AED:You will all have noticed the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) newly fitted to the exterior of the Clubhouse. While sincerely hoping we never have to use it, it is very reassuring to know it is there. There are clear instructions on the front for use: ring 999, then give the location number (which is on the front), and you will be given a code to unlock the machine. Then stay on the line for further guidance. But we will also be having familiarisation training from a First Responder, for all those who wish to attend – Kenzie is awaiting a date and will let us know. Thanks to the Committee for taking such prompt and decisive action in obtaining it – and to all of you who donated through supplementing your subscriptions. The fund is still open if you wish to make a donation – just put cash or a cheque made out to Hale Gardens in a marked envelope through the letter box by the bar.
USE OF COURTS: There have been reports about non-members playing on the courts. These are mainly parents of juniors who may not be aware that they have to be members to play. All increased footfall causes wear and tear (which ultimately adds to all our subscriptions), plus non-members are NOT covered by our insurance.The code to the courts will also be changed on the first of May and an email will be sent shortly.
THE COIN BOXES for floodlights will be changed at the beginning of August to accommodate the new £1 coins. THE BALL MACHINEis being repaired and will soon be available for use.
A reminder thatsome neighbours have asked us not to park near the junction of Hale Gardens/Hale Avenue/South Avenue, or on the other side of gateways as residents cannot reverse out. Please be considerate in this matter –or you may find yourself in breach of the Highway Code Rule 243 which states, "no parking where you would prevent access for emergency services or obstructing road traffic”.
SATURDAY 10TH JUNE. We are planning to have a stall at the New Milton Rugby Club Fun Day and will be looking for volunteers to help run the stall.
SATURDAY 24 JUNE 7 pm: PRE-WIMBLEDON BBQ AUCTION OF PROMISES. Following last year’s very successful event, we are having another B-B-Q, but this year we are also planningan Auction of Promises that evening to raise some funds for the club. The idea is to put forward a promise that others can bid for. Already promised are: a round of golf for two people from Bramshaw Golf Club, a ride in a vintage car, and a tennis lesson with James. So, have a think about what you might be able to offer, it could be as simple as washing someone's car a couple of times, teaching a skill (sign language, music, etcetc), or (if you are DBS checked), a babysitting session or two. Or can you donate something that others might like to bid for (e.g. a piece of jewellery you never wear). We do not expect bidding to be outrageous, it should be fun. Please e-mail Sharon on or speak to any Social Committee member (Tricia, Jan S, Veronica, Judy or Carol R-P) if you can offer a promise or for any clarification. Hoping to hear from lots of you!
Sign- up sheet on the board – This is proving to be a popular event, so sign up soon, and definitely by June 5! There is space for 50. It is essential however, that you pay in full when signing up (there will be a refund if the ferry company call off the event off because of poor weather). Also, please put down your telephone number – even if you are sure the organisers know it! If we have to make last minute contact with you, we need to be able to do it quickly and easily. There are a few other bits of information (such as only taking unbreakable glasses and bottles on board) – see the notice board for full details.
BEGINNING OF JULY Great British Tennis Weekend: details to follow.
SEPTEMBER (date to be arranged) – Guided walk in the area,
FRIDAY 8 DECEMBER: CHRISTMAS DINNER DANCE –We are returning to Barton Golf Course Clubhouse, as the venue was so good last year.
SATURDAY 29TH APRIL: A reminder that there is a Men’s 1 match (using 2 courts) which may run into the early part of Club afternoon. Please be prepared to just use the available courts, or arrive half an hour late.
Tricia Benge