Year Four Newsletter
Summer Term 2017
Dear Parents,
This letter outlines what the children will be learning throughout the coming term.
Mathematics: This term, we will be learning how to convert between units of measurement, for example km to m. We will also be learning about data, which will tie in with our learning in Computing. We will be learning to read, interpret and describe a time graph, draw our own time graphs and draw our own bar charts. We will also be learning to find non-unit fractions of amounts. On Fridays we will be developing our logic and reasoning skills and using materials from the ‘nrich’ website to explain not just what the answer is but why is that the case and how can we prove it.
English: Our English work will continue to focus on four key areas; reading, writing, speaking and listening. Through reading ‘Christophe’s Story’, the children will work on their skills of inference and prediction. We will be looking at drawing inferences about character and motives. Our non-fiction work will focus on discussion writing in which we will consider different sides of an argument and decide on a course of action, summarising our reasons in a letter. All units incorporate reading and other activities to develop speaking and listening skills. In addition, the children will continue to learn the rules related to English spelling and grammar, such as apostrophes for possession and using fronted adverbials. Adult led, small group Guided Reading sessions will continue to take place daily.
Reading: Our daily guided reading sessions will continue this term, in which we will continue to read books in small groups, focussing on comprehension, inference and prediction.
Science: ‘We will be studying two topics this term. The first is ‘States of matter’ in which we will be sorting and describing materials into solids, liquids and gases. We will also be investigating materials as they change state through experiments involving heating and cooling and identifying the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. Our second topic this term will be electricity in which we will be identifying common appliances that run on electricity, constructing a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. We will also be identifying whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery and recognising some common conductors and insulators.
MFL (Modern Foreign Language): This term we will be focusing on ‘What’s the weather like?’, ‘Numbers 40-200’ and ‘The Euro’. We will continue to be learning to engage in conversation, ask and answer questions and express opinions and respond to others. We will continue trying to speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language skills and begin to develop accurate pronunciation and intonation.
History: In our historical studies, we will be moving on from the Anglo-Saxons and Scots to the Vikings. We will be studying the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the United Kingdom, with a focus on Edward the Confessor.
Art: Our topic this term is ‘Journeys’. We will be looking at aboriginal art, focussing on the signs and symbols used. We will be designing our own compostion based on the aboriginal art we have studied, to represent a journey of our choice. We will also be experimenting with different mediums such as paint, pencil, crayon, tissue paper, card/paper to create different effects.
Music: Miss Tunstill will be continuing to teach the children to play the clarinet on Mondays this term.
Computing: This term’s topic is called ‘Keeping Informed’. We will be looking at information and databases and the children will learn how to create databases using software such as Microsoft Excel. This will include collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
PE: Mr Baker will continue to lead our PE sessions this term. PE days are Thursday and Friday with lessons taking place outdoors on both days (weather permitting). Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school, including sensible trainers, a white t-shirt and a plain black or navy blue tracksuit and jumper. It is important for children to have a specific jumper for P.E. sessions as, for hygiene reasons, they should not be wearing school jumpers. Children have been asked to take their PE kit home every Friday so it can be washed. Please remember kits must be back in school on a Monday in case of additional PE sessions. If your child wears earrings please take them out on P.E. days (if they cannot do this for themselves). If children need to tape up their earrings, please provide tape for them to do so. If your child is unable to take part in either of these lessons, please write a letter giving the reason.
Other Information
How can you support your child at home? Thank you for the support you already provide for your child. Please continue to support your child’s learning:
· listen to your child read regularly – relax and enjoy this special time together.
· help your child to complete weekly homework - taking a real pride in the presentation of work submitted
· help your child to learn spelling rules
· help your child to learn times-table facts up to 12x12
· help your child to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks
· discuss what your child has been learning at school; maybe extend your child’s learning through the sharing of books and the internet – especially if your child is keen!
Clothing: All items of clothing must be labelled clearly as this will ensure that, if an item of your child’s uniform is found, it can be returned immediately.
If there is anything you need to discuss with us regarding your child, please send a note in with your child or see us after school when the children are brought out. Alternatively, if you require more time, make an appointment with the office so we can meet at a mutually convenient time after school.
We hope you find this information useful and we thank you in advance for supporting your child’s learning.
Kind regards
Miss A Locke and Mrs A Dodds
Year 4 Class Teachers