July 5th
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), St Andrew’s Kingham
10.45 am Morning Prayer, All Saints’ Churchill (Activities for children)
July 12th
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), All Saints’ Churchill
10.45 am Holy Communion, St Andrew's Kingham (Activities for children)
July 19th
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), St Andrew’s Kingham
10.45 am Holy Communion, All Saints’ Churchill (Activities for children)
July 26th
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), All Saints' Churchill
10.45 am All Age Worship, St Andrew's Kingham (All of us worshipping together)


All welcome to join with David every Tuesday at 7am in Kingham Church, and Wednesdays at 4.45 pm in Churchill Church.

AUGUST CHURCH NEWS. Please send your contributions to
Belinda Armstrong at by the 15th July.


The Parish Churches of Kingham and Daylesford, and Churchill with Sarsden

JULY 2015

Life In All Its Fullness by Rev David Salter

I was invited to meet Year 6 at Kingham Primary School recently to answer their questions about being a Christian. One of their questions was, ‘What is your favourite verse in the Bible?’ The answer is John 10.10. In the second half of the verse Jesus says, ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ Living life to the full is my aim and my encouragement to all. The following ideas come from an article by Anthony Billington of the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity. They seem to explore that same aim in a helpful way.

Psalm 8 includes the question, ‘What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?’ It continues, apparently incredulous at how God treats people, ‘You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet:’

The question of what makes us human is very current, highlighted by the BBC TV series presented by Brian Cox, ‘Human Universe’ and its accompanying book, and another paperback, ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’ by Yuval Noah Harari.

David, the writer of the psalm, suggests that we can find the answer to the question as we praise God for his greatness. And yet the surprising thing is that God has given some of his glory to humans – we are ‘crowned with glory and honour’. God is huge in comparison to us and yet we all matter to him. In addition to this privileged status, we have a significant responsibility – to be rulers over the rest of creation. It is an extraordinary thing that God made everything and declared that his creation was ‘very good’, but has entrusted us with its care.

In this way the psalm reflects the commission given to people right at the beginning of the Bible, to rule over every living thing (Genesis 1.28). That commission includes every aspect of life: family, ecology, work, economics and culture. We fulfil it in many ordinary ways, such as caring for children, cooking a meal, weeding the garden. In these apparently mundane activities, and many others, we are representing God’s rule over the universe, delegated to us.

It seems to me that recognising the God has a plan for our lives, a glorious plan, with real responsibility for part of his precious creation, is a great start towards having life in all its fullness.

TGI Friday – Thank God It’s Friday


Boys’ Cell continues to meet on Wednesday evenings until the end of term.
The Zion group for girls meets on Sunday evenings.
If you’re in year six and would like to try us out please contact David Salter (tel: 01608 658852 or )


The Thursday evening Home Group meets at 15A, West Street, Kingham. We will meet on the 2nd and 9th of July at the normal time of 7.30 pm then the meeting on the 16th July will be at 7 pm and will be the final meeting until September.

The Tuesday morning fellowship group which meets at 2 Blacksmith Court, Kingham, home of Brenda & John Ingram will meet on the 7th July from 10.00 am to 12 noon before taking a break for the summer.
New Home Group Information A fledgling home group has started meeting on Tuesday evenings at the Vicarage. We’re following the HTB Prayer course, which is good and challenging. Please do let David or Sally know if you’d like to join us.


Kingham Lunch Club will meet on Thursday 16th July at 12 noon in Kingham Village Hall.
Churchill Luncheon Club - At the May lunch a large salmon from Patrice 's Fish Shop was served with a delicious fresh tarragon sauce and followed by Penny Bohrer's excellent Cherry Cheesecake. At the June lunch we celebrated 14 years of our Luncheon Club with a fitting Coronation Chicken followed by strawberries, meringues & shortbread. As ever, we meet at 12 noon for sherry on Tuesday July 28th in the meeting room of All Saints' Churchill. Please phone Joyce Woods (tel: 658738) to join or to cancel your seat.


The group for ladies of all ages meets on Tuesday 7th July at 2.30 pm in the Methodists Church, Churchill. A talk will be given by Janet Hayes about her work with the Rafiki Thabo Foundation supporting communities in Africa.
Tuesday Circle then takes a break for August and meets again on 1st September.


Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 4th July 08.30-10.00 am at St Mary’s Parish Rooms in Chipping Norton. Neil Martin, Associate Pastor at Trinity Church, Oxford is coming to speak. Please book a seat with David Bishop ().

FLOWERS IN ALL SAINTS' CHURCH - William Smith, Geologist


On Monday 1st June we said goodbye to Joan Jones at her funeral at Banbury Crematorium. Joan had lived in Churchill for many years with her husband Alan and then with her son, Rob, since Alan’s death in 2006. Joan and Alan had been very active in the village for many years and will be sadly missed. Our condolences are with Rob and his brother and sisters.

On Tuesday 16th June we laid to rest the ashes of Dr David Dressler, who had lived in Kingham and loved it here. A group of close friends gathered in the churchyard on a sunny afternoon to remember him and to thank God for his life.

St Andrew's Summer Clean

Monday 6th July from 10 am - Kingham PCC will be giving the inside of St. Andrew's a "Summer Clean", any extra help will be very gratefully received. Please contact the Kingham Churchwardens if you require any further information. (contact numbers on the back page).

The Royal Free Singers Fund Raising Concert All Saints' Churchill

On Saturday the 4th July we are pleased to welcome The Royal Free Singers who are coming from Windsor to sing in All Saints' Churchill. They will sing Faure’s Requiem in the first half followed by a selection of lighter music. It promises to be a super evening’s entertainment. Concert starts at 7.30pm. £10 admission including a drink in the interval. Proceeds will be split between All Saints' Church & the Rafiki Thabo Foundation.


All our services in July will begin at 11 am as usual and are as follows:

On July 5th our service of Holy Communion will be led by Rev Soba Sinnathamby.

On July 12th No service at Churchill. There is a Circuit service in Chipping Norton at 11 am when the preacher will be the Chairman of the District, Rev Peter Hancock.

On July 19th the service will be led by Mrs Ada Cooper.

On July 26th the service will be led by Rev. Stephen Bywater.
We look forward to welcoming our excellent preachers and extend a welcome to anyone who would like to join us for these services

Craft Fellowship meets on Tuesday 14th July from 2.30 - 4.30 pm.

Bookswap Coffeeshop will be held on Monday 27th July from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m