Arlington Music Teachers Association
General Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March. 2, 2017
9:30am at Bob Duncan Activity Center
I. Meeting called to order at 9:40 with 15 members in attendance
II. Reading and approval of minutes from Feb meeting – Rilla approved and Leila seconded
III. Reading and approval of treasurer's report – Karen reported that Checking acct. has a balance of $10,781.14 and Savings has $7,255.42. The Scholarship Fund is at $1,670 for the year. The report was approved as read by Gaylena and Rilla seconded.
IV. Old Business
a) Fundraiser Wrap-Up – Mina reported that Blaze Pizza was disappointed regarding turn-out. Although more signatures were on the poster board than last time, less money was somehow raised.
b) Ensemble Audition Wrap-up – Mina reported for Michele that auditions went well and 46 students enrolled.
c) Publication Wrap-up - no report given
d) Theory Test Wrap-up – Jennifer reported that all tests are back except for 3rd and 7th grade. 250 students enrolled and 40 attended make-up test. Drop Box went well, urged monitors to be on time. Also urged for teachers to have students ready Fall test. Discussion ensued regarding the high number of students who attended the make-up session. It was suggested for an email be sent reminding teachers to not mention Sunday make-up as an option.
e.) Nominations for 2017-2018 – Proposed are:
Newsletter/Website Resa Carrell
Student Affiliate Michele Crawford
Yearbook Cheryl Harris/Resa Carrell
Festivals Sylvia Thompson, Erica Vosburg
Theory/Medals TBD / Sara Landin
Secretary/Treasurer Karen Shugart
Voting will take place next month
f.) World of Music Test – March 25 – Michele needs entries ASAP
g.) Spring Newsletter – Resa wants to put a special feature in the newsletter highlighting our monthly presentations.
V. New Business
a) Scholarship Applications – deadline April 15
b) Projects for Convention – Michele urged teachers to start projects now
c) Upcoming: Sonatina Festival – Apr. 1 at UTA Deadline March 19 – Mickey and Laura are the coodinators.
VI. Announcements and Adjournment –
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 followed by a Masterclass by Dr. Catharine Lysinger
Karen Shugart