Poetry Presentation Rubric
insufficient / developing /proficient
/ exemplaryContent
Form / Meaning of poem (content) misunderstood
Mis-identification of poetic devices or failure to attempt identification
Failed explication of relationship between form & content
Poetic terms sometimes used correctly or not at all
Examples sometimes accurate or not present / Meaning of poem (content) communicated
Attempted identification of poetic devices
Clear explication of relationship between form & content
Poetic terms generally used correctly
Examples generally accurate / Meaning of poem (content) clearly communicated
Accurate identification of poetic devices
Clear and substantive explication of relationship between form & content
Poetic terms used correctly
Examples accurate, apt and revealing / Demonstrates a perceptive and sophisticated understanding of the poem
More than pedestrian explanation of relationship between form & content
Creative & daring conclusions drawn
Research / Failed to include research from two reputable sources or research presented is not relevant to the analysis of the poem. Students fail to cite sources. / Research from two sources is presented, but the information is either not from a reputable source or it is not relevant to the analysis. Students fail to cite sources. / Research from two reputable sources is relevant to the analysis of the poem. Sources are correctly cited. / Research from two reputable, scholarly sources is successfully integrated into the presentation to enhance the sophisticated analysis of the poem. Works are cited in MLA format in a works cited page.
Product / Author, title & copy of poem missing
Use of visual/multimedia element is confusing . / Author, title & copy of poem present, accurate and visible
Use of visual/multimedia element fails to convey / Author, title present, accurate and visible
Visual/multimedia element succeeds in fostering understanding / Multimedia presentation is exceptionally well-produced and helpful to the analysis of the poem
Delivery / Comportment, posture & eye contact distracting to audience
Voices unclear or too quiet to be understood by audience
Insufficiently prepared
Equitable contribution of group members not evident / Comportment, posture & eye contact sometimes distracting to audience
Voices unclear or too quiet to be understood by audience
Insufficiently prepared
Equitable contribution of group members not evident / Comportment, posture & eye contact natural, confident and appropriate
Voices can be heard and understood by all audience members throughout presentation.
Well prepared with evidence of rehearsal
Evidence of equitable contribution of group members / Comportment, posture & eye contact natural, confident and appropriate
Voices can be heard and understood by all audience members throughout presentation.
Well prepared with evidence of rehearsal
Evidence of equitable contribution of group members
Exciting, organized, dynamic
Project Objectives
· Demonstrate mastery of poetry analysis
· Effectively demonstrate comprehension of the connections among sound, tone, figurative devices, relevant biographical and historical contexts, theme and how these elements build meaning
· Demonstrate mastery of group presentation skills, including effective organization, oral and
nonverbal communication, audience engagement, and creation of an effective multimedia presentation tool
· Balanced participation of all group members
· Presentations will last 10-15 minutes
· Include audience participation
· Include a multimedia element (student created video, Animoto, museum box, photo story)
· Include two reputable outside sources
· MLA works cited page
Academic Expectation: The Morgan School student uses technology efficiently.
Level 4Exemplary / __ Independently accesses and identifies relevant technologies needed to solve a problem or complete a task.
__ Selects and creatively applies technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving, and/or decision- making to produce an end product of outstanding quality.
__ Uses technology/information effectively, responsibly, legally, and ethically.
Level 3
Proficient / __ Demonstrates ability to access and identify relevant technologies needed to solve a problem or complete a task.
__ Selects and applies technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving, and/or decision-making that enhance the end product.
__ Uses technology/information effectively, responsibly, legally and ethically
Level 2
Developing / __ Displays limited ability to access and identify relevant technologies needed to solve a problem or complete a task.
__ Selects and applies technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving, and/or decision-making that produces an end product.
__ Requires guidance in understanding how to use technology/information effectively, responsibly, legally, and ethically.
Level 1
Insufficient / __ Unable to access and identify relevant technologies needed to solve a problem or complete a task.
__ Does not appropriately select or apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving, and/or decision-making to produce a product.
__ Does not observe the rules governing effective, responsible, legal and ethical use of technology.