August 25, 2015
Lunch:First Choice: Country Fried Steak
Second Choice:Salad
Advisory: FBLA – Room 120
We are now taking applications for student tutors. If you are interested in being a tutor, please stop by the office and pick up an application.
If you have an idea for this year's Homecoming theme, please let Mrs. Downing or Mrs. Sage know this week. Meeting dates will be announced soon for those who want to be on the Homecoming committee.
The Volleyball team needs a videographer. Also, they need a manager for the freshman team. If you are interested, see or email Mr. Jackson.
School pictures are Thursday! There are extra order forms in the office.
If you are ordering a class ring from Jostens, they will be back on Friday during lunch to take your ring orders.
If you are looking for a job, please see Mrs. Frakes.
The Back to School Dance will be held this Friday, August 28th, beginning at 9pm. Admission is $3 at the door. Please remember out-of-school dates need to be approved before the dance.
Cross Country is up and running and we want YOU! There is still plenty of room on the roads for you to come out for one of the best sports Jeff West has to offer! We meet in Room 137 after school!
Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who purchased a 2014-2015 yearbook are eligible to attend the yearbook distribution August 28thbeginning at 2pm. Tickets are required for admission and include snacks, an autograph book, and pen. Tickets may be purchased from Mrs. Sage in Room 123 before or after school or during advisor base in Room 129. Ticket price is $4. Seniors will be released first, followed by juniors then sophomores. The event ends when the bell rings at 3:25pm.
Fall sports pictures are next Thursday, August 27th, during practice.
Last day to apply to Gary's Berries is this Friday. See Mrs. Abbott if you need an application.
The yearbook features a brief section on summer activities. Do you have any photos of you or other JWHS students from this past summer? If so, please email them to Mrs. Sage for possible inclusion in the 2015-2016 yearbook. Photos will be accepted until Friday, September 4th.
Please read your emails for more important announcements!!