Bedtime Blessings
Adapted from Bedtime Blessings vol. 2 by John Trent, Ph.D.
two big takeaways
(1) Think of some fun, creative ways to wrap up the day (even just once a week is great) that can open a window to bless your child.
(2) Offer short simple prayers of blessing that tie in a spiritual truth to the blessing activity.
two favorites
Treasure Hunt
Hide some favorite toys, small gifts or coupons to be redeemed for something the child loves to do around your child’s room.
Give them clues or simply say hot or cold as they move around the room searching for the objects. Or if you want to be more elaborate, create a map of the room and put an X in each place where a treasure is.
Once your child has found all the treasures, tuck them in to bed and then place your hand on your child’s head and pray.
“Dear God, Thank You for ______(your child’s name). What a treasure he/she is to me. [List specific reasons why your child is a treasure.] Amen.”
Soap Cross
Get a bar of Ivory Soap, a fairly dull knife and a cutting board.
Ask your child: Is there anything we can do that’s so bad God won’t forgive us?
Read aloud Psalm 51:1-3
Explain: These are the words that David wrote after he didn’t listen to God’s commandments and had a man killed. But God forgave David and in the same way he will also forgive you for the bad things you do. Just tell Him what you did and ask Him to make your heart clean again.
As a reminder of the way God cleans us, help your child cut a cross out of the soap. When you have finished cutting out the cross, have your child hold it and then pray.
“Dear God, May this cross remind ______(your child’s name) that at times we all think things and say things and do things that are wrong. But also remind ______(your child’s name) that you are always there to cleanse us of those things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Use the soap during bath time or for hand washing as a continuing reminder of forgiveness.