Board voted on her travel reimbursement in the amount of $100.80, which passed with a 4-0 vote.
Dr. Sizemore recused herself while the Board voted on her travel reimbursement in the amount of $29.12 and the travel reimbursement of Christina Smith in the amount of $1,708.22, both of which passed with a 4-0 vote.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board unanimously approved payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $30,462.02.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board unanimously approved to authorize payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $99,360.82.
Ms. Stewart recused herself while the Board voted on the payment to The Pocahontas Times in the amount of $54.63 which passes with a 4-0 vote.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Beverage, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved the payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $27,710.10.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved the contract between Pocahontas County Board of Education and Pocahontas County Parks and Recreation Board, effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Stewart, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board unanimously approved the 2014-2015 Pocahontas County Board of Education Meeting Schedule, noting that the annual Board of Education/Faculty Senate/Local School Improvement Council meetings will be held at 1:00 PM at the schools.
On motion of Ms. Stewart, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board unanimously approved a call for Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. The Board went into Executive Session at 8:40 PM, and at the conclusion of the Executive Session, on motion of Ms. Beverage, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board agreed to return to the agenda at 9:19 PM.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Dr. Sizemore, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved the following professional and service personnel.
Marlinton Elementary School:EMPLOYMENT: / GREGORY P. BALL, as Principal at Marlinton Elementary School, effective for the 2014-2015 school year, at state minimum salary based on degree and experience plus equity (includes State Minimum Salary Increment Schedules). Term of employment: 220 days.
Pocahontas County High School:
EMPLOYMENT: / ROBERT B. MILLER, as Principal, Coordinator of School-to-Work Program, Vocational Education Director, Distance Learning Facilitation and Alternative Education Coordinator at Pocahontas County High School, effective for the 2014-2015 school year, at state minimum salary based on degree and experience plus equity (includes State Minimum Salary Increment Schedules), plus $8,000 supplement. Term of employment: 240 days.
EMPLOYMENT: / MARK A. AGEE, as Head Basketball Coach (Boys) at Marlinton Middle School, effective for the 2014-2015 season, at a supplement of $1,500. (NOTE: Position pending on sufficient number of players to make a team.)
EMPLOYMENT: / DAVINA R. AGEE, as Head Basketball Coach (Girls) at Marlinton Middle School, effective for the 2014-2015 season, at a supplement of $1,500. (NOTE: Position pending on sufficient number of players to make a team.)
EMPLOYMENT: / LAWRENCE L. KINER, JR., as Assistant Basketball Coach (Boys) at Marlinton Middle School, effective for the 2014-2015 season, at a supplement of $1,000. (NOTE: Position pending on sufficient number of players to make a team.)
By a unanimous vote against, the following recommendation was not approved:
Green Bank Elementary-Middle School:ABOLISHMENT
OF POSITION: / Teacher (fifth grade) at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, effective at the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
With a 3-2 vote, Ms. Beverage and Dr. Sizemore casting the dissenting votes, the following recommendation was approved:
ABOLISHMENTOF POSITION: / Teacher of English/Language Arts/Reading at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, effective at the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
Dr. Bechtel informed the Board that three teachers from Pocahontas County attended the teachers institute on gifted students at William and Mary College recently. Dr. Bechtel noted that Pocahontas County needs more teacher-leaders in the school.
Ms. McNeel stated that she recently attended literacy training in Morgantown, stating that she was pleased to see that the approach right now is for balanced literacy.
Dr. Sizemore asked if there was a timeline for contracting with the gifted teachers.
Dr. Sizemore also thanked everyone for the support. She said that it she regretted it would be her last meeting as a Board of Education member.
Mr. Grimes thanked Dr. Sizemore for all of her contributions to the Board of Education over the past few years.
The next Board of Education special meeting will be held on Monday, July 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the Pocahontas County Board of Education Conference Room.
On motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Ms. Beverage the Board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting.