The Nomination Packet
Selection Meeting in June 2017
Please use the ARIAL FONTSize 12
Please insert a professional picture in a 2” x 2” JPEG format.
Position Applying for:
Candidate’s Name:
Candidate’s Address:
Candidate’s Cell Number:
Candidate’s Home and Work Numbers:
Candidate’s Email:
Office use only
Speaker’s Time Day______Time ______Slides ______Background ______
Alt. Speaker’s Time Day______Time ______Slides ______Background ______
Candidate’s Time Day______Time ______Slides ______
In Absentia Information: (if applicable)
Speaker Information (Those who will appear before the Nominating Committee to speak in support of a Proposed Nominee.)
The President Proposed Nominees may have up to two Support Speakers and Board of Governors Proposed Nominees may have up to one Support Speaker.
Speaker (1) Name: / Speaker (2) Name:Cell Number: / Cell Number:
Email: / Email:
Dates and Time NOT Available / Dates and Time NOT Available
List and indicate up to two (2) alternate Speakers, if desired. Only the persons listed as a speaker or alternates will be allowed to appear before the Nominating Committee in support of a Proposed Nominee. In case of extenuating circumstances, substitution may be permitted with prior approval of the Nominating Committee Chair and Secretary.
Alternates (optional)
Alternate (1) Name: / Alternate (2) Name:Cell Number: / Cell Number:
Email: / Email:
Dates and Time NOT Available / Dates and Time NOT Available
Proposed Nominee’s Expression of Commitment and Disposition of Information
Presidentup to 20 to 40 hours a week Dependent on time of year
Board of Governorsup to 10 to 20 hours a weekDependent on time of year
Do you have any currently knownbarriers that may prevent you from global travel? If so please list below.
(e.g. Employer security clearances, employer will not allow travel in War Risk Countries or personal preferences.)
Barrier #1 ______
Barrier #2 ______
Barrier #3______
Have you been convicted or entered a nolo contendere plea or entered a plea to any crime that is a felony or misdemeanor under the laws of the United States?
YES___ NO____
Have you been subject to a disciplinary action or censure by ASME or any other organization or licensing board?
YES____ NO_____
If I am nominated and elected as in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, I am willing and able to fulfill the responsibilities of this office and have the necessary time and support to do so. I have reviewedmy prepared Nomination Packet and found it to be accurate.
I will adhere to the ASME Constitution and By-Laws and ASME Society Policies, and in addition will adhere to the conditions of ASME Society Policy P15.8, Conflicts of Interest.
I hereby certify that the information given by me is true in all respects. I authorize ASME and its representatives to contact the individuals and organizations referenced in my “Nomination Packet” and any others for the purpose of verification of the information I have supplied. I release ASME and its representatives from any liability resulting from the information released. I authorize the individuals and organizations referenced in my “Nomination Packet” to provide any information requested.
I certify that all of the above information is true and complete, and I understand that any falsification or omission of information may disqualify me from further consideration for service to ASME or, if nominated and appointed, may result in the termination of that appointment, regardless of the time elapsed before discovery.
Proposed Nominee’s SignatureDate
(Electronic Signature Accepted)
Please check if you agree to release your information
____ I have no objection to having the Sections D, E, and F in this Nomination Packet made available to those units of ASME that might have need for my experience and expertise.
Please use the ARIAL FONTSize 12
Please insert a professional picture in a 2” x 2” JPEG format.
Name: ______
Position applying: ______
Your Current ASME Membership Grade: ______Years of Membership: ______
Are you a PE? _____
SectionE (this section should not extend past one page in length)
Employment: Please list up to 15 years of employment history. Please specify dates, titles and a short description of your responsibilities and achievements. List if you are currently retired or semi retired as well.
Education - Include institution, major and degreeobtained and the year.
SectionF – please complete each item in 400 words or less
- ASME Activities
Please tell us about your experiences from ASME activities that provided the needed skill sets to effectively perform in the position you are seeking. These activities should demonstrate to the Nominating Committee an understanding of the knowledge and processes required of this position to support ASME.
- Non-ASME Activities
Please tell us about your experiences from non-ASME activities that provided the needed skill sets to effectively perform in the position you are seeking. These activities should demonstrate to the Nominating Committee an understanding of the knowledge and processes required of this position to support ASME.
- Please provide a list of your ASME activities in reverse chronological. (no more than one page in length)
Section G – please complete each question in 400 words or less
- Explain your understanding of what drives the Enterprise Strategy and how it will promote the Society’s growth and fulfillmentof its mission.
- In order of priority, what are three (3) criticalissues facing ASME in the coming years and what experience or expertise do you bring to this leadership team that will help the organization successfully address these issues?
- Describe one transformational/defining experience in your professional life you have been involved with and what you have learned from your experience that would enhance your ability to be a Board member or President.
- Please describe a unique experience(s) or accomplishment(s) you have acquired from a for-profit and/or non-profit organization that would prove to be a very beneficial asset to your new position with ASME. Please include any relevant ASME experience pertinent to your intended role on the BOG or as President.
- What are the top two (2) things you would like the Nominating Committee to know about you that separate you from the other candidates?
Proposed Nominees and Support Speakers are strongly encouraged to appear in-person before the Nominating Committee. However, in exceptional cases with an appropriate written justification request to the Nominating Committee Chair and Nominating Committee Staff Coordinator, they will be allowed to make a presentation in absentia. The same time limits will apply for all in absentia Proposed Nominees and Support Speakers.
The form of technology used for all in absentia presentations and interviews shall be arranged with the NC Staff Coordinator byMay 15. The Nominating Committee recommends a backup DVD in case there is technical difficulty when connecting with a presenter.
Please insert your written request with justification here. (Put N/A if not applicable)
Submitting your Nomination Packet
Please scan this word document and the noted additional items below into one continuous PDF file in the order as indicated below. Please do not scan the Nominee Checklist. The scanned packet should contain the following items:
- Completed Nomination Packet
- Signed Letter of Intent
- Letter of Support from Employer or Letter of Self Employment.
- Letters of Support - minimum 3 and up to 4
This concludes the information you will need for your Nomination Packet.
Forward your single PDF file to RuthAnn Bigley at
Nominee Checklist
Check off as each item is completed:
Letter of Intent has been submitted to the Nominating Committee Staff Coordinator by March 15. Electronic signature accepted.
2”x2” professional photo or JPEG file is uploaded into your Nomination Packet twice.
The in absentia presentation written request has been added, if applicable.
Nominee signature appears on Nomination Packet. Electronic Signature accepted
Letter of Intent has been included in the Nomination Packet. Electronic signatures accepted.
Employer Letter of Support with signature is attached to packet.
- Or a Letter of Self-Employment or retirement indicating candidate’savailability and candidate’sarrangements for support.
Letters of Support specific to this ASME nomination, with signatures, are attached to Nomination Packet. (Note: A minimum of three (3) and up to four (4) one page letters will be accepted.
Individuals proposing, writing letters, or speaking in support of a Proposed Nominee are not Nominating Committee Voting Members, Alternates, Advisors, or Consultants.
(**Traditionally, the current President, President-elect, and immediate Past President do not provide written or verbal sponsorship for proposed nominees for elected office.)
No extra pages are included (Note: No attached resume, vitae or additional letters will be accepted.)
Nomination Packet is assembled, in the following order:
- Nomination Packet. (do not include this check list)
- Letter of Intent
- Employer Letter of Support, Letter of Self Employment or Letter of Retirement (one page)
- A minimum of Three (3) and up to four (4) Letters of Support. (one page each)
The Nomination Packet has been completed and submitted to the Nominating Committee Staff Coordinator no later than April 15.
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President’s Estimated Time Requirements
BOG Meetings (not including travel)- BOG Retreat
- BOG stand-alone meetings
- Annual Meeting
- BOG Teleconference or Web Conference
- 3 days (once per year, in July)
- 2 days (1-2 times per year)
- 4 days (once per year, in November)
- 4 days (once per year, in June)
- 2-4 hours (1-3 times per year)
Agenda/Material Review
- BOG Retreat
- BOG In-Person Meetings
- BOG Teleconference or Web Conference
- 3 hours (once per year, in July)
- 12 hours (3-4 times per year)
- 6 hours (1-2 times per year)
Travel Time (not including meeting attendance)
- BOG Retreat
- BOG stand-alone meetings
- Annual Meeting
- 1-2 days
- 1-2 days
- 2 days
- 1-2 days
Email correspondence among ASME staff and BOG / Time Required
- 2 hours a day
Additional Meetings
- Additional ASME event (to be chosen by BOG member)
- Officer Elect Orientation (for newly nominated BOG members)
- Audit Committee meetings (for committee members only)
- Standing Committee meetings (for committee liaisons only)
- Industry Advisory Board (IAB)
- Foundation Board
- Onboarding
- EDESC Meetings
- COFI Meeting
- PEDT Call
- Variable, depending on event selected (once per year)
- ½ day (once per year, during IMECE)
- 2 days (2 times per year)
- 2 days (2-4 times per year)
- 2 days ( 2 meetings a year in person)
- 2 days (2 meetings a year in person)
- 2 days (September)
- 1 -2 days (several times a year)
- 2 days (several times a year)
- 90 minutes (once a week)
Board of Governors Estimated Time Requirements
BOG Meetings (not including travel)- BOG Retreat
- BOG stand-alone meetings
- Annual Meeting
- BOG Teleconference or Web Conference
- 3 days (once per year, in July)
- 2 days (1-2 times per year)
- 4 days (once per year, in November)
- 4 days (once per year, in June)
- 2-4 hours (1-3 times per year)
Agenda/Material Review
- BOG Retreat
- BOG In-Person Meetings
- BOG Teleconference or Web Conference
- 3 hours (once per year, in July)
- 12 hours (3-4 times per year)
- 6 hours (1-2 times per year)
Travel Time (not including meeting attendance)
- BOG Retreat
- BOG stand-alone meetings
- Annual Meeting
- 1-2 days
- 1-2 days
- 2 days
- 1-2 days
- Email correspondence among ASME staff and BOG
- 4 hours per meeting (4 times per year)
Additional Meetings
- Additional ASME event (to be chosen by BOG member)
- Officer Elect Orientation (for newly nominated BOG members)
- Audit Committee meetings (for committee members only)
- Standing Committee meetings (for committee liaisons only)
- Variable, depending on event selected (once per year)
- ½ day (once per year, during IMECE)
- 2 days (2 times per year)
- 2 days (2-4 times per year)
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