The Mi’kmaq people believe that each person has a number of spiritual attributes, such as a spirit name and spirit guide, that are part of who they are. It is felt that by learning about these things a person is able to properly acknowledge the role of spirituality in their lives.


Each person has a spirit name from the moment their spirit first comes into existence, and the name follows its owner from each life. It is possible that a person's spirit name will be added to, depending on the roles and experiences that are given to that person. A person must be prepared to accept their spirit name as it is given, even if it is not something they may have hoped for. It is said that this name belongs naturally to the person it is given to and its importance reflects into many levels of existence. There is generally a connection between a spirit name and a Spirit Guide, but it may not be obvious.


One of the most important beings in Mikmaq life is the Spirit Guide. It is the responsibility of the Spirit guide to direct the path each person is to follow, and to provide answers (or connect with others who can provide answers). Spirit Guides are animal spirits, such as the Bear (Muin) or the Moose (Tiam) or perhaps a bird like the Eagle (Kitpu) or the Owl (Kokokwes). Each has associated with it certain traits and strengths which are the best for their owner.


The Mi’kmaq people closely identify with one (or occasionally more) of the four directions that allow them to make their best connection with spiritual energies and knowledge. If prayers are addressed to this direction, or when sleep or meditating, one faced in this direction, they are at the most receptive point for spiritual guidance. It is believed that a person may be able to determine their own direction simply by closing their eyes and facing each of the cardinal points of the compass, and waiting for a slight surge of energy or a feeling of connection.


The attribute that is referred to as your spiritual colour is actually the colour of your aura. While your aura may vary slightly depending on conditions, overall it has a particular identifying colour, which is referred to as the spiritual colour.


In Mi'kmaw tradition, the clan has nothing to do with ones spirit guide. Instead, it is a way of determining family lineage. Clans are identified by animals, like the turtle or moose, and are of matrilineal lineage. In Mi'kmaw tradition a person's clan can be very important, since you are

not allowed to marry anyone from within your own clan.


In every Naming Ceremony the participants have been asked to agree to several commitments. Generally, each has been required to:

1)  abstain from recreational drugs,

2)  to limit or abstain from alcohol consumption, and

3)  promise to do everything within their power to guide people away from having abortions.

The strictness of these commitments may vary from person to person, and a given individual may have additional commitments to make as well. In each case the nature of the commitments was uniquely suited to each individual.


Personal Sacred items are those that may come to you naturally and are personal such as: eagle feathers or whistles, buffalo teeth, bear claws, and so forth. However, other items may also become part of ones personal sacred items, such as items you are given as part of a ceremony, or even things that one finds that have some undefined but undeniable connection with their spirit. These things become part of the collection of personal sacred items, and should be treated with utmost respect. They are generally kept in a medicine bundle, and should be wrapped in red cloth for protection. They should be brought out periodically to refresh the connection with them and to remind their owner of how they came to them.


Many traditional people carry a personal medicine pouch. This is a small pouch, generally worn around the neck, which contains medicines and tiny objects that will provide personal protection to the wearer. The contents of such pouches are totally unique to the individual, and should be determined by a person who is knowledgeable in the ways of medicines. The pouch should remain with its owner at all times, but musts be concealed These days most doctors are sensitive enough to allow the pouch to remain on the person if they are in the hospital for an illness or operation, although they may ask to cover it with a surgical dressing or tape to keep it sterile and out of harm's way. Also, when passing through airport security, most security personnel have been told about such things and will let people pass after simply checking your pouch with the metal-detecting wand.

1.  When does a person receive their spirit name?

2.  How is a spirit name chosen?

3.  What is the difference between a spirit name and a spirit guide?

4.  Who are the spirit guides and why are they chosen?

5.  What is the importance of the four directions for one’s spirituality?

6.  How is familial lineage determined?

7.  What does matrilineal mean?

8.  Why is determining one’s clan important (give one explanation)?

9.  What are the three commitments?

10.  Why are the commitments “suited to each individual” instead of the same for everyone?

11.  What are personal sacred items? Explain in your own words why they are important.