
The Pan American Forum for Action on Non-communicable Diseases(PAFNCD) is being established by PAHO in the understanding that successfully confronting non-communicable diseases (NCDs) requires a “whole of society approach”. The PAFNCD will bring together governments, private sector, the academic and scientific community, civil society and international organizationsto confront the NCD epidemic in the Americas and promote health at all levels.

Goal and Objective of PAFNCD

The Forum seeks to support attainment of the Pan American Health Organization’s (hereinafter “PAHO”) Regional Strategy and Plan of Action for an Integrated Approach to the Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases, including Diet, Physical Activity and Health(hereinafter “Regional Strategy”) and its goal of improving well-being and productivity in the Americas, avoiding billions of dollars in economic lossesin the next ten years through multi-sector collaborations; and to support the outcomes of the UNHLMon NCD in the Americas.

The Pan American Forum is a platform for sharing of information, dialogue, advocacy, development of strategic alliances and resources mobilization efforts to promote the implementation at regional and at country level of successful practices in prevention and control of NCDsand the identification of new innovative ones so that the the objectives and targets set by the Regional Strategy and the UN High Level Meeting on NCDs are achieved.The Forum aims to further those actions where outcomes would not be achieved unless all sectors are involved.

General Responsibilities
The Pan American Forum is a multi-sectorial forum. As such, it is expectedthat each participant will observe certain rules, including:

  1. Respect for others. PAHO understands that someparticipants may not agree with others’ positions. Given that the Forum seeks to encourage diverse views, all participants must be respectful in noting their own positionsand/or disagreements with those of others.
  2. Consistent with PAHO’s policies and guidelines, any entity with ties to tobacco, alcohol, weapons, land mines, or products deemed detrimental to public health by PAHO are considered unsuitable partners. PAHO will do its best to screen all entities participating in the Forum, but PAHO may not by itself be aware of other entities’ relationships and/or situations may change. Thus, PAHO expects each participant to inform PAHO if it has any tie to an entity listed above, including receiving any

funding from such an entity. PAHO may occasionally ask participants to reaffirm that they have no ties to these entities.

  1. No advertisement. The Pan American Forum is not an opportunity for advertisement or promotionof any entity or product. PAHO understands there may be times one must speak positively about one’s own organization or work, but PAHO expectsparticipants to contribute their expertise, networking and resource mobilization abilities, and avoid self-promotion and advertisement. Nevertheless, partners will be recognized by PAHO as contributors to the PAFNCD.
  2. No endorsement. Participation in the Forum does not imply any endorsement by PAHO of any entity or its products or services. No one may make any statement or pronouncement that might be construed as a PAHO endorsement.
  3. No use of name or logo. No participant may use the name, acronym or logo of PAHO or any other participant without express written permission in each instance.
  4. Press releases. Press releases concerning the Pan American Forum, or any activity therein, must receive prior approval of PAHO.

Conflicts of Interest and Participation in Certain Activities
To avoid even the appearance of conflicts of interest, which could damage the reputation of and call into question the achievements of the Pan American Forum, the following steps will be taken:

  1. PAHO recognizes the vital role played by its Member States in promoting responsible business practices, including providing the necessary legal and regulatory frameworks, where appropriate. Given that there will be dialogue, advocacy, and sharing of information to discuss ways to prevent and control NCDs, some discussion could include questions of policy and issues about government regulation. The private sector and foundations created by or promoting the interest of the private sector will not be permitted to participate, advocate or lobby during regulatory discussions.
  2. Entities with a commercial interest in the outcome of a particular activity may not be invited to participate in the design of such activity. Similarly, if participation by an entity in any activity could raise concerns about real or apparent conflicts of interest that cannot be sufficiently mitigated, as determined by PAHO, such entities’ participation willbe carefully reviewed by PAHO and may as a result not be invited to participate in that activity.