Student Learning Objectives/Student Outcome Objectives (SLO/SOO) Template


Teacher/Leader NamePositionYear

______School District School

_RtI-2nd grade reading______


What are the most important knowledge and skills I want my students to attain by the end of the interval of instruction?
1. Focus/Content
Students currently found to be below targeted benchmarks in reading will increase their reading proficiency by June.
2. Interval of InstructionFrom __9_/__5_/_14____ To __5_/_15__/__15___
Where are my students now (at the beginning of instruction) with respect to the objective?
3. Student Population
22 students in 2nd grade
4. Baseline/Trend Data
22 students did not achieve the target DRA score (18) and are scheduled to receive Tier II and Tier III intervention. They currently read at 12 words per minute or below on AIMsweb Fluency test.
How will students demonstrate their knowledge and skills at the end of the interval of instruction?
5. Assessment(s)/Evidence
Standard 4: Fluency – The student will identify words rapidly so that attention is directed at the meaning of the text.
1. Read regularly in independent-level text (text in which no more than 1 in 20 words is difficult for the reader) effortlessly and with expression.
2. Read regularly in instructional-level text that is challenging yet manageable (texts in which no more than 1 in 10 words is difficult for the reader).
3. Engage in repeated readings of same text to increase fluency.
4. Accurately and fluently read 200-300 high frequency and/or irregularly spelled words in meaningful text.
5. Use punctuation cues in text (i.e., commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points) as a guide to understanding meaning.
Based on what I know about my students, where do I expect them to be by the end of the interval of instruction?
6. Growth Target(s)
1. AIMSweb score will improve by 1.8 words per minute per week for students with targeted interventions by June.
2. AIMSweb score will increase to 35 words read correctly on a second grade passage by end of the school year by June.
3. Increase of 3 DRA levels by the end of the school year.
7. Rationale for Growth Target(s)
This objective was collaboratively set with the school psychologist and second grade teachers. The school psychologist will attend weekly data team meetings and provide recommendations for intervention using item analysis of student work, and when necessary, conduct classroom observations for students below target.

To be completed upon submission and approval of the SLO/SOO:

Teacher/Leader Signature / Date
School Team Initials (if applicable) / Date
Evaluator Signature / Date

To be completed after the interval of instruction when all data has been collected and calculated:

Final Score

SLO/ SOO Score / Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Their Growth Targets / Earned SLO/SOO Score
5 / 90–100 / Evidence/Comments
4.5 / 85–89
4.0 / 80–84
3.5 / 75–79
3.0 / 70–74
2.5 / 65–69
2.0 / 60–64
1.5 / 55–59
1.0 / 54 or less
Teacher/Leader Signature / Date
Evaluator Signature / Date