Wakefield Council’s
Comprehensive Health
Impact Assessment for Planning (HIA) Tool
Proposal Name:
Planning Ref:
Brief guidance on using this Comprehensive Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for planning tool (see full guidance notes for further details)
Where the term ‘proposal’ is used it refers to the proposed development.
Section 1) Start the HIA process by identifying the specific population groups (section 1.1) and parts of the district (section 1.2) that will be most affected by the proposal.
Section 2) The next step is to provide background information on the proposal being assessed and where you have obtained the information used to inform the HIA.
Section 3) The final step of the process is to identify and assess the impacts of the proposal on health and wellbeing; and recommend what can be done to maximise positive and minimise negative impacts.
a) Impact – Consider if the proposal will have an impact relating to each of the categories listed and if this impact will be positive or negative. Assess the impact separately for the different populations affected if the impact varies for populations you have identified. Remember an explicit aim of the impact assessment is to reduce inequalities wherever possible.
+ / -Proposal has a positive impact / Proposal has a negative impact
b) Certainty - Think about how certain you are about your assessment for each category. As far as possible, decisions should be supported using available evidence. However where there is no clear evidence the team will need to use its best judgement and may need to do further research. Where this isn’t possible the team should be open and honest about this in the report.
? / !Assumed impact. You have a gut feeling but may need to do some research. / Known impact. You know that your assessment is correct and is based on evidence.
c) Description of Impact - Note how the proposal will impact on the specific group or population.
d) Recommendation - Write recommendations in this column detailing how positive impacts could be maximised and negative impacts minimised. This may include further research that is needed to improve the certainty of your assessment.
Table A: Which specific groups of the population do you think will be particularly affected by this proposal? / Table B: Which particular parts of the district do you think will be most affected by this proposal?Population Groups / Please tick / District Boundaries / Please tick
Everyone / All groups / Ward 1 – Ackworth, North Elmsall & Upton
Asylum seekers/refugees / Ward 2 – Airedale & Ferry Fryston
Black and minority ethnic groups (incl. Gypsies and / Ward 3 – Altofts & Whitwood
Travellers) / Ward 4 – Castleford Central & Glasshoughton
People living in areas of deprivation / Ward 5 – Crofton, Ryhill & Walton
People with a disability - physical, mental and learning / Ward 6 – Featherstone
Families with young children / Ward 7 – Hemsworth
Gender – male/female/transgender / Ward 8 – Horbury & South Ossett
Geographic groups – rural/urban/neighbouring areas / Ward 9 – Knottingley
Homeless people / Ward 10 – Normanton
Lesbian, gay, bisexual people / Ward 11 – Ossett
Age: Children/young people – 0 – 19 years / Ward 12 – Pontefract North
Adults – 18 – 64 years; / Ward 13 – Pontefract South
Older people – 50+ years / Ward 14 – South Elmsall & South Kirkby
People with dementia / Ward 15 – Stanley & Outwood East
Religious or belief groups / Ward 16 – Wakefield East
Visitors or those working in the district / Ward 17 – Wakefield North
Others (please give details below) / Ward 18 – Wakefield Rural
Ward 19 – Wakefield South
Ward 20 – Wakefield West
Ward 21 – Wrenthorpe & Outwood West
All Wards / District Wide
Others areas (please state below)
Section 1
PROPOSAL SUMMARY2.1 Please prove a brief summary of the proposal
Section 2
EVIDENCE2.2 Please give details of the various sources of information have you used to inform this Health Impact assessment?
(e.g. local community members/groups; relevant experts such as environmental health, public health or transport and highways engineers; reports and documents such as Environmental Impact Assessments, Travel Plans, etc.)
Section 3
Housing / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Housing is in an appropriate location (e.g. close to services and amenities appropriate to the needs of people living there and away from sources of noise and air pollution.)
Provision of a range of varied home tenures and sizes.
Provision homes built of sustainable planet friendly materials.
Provision of homes that are highly energy efficient and affordable to run. (e.g. have a high SAP rating, lots of natural light.)
Provision of affordable homes for purchase and/or rent (in line with planning policy.)
Provision of homes that enable older and disabled people to more live independent lives (e.g. homes that are accessible and adaptable, homes that meet the Lifetime Homes Criteria.)
Provision of homes that are wheelchair accessible.
Promotion of good design in terms of layout and orientation? (e.g. building orientation, internal space, access to sunlight, provision of shading and ventilation etc.)
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Physical Activity / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Prioritising and encouraging walking (e.g. wide safe streets, HomeZones, traffic calming.)
Prioritising and encouraging cycling (e.g. provision of cycle lanes, cycle parking, showers and lockers.)
Provision and safeguarding of and access to open spaces (e.g. parks, play areas, natural spaces, sports fields.)
Wheelchair and pushchair access to open spaces (e.g. parks, play areas, natural spaces, sports fields.)
Ensuring buildings are designed to maximise participation in physical activity (e.g. prominent stairwell positioning, prominent and secure cycle parking.)
Opportunities for active play and exercise (e.g. playing fields, HomeZones, traffic calmed streets, access to open spaces, gyms facilities.)
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Diet and nutrition / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Facilitating local access to a supply of affordable, healthy food.
Avoiding the local food supply being monopolised by a single provider.
Avoiding contributing towards over concentration of fast food / unhealthy food outlets in a single area, in particular along school routes.
Facilitating access to community based healthy eating initiatives (e.g. Growing Projects, Community Cafes, Healthy Food Cooperatives, etc)
Safeguarding loss of allotments, good agricultural land, gardens or other growing land.
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Air quality and noise / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / !
Minimising construction impacts (e.g. dust, congestion, construction noise)
Minimising Air pollution (e.g. from increased motor traffic, industrial developments)
Minimising Noise pollution
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Transport / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Traffic calming and the reduction of road traffic injures
Reducing need to travel especially by car (e.g. locating developments close to local facilities.)
Provision and enhancement of access to public transport network (e.g. bus and rail)
Provision and enhancement of sustainable transport facilities (e.g. cycle parking, cycle lanes, advanced stop boxes, pedestrian and cycle crossings)
Needs of people who are car dependant (e.g. people with mobility problems.)
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Crime Reduction and Community Safety / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Crime prevention (e.g. reducing opportunities for people to commit crime.)
Reducing the fear of crime (e.g. creating a safe and unintimidating environment.)
Promoting optimum use of buildings and public spaces by a variety of different groups.
Promoting a sense of ownership, respect, territorial responsibility and community.
Making security, management and maintenance is easy.
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Alcohol, tobacco and Illegal drugs / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Preventing the oversupply of alcohol in a specific area
Preventing the oversupply of tobacco in a specific area
Creating an environment that discourages illegal drug use (e.g. creating well lit, highly visible public spaces.)
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Economy and Employment / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Access to employment and training opportunities.
Provision of a diversity of job opportunities.
Provision of accessible employment opportunities appropriate to the skill sets present in local community.
Provision of child care facilities and other support services.
Supporting business start-up, development and survival.
Provision of a safe and pleasant working environment.
Creating an attractive business location that encourage investment (e.g. good infrastructure; clean and pleasant environment.)
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Climate Change and Energy Usage / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Promoting renewable energy use (e.g. wind and solar)
Reducing carbon emissions and pollution (e.g. insulation, sustainable construction methods)
Minimising risk of flooding (e.g. sustainable drainage systems to safely deal with surface run off)
Resilience to future climate change (e.g. sufficient cooling, shading and water efficiency)
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Waste, Resource Minimisation and Land Use / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Reducing pollution (e.g. to air, water and soil.)
Minimising waste and use of materials during the construction process
Minimising the impact of dealing with waste created (e.g. increase traffic generated by transporting waste off site to be processed.)
Making best use of existing land
Encourage recycling (including building materials)?
Sustainable design and construction methods
Protection of green space (e.g. for cooling, flood alleviation)
Sustaining or enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity.
Protecting available accessible amenity space.
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Equality, Social Cohesion and Community / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Opportunities for communities to interact socially
Local inequalities
Creating mixed communities with a variety of tenures and uses
Preventing community severance (e.g. new road or developments dividing a community in two)
Provision of community facilities which promote social interaction (e.g. village hall, community centre, staff room)
What impact will the proposal have on? /
Access to public services / Impact / Certainty / Description of impact / Recommendation (to minimise or maximise impact) /
+ / - / ? / ! /
Demand for and access to
Healthcare services.
Demand for and access to
Other public and community services and facilities.
Access to buildings, spaces and services for people with mobility problems or disability impairment.