Contract ID: A4ZM-E87CH1
Contract Title: Supply of fresh meat, sausage and cooked sliced meat.
Thank you for your interest in tendering for this contract. Instructions and guidance on how to submit your PQQ can be found on page 3.
To be considered, your completed PQQ must be submitted to the council no later than:
NOON on <insert>
Late submissions will not be considered.
PQQs must be returned electronically to:
If you have any problem submitting your PQQ electronically or issues with the YORtender system prior to the deadline, or indeed, you require further guidance on any of the processes within the YORtender system, please contact the YORtenderhelpdeskon:
Email: Tel: 08445 434579
If you receive no response from Due North please contact the Council

Verification of Information Provided

Whilst reserving the right to request the information referred to below at any time throughout the procurement process, we may allow you to self-certify that there are no mandatory/discretionary grounds for excluding your organisation. When requesting evidence that your organisation can meet the specified requirements (such as the questions in section 6 of this PQQ relating to project specific questions to assess Technical and Professional Ability) we may seek to obtain such evidence only after the final tender evaluation decision has been made i.e. from the winning organisation.

Sub-contracting arrangements

Where you propose to use one or more sub-contractors to deliver some or all of the contract requirements, a separate Appendix must be used to provide details of the proposed bidding model that includes members of the supply chain, the percentage of work being delivered by each sub-contractor and the key contract deliverables each sub-contractor will be responsible for.

We recognise that arrangements in relation to sub-contracting may be subject to future change, and may not be finalised until a later date. However, you should be aware that where information provided to us indicates that sub-contractors are to play a significant role in delivering key contract requirements, any changes to those sub-contracting arrangements may affect the your ability to proceed with the procurement process or to provide the supplies and/or services required. You should therefore notify us immediately of any change in the proposed sub-contractor arrangements. We reserve the right to deselect your organisation prior to any award of contract, based on an assessment of the updated information.

Consortia arrangements

If the organisation completing this PQQ is doing so as part of a proposed consortium, the following information must be provided:

●names of all consortium members;

●the lead member of the consortium who will be contractually responsible for delivery of the contract (if a separate legal entity is not being created); and

●if the consortium is not proposing to form a legal entity, full details of proposed arrangements within a separate Appendix.

Please note that we may require the consortium to assume a specific legal form if awarded the contract, to the extent that a specific legal form is deemed by us as being necessary for the satisfactory performance of the contract.

Allmembers of the consortium will be required to provide the information required in all sections of the PQQ as part of a single composite response to us i.e. each member of the consortium is required to complete the form.

Where you are proposing to create a separate legal entity, such as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), you should provide details of the actual or proposed percentage shareholding of the constituent members within the new legal entity in a separate Appendix.

We recognise that arrangements in relation to a consortium bid may be subject to future change. You should therefore respond on the basis of the arrangements as currently envisaged.You are reminded that we must be notified immediately of any changes, or proposed changes, in relation to the bidding model so that a further assessment can be carried out by applying the selection criteria to the new information provided. We reserve the right to deselect your organisationprior to any award of contract, based on an assessment of the updated information.


When providing details of contracts in answering section 5 of this PQQ (Technical and Professional Ability),you agreeto waive any contractual or other confidentiality rights and obligations associated with these contracts.

We reserve the right to contact the named customer contact in section 5 regarding the contracts included in section 5. The named customer contact does not owe us any duty of care or have any legal liability, except for any deceitful or maliciously false statements of fact.

We confirm that we will keep confidential and will not disclose to any third parties any information obtained from a named customer contact, other than to the Cabinet Office and/or contracting authorities defined by the Public Contract Regulations.

You acknowledge that Leeds City Council is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environment Information Regulations 2004 and will assist and co-operate with us (at your expense) so that we can comply with such information disclosure requirements.

In particular, you should note that any request for information regarding whether you have submitted a PQQ will be disclosed as well as whether you have successfully reached the tender stage or not without further consultation. However, if a request is received to disclose the contents of your PQQ the council will consult with you in order to give you an opportunity to highlight which parts of your PQQ you consider should not be disclosed and why.

When to submit your document(s)

The deadline for receipt of this PQQ is stated on the front page of the PQQ. Submissions can be made at any time up to that deadline.

Please ensure that all required documents are submitted prior to the deadline as late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances. Partial or incomplete submissions will be eliminated from the process.

PQQ EvaluationCriteria

Your PQQ will be evaluated based on the answers you give to the questions within each section. The answers you provide will be assessed to evaluate your ability to perform this contract. Details of how each particular section will be assessed are included at the beginning of the relevant section. There are certain questions in this PQQ which if not answered to the satisfaction of the council will lead to your disqualification from the bidding process. Where this is the case, it will be highlighted. In the interests of clarity, the evaluation methodology is summarised in the table below.

Where there is a pass/fail evaluation, we shall consider this in accordance with the relevant section of this PQQ, including whether or not there is any discretion not to exclude you in the event of any particular ‘fails’. For the avoidance of doubt, any such discretion not to exclude you shall be exercised entirely at our discretion.

1 – Organisationdetails / Question 1.4.2 – Pass or fail (legal requirement)
2 – Grounds for mandatory exclusion / Pass or fail
3 – Grounds for discretionary exclusion / Pass or fail
Question 3.1 (c) - Should you have breached the Employment Relations Act 1999 (Blacklists) Regulations 2010 and the Council consider you have failed to take adequate steps to prevent further blacklisting you will not be invited to tender for this scheme
4. – Economic and financial standing / Pass or fail
Existing annual turnover should be at least 2 times larger than the annual
estimated contract (lot) value
5 – Technical and Professional Ability / At least two ‘good’ references must be received (pass or fail)
6 – Additional PQQ modules
A – Project specific questions. / Pass / Fail. Failure to provide the required information will result in the PQQ failing.
B - Insurance / Pass or fail
C – Health and Safety / Pass or fail
D – Compliance with equality legislation / Not used
E – Environmental Management / Pass or fail
F – Safeguarding / Not used
G – Information Governance / Not used

How your finances will be assessed

You should be aware that the wewill use the following factors and criteria to

evaluateyour financial status:

a)Existing annual turnover should be at least 2 times larger than the annual

estimated contract value.

We reserve the right to reject any PQQ/Tender ifyoudo not meet the above

requirement. In the event that you do not meet this requirement and are still

interested in tendering, you should seek clarification from us, via YORtender, to confirm whether you can still tender for this work at your earliest opportunity.

b)The net worth quoted on the latest year of your balance sheet should be


c)There should be evidence from technical references details that prove your organisation has successfully delivered projects of a similar scope and value to the advertised contract.

You must meet both of the requirements set out at b) and c) above. Failure to do so will result in your bid being rejected.

At contract award stage of the tender process we may use other sources to assist us in the financial assessment and evaluation of the preferred bidding organisation, namely a credit check from Credit Safe.

Please note we will only look at credit checks at the time a contract is to be awarded if the contract is valued over £250K as it is a requirement of our financial procedure rules to do so in these circumstances. If the credit check suggests that there may be an issue with your financial standing we will always follow this up with the preferred bidder before coming to a final assessment. Based on the additional information provided, we will then determine your financial strength and may, where

appropriate, require parent company guarantees and/or a financial bond.


1 – Organisation information

1.1 Organisation details / Answer
Full name of the organisation completing the PQQ
Registered company address
Registered company number
Registered charity number
Registered VAT number
Name of immediate parent company
Name of ultimate parent company
Please mark ‘X’ in the relevant box to indicate your trading status / i) a public limited company / ☐ /
ii) a limited company / ☐ /
iii) a limited liability partnership / ☐ /
iv) other partnership / ☐ /
v) sole trader / ☐ /
vi) other (please specify) / ☐ /
Please mark ‘X’ in the relevant boxes to indicate whether any of the following classifications apply to you / i)Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) / ☐ /
ii) Small or Medium Enterprise (SME) [1] / ☐ /
iii) Sheltered workshop / ☐ /
iv) Public service mutual / ☐ /
1.2 Bidding model
Please mark ‘X’ in the relevant box to indicate whether you are;
a)Bidding as a Prime Contractor and will deliver 100% of the key contract deliverables yourself. / ☐
b)Bidding as a Prime Contractor and will use third parties to deliver some of the services
If yes, please provide details of your proposed bidding model that includes members of the supply chain, the percentage of work being delivered by each sub-contractor and the key contract deliverables each sub-contractor will be responsible for. / ☐ /
c)Bidding as Prime Contractor but will operate as a Managing Agent and will use third parties to deliver all of the services
If yes, please provide details of your proposed bidding model that includes members of the supply chain, the percentage of work being delivered by each sub-contractor and the key contract deliverables each sub-contractor will be responsible for. / ☐
d)Bidding as a consortium but not proposing to create a new legal entity.
If yes, please include details of your consortium in the next column and use a separate Appendix to explain the alternative arrangements i.e. why a new legal entity is not being created.
Please note that we may require the consortium to assume a specific legal form if awarded the contract, to the extent that it is necessary for the satisfactory performance of the contract. / ☐
Consortium members:
Lead member:
e)Bidding as a consortium and intend to create a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).
If yes, please include details of your consortium, current lead member and intended SPV in the next column and provide full details of the biding model using a separate Appendix. / ☐
Consortium members:
Current lead member:
Name of SPV:
1.3 Contact details
Organisations contact details for enquiries about this PQQ
Postal address
1.4 Licensing and registration (please mark ‘X’ in the relevant box)
1.4.1 / Registration with a professional body
If applicable, is your business registered with the appropriate trade or professional register(s) in the EU member state where it is established (as set out in Annex XI of directive 2014/24/EU) under the conditions laid down by that member state). / ☐Yes
If Yes, please provide the registration number in this box.
1.4.2 / Is it a legal requirement in the state where you are established for you to be licensed or a member of a relevant organisation in order to provide the requirement in this procurement? / ☐Yes
Ifit is a legal requirement for you to be licenced etc. in the state where you are established and you answer“No” you will fail the PQQ stage and will not be invited to tender.
If you answer Yes, please provide additional details within this box of what is required and confirmation that you have complied with this.

2 – Grounds for mandatory exclusion

You will be excluded from the procurement process if there is evidence of convictions relating to specific criminal offences including, but not limited to, bribery, corruption, conspiracy, terrorism, fraud and money laundering, or if you have been the subject of a binding legal decision which found a breach of legal obligations to pay tax or social security obligations (except where this is disproportionate e.g. only minor amounts involved).

If you have answered “yes” to question 2.2 on the non-payment of taxes or social security contributions, and have not paid or entered into a binding arrangement to pay the full amount, you may still avoid exclusion if only minor tax or social security contributions are unpaid or if you have not yet had time to fulfil your obligations since learning of the exact amount due. If your organisation is in that position please provide details using a separate Appendix. You may contact us for advice before completing this form.

2.1 Within the past five years, has your organisation (or any member of your proposed consortium, if applicable), Directors or partner or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control beenconvicted of any of the following offences? / Please indicate your answer by marking ‘X’ in the relevant box.
(a)conspiracy within the meaning of section 1 or 1A of the Criminal Law Act 1977 or article 9 or 9A of the Criminal Attempts and Conspiracy (Northern Ireland) Order 1983 where that conspiracy relates to participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA on the fight against organised crime; / ☐Yes
(b)corruption within the meaning of section 1(2) of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 or section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906; / ☐Yes
(c)the common law offence of bribery; / ☐Yes
(d)bribery within the meaning of sections 1, 2 or 6 of the Bribery Act 2010; or section 113 of the Representation of the People Act 1983; / ☐Yes
(e)any of the following offences, where the offence relates to fraud affecting the European Communities’ financial interests as defined by Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the financial interests of the European Communities: / ☐Yes
(i) the offence of cheating the Revenue; / ☐Yes
(ii) the offence of conspiracy to defraud; / ☐Yes
(iii)fraud or theft within the meaning of the Theft Act 1968, the Theft Act (Northern Ireland) 1969, the Theft Act 1978 or the Theft (Northern Ireland) Order 1978; / ☐Yes
(iv) fraudulent trading within the meaning of section 458 of the Companies Act 1985, article 451 of the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 or section 993 of the Companies Act 2006; / ☐Yes
(v) fraudulent evasion within the meaning of section 170 of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 or section 72 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994; / ☐Yes
(vi) an offence in connection with taxation in the European Union within the meaning of section 71 of the Criminal Justice Act 1993; / ☐Yes
(vii) destroying, defacing or concealing of documents or procuring the execution of a valuable security within the meaning of section 20 of the Theft Act 1968 or section 19 of the Theft Act (Northern Ireland) 1969; / ☐Yes
(viii) fraud within the meaning of section 2, 3 or 4 of the Fraud Act 2006; or / ☐Yes
(ix) the possession of articles for use in frauds within the meaning of section 6 of the Fraud Act 2006, or the making, adapting, supplying or offering to supply articles for use in frauds within the meaning of section 7 of that Act; / ☐Yes
(f)any offence listed—
(i) in section 41 of the Counter Terrorism Act 2008; or / ☐Yes
(ii) in Schedule 2 to that Act where the court has determined that there is a terrorist connection; / ☐Yes
(g)any offence under sections 44 to 46 of the Serious Crime Act 2007 which relates to an offence covered by subparagraph (f); / ☐Yes
(h)money laundering within the meaning of sections 340(11) and 415 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002; / ☐Yes
(i)an offence in connection with the proceeds of criminal conduct within the meaning of section 93A, 93B or 93C of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 or article 45, 46 or 47 of the Proceeds of Crime (Northern Ireland) Order 1996; / ☐Yes
(j)an offence under section 4 of the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants etc.) Act 2004; / ☐Yes
(k)an offence under section 59A of the Sexual Offences Act 2003; / ☐Yes
(l)an offence under section 71 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 / ☐Yes
(m)an offence in connection with the proceeds of drug trafficking within the meaning of section 49, 50 or 51 of the Drug Trafficking Act 1994; or / ☐Yes
(n)any other offence within the meaning of Article 57(1) of the Public Contracts Directive— / ☐Yes
(i) as defined by the law of any jurisdiction outside England and Wales and Northern Ireland; or / ☐Yes
(ii) created, after the day on which these Regulations were made, in the law of England and Wales or Northern Ireland. / ☐Yes
Non-payment of taxes
2.2 Has it been established by a judicial or administrative decision having final and binding effect in accordance with the legal provisions of any part of the United Kingdom or the legal provisions of the country in which your organisation is established (if outside the UK), that your organisation is in breach of obligations related to the payment of tax or social security contributions?
If you have answered Yes to this question, please use a separate Appendix to provide further details. Please also use this Appendix to confirm whether you have paid, or have entered into a binding arrangement with a view to paying, including, where applicable, any accrued interest and/or fines? / ☐Yes