Church News

The Newsletter of Grace Ev.Lutheran Church of Crivitz, Wisconsin and

St. Matthew Ev. Lutheran Church

of Pound, Wisconsin

awn Marie Batten

Volume No. 27 Issue No. 10 October 2012

19 Minutes with the Messiah

We are continuing the series of Bible studies centering on the parables of our Lord Jesus and what are referred to as his “I AM” statements. Join us for these brief studies each Sunday. We meet after the worship service in the fellowship hall at Grace and before worship at 8:00 AM at St. Matthew.

Web Site

Grace and St. Matthew have an Internet web site. Go to and you will find the church calendar, news items, Bible study class descriptions and schedules, names of our leaders, and more.

Picture Directory

Thank you to all who had participated in the upcoming church directory. For those who were not able to get their pictures taken, please send in a picture with $10. We do not want anybody excluded. We had a wonderful turn out. Roughly 120 families and individuals participated (about 260 people all together).

Marinette County Fair

Ribbon winners: Audrey Bublitz, Elroy Bublitz, Maggie Deschane, Diane Groth, Allan Lemke, Jim Schoenwalder, & Joan Wolfe.

No Bible School at Grace on Wednesday

There will be NO Bible School for grades K – 4th on Wednesday, October 3rd.

Those in 5th & 6th grade will meet at church at 6:30 pm with the class concluding at 7:30 pm.

Those in 7th & 8th grade will meet with the Pastor at 6:30 pm for Catechism instructions and are dismissed at 8:00 pm.

Wednesday Bible School classes for gradesK - 4th will resume on October 10th.

Christian Caregivers

If you are providing care for a loved one, or have in the past, you are invited to be part of a support group hosted by Audrey Bublitz. Meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month beginning October 4th at 2:00 pm at her home which is located at W12415 Eagle Road, Crivitz. For more information please call Audrey at 715-757-3455 or Ginny Bublitz at 715-757-3328.

Ladies Aid

The Grace Ladies Aid will meet on Thursday, October 4th, at 11:30 am. . We begin with the pastor’s devotion followed by a pot luck lunch at 11:45 am and the business meeting. New lady members are always welcome.

Town Hall Meeting

No Bible study onOctober 7th. There will be a town hall style meeting at Grace church for all members following the worship service. Your input is welcomed.

You are invited to

Oktober Fest at Grace

Sunday, October 14th,everyone is invited to gather after the worship service at Grace there will be a German style meal provided by the Fellowship Committee. You are invited to feast on kielbasa & sauerkraut, German potato salad, rye bread, apple treats & Black Forest cake! We especially invite new members to join us for this fellowship time. We hope to give everyone, “old and new”, the opportunity to meet and mingle while enjoying some of God’s flavorful blessings.

Council’s Meeting

The Council’s Meeting for Grace will be at 6:00 pm Tuesday, October 16th.

Voter’s Meeting

The Voter’s Meeting for Grace will be at 7:00 pm Tuesday, October 16th.

Voter’s Meeting

The Voter’s Meeting for St. Matthew will at 7:00 pm Tuesday, October 23th.

Lutheran Women’s

Missionary Society Announcement

Please reserve Saturday, October 20th to attend our Fall Mission Rally which will be held at Grace Lutheran Church. Ladies from St. Matthew will be our co-hosts. The mission speaker is Pastor Michael Hartman. The topic: Mexico, World Missions on your Doorstep. Registration begins at 9:30 am, followed by communion worship at 10:00 am. Complementary lunch is served at noon. Closing devotions are at 2:45 pm. Pastor Hartman and his family have served the large Mexican mission field for a number of years. He will give voice to the rich faith that we share with our fellow believers in this neighboring country, currently in the throes of drug-related and other violence. God’s Word of salvation is being faithfully preached there by the missionaries that WELS and LWMS support with prayers and donations. Come and hear. We offer a special invitation to our teens and young people to join us. It will be a rewarding experience.

Youth Ministry Pie Sale

Grace church Youth Ministry will be having their 6th Annual pie sale on Sunday, November 4th. Anyone who is willing to make and donate pies should sign up ant the information center and take pie tins home. Return the pies on Sunday, November 6th, which will be sold for $5.00 each. Any questions contact Shari Steer 715-757-3567.

Hand Crafted Greeting Cards

Cards are available at Grace church for a free-will offering. The cards are at the information center. Money collected is donated to the church Day Camp or to LWMS missions.


Our loving Lord has called the soul of Donald Wenzel to himself in heaven. His funeral service was held at Grace church on Tuesday, September 4th.

Move Forward in Your Faith

“Forward in Christ is the official magazine of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and your link to the WELS – worldwide. Keep in touch by reading the monthly features and informative articles. Look to Forward in Christ for a biblical focus on today’s issues and news, insightful editorials, and responses from readers. Each month copies are provided free of charge of this information and faith-building magazine.”

Food Pantry

The churches in the Village of Crivitz each provide non-perishable and personal care items to the food pantry. It is available to all members of our community. The food pantry has changed locations. It is now at 305 Hall Avenue, (the Cruiser Yacht building; across the street from Dr. Pepin Family Dentist.) It is open on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm6:00 pm – 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of every month for those people who are unable to come during regular hours. The basket for food/monetary donations to the food pantry is located by the information center at Grace near the main entrance.

Needle Workers

Join in on Monday, October1st, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm. We will be working on baby blankets at Grace church. Meetings are on the first Monday of the month from 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm. The Needle Workers will be following this schedule for the coming year at Grace:

  • October & November ~ prayer shawls and lap robes

This is a general schedule, you may work on any project would like at any time. If you would like to learn to knit or crochet come join us and we will help teach you. Remember patterns and yarns are available. Any questions please contact Linda Welty at 715-854-2720.

Prepare Your Hearts and Minds

for Worship

Pray: Talk to God from your heart. You might also make use of the prayers on pages 10 and 11 in the front part of the Christian Worship hymnal, such as the one for “Before Worship”. There are additional personal prayers beginning on page 134. You may also wish to read through the hymns for today and ponder the messages they contain which will enhance your worship experience.


Coffee & other refreshments will be offered every Sunday at Grace church in the fellowship hall downstairs after the worship service and before the Bible study. Come down and get better acquainted with your fellow members. Visitors are especially welcome to join us.

What is the Fellowship Committee?

This group was formed at Grace congregation to focus on bringing members and guests together so we can become better acquainted. Our newly renovated fellowship hall with elevator access is a nice setting for this. The Fellowship Committee has planned out meals they will host in October and December. They also will be serving coffee and other refreshments after the worship services and before the 19 minute Bible study. If you are interested in becoming part of this group just let them know after the service downstairs in the fellowship hall.

Prayer Chain

A prayer chain is available through our Phone Tree telephone system. If you have a prayer request please pass it on to the pastor or the church office and it will be sent out on the prayer chain. If you would like to be a member of the prayer chain so you can pray for others, let us know that too.

Grace Library

The Library is now open and available for books to be checked out. We would like to have a book fair to purchase some new books for the library. A suggestion box is located at the Information Center. Please let us know what books you would like to see in the library. Thank you.

What Is the Heart and Caner Fund?

This fund was started to honor loved ones and to help fellow church members. As we all know, one serious illness can take all of your savings. This fund is to help with the costs of illness that insurance doesn’t pay for, such as, out of town expenses, gas money to get to treatments, etc. Please remember this fund when you are giving a memorial for birthdays and/or anniversaries.

Library News

We all know that we ought to “search the Scriptures”. Do you sometimes think that you could use some guidance in better understanding the text that you are reading? The People’s Bible series of paperbacks could be very helpful. Each individual book of the series (and the Bible) has the complete text of the Scriptures in the popular NIV (New International Version). The commentary following the Scripture sections contains personal applications as well as historical background and explanations of the test. The Adult bible classes have used some of these books throughout the years and have been moved by the content to learn more and more. Check one book out and give it a try. We think you will return for more. Your devotional life will be enriched.

Men’s Bible Study on

1 &2 Samuel

Men are invited to come on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM to participate in our Bible study. We are using the People’s Bible book, 1, 2 Samuel. The two books of Samuel tell the story of this great leader of God’s Old Testament people.

Women’s Bible Study

Join the Women on Tuesdays at 9:30 am. We are using the People’s Bible Teaching book, Acts, as our guide. “Luke wrote Acts as a continuation of his gospel. In this book Luke recorded the growth of the early church after Jesus ascended to heaven. The first part of the book records the growth of the church in and around Jerusalem. Luke goes on to record the apostle Paul's conversion and the spread of the gospel throughout the Roman world.”

Do You Want to Help Someone?

Do You Need Some Help Now & Then?

A group is forming at Grace to connect volunteers who would like to help other members………. with those who request intermittent/short-term assistance.


Light yard work

Minor repairs

Light housework

Snow removal

Help with meals

Brief babysitting or companion service

Short transportation service

If you are willing to volunteer, call

Elroy & Ginny Bublitz – 715-757-3328

Mike Steer - 715-757-3567

If you are requesting assistance, call

Elroy & Ginny Bublitz – 715-757-3328

Mike Steer - 715-757-3567

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatians 6:10

People Currently Servicing at Grace

Pastor:Rev. Mark E. Hannemann

Church Council Members:

PresidentJim Schoenwalder

Vice PresidentJeremy Kaus

SecretaryKevin Pepin

Treasure Allan Lemke

Financial SecretaryJoe Bublitz

Member at LargeMike Steer

Elders:Larry Wachs and John Deschane

Altar Guild director: Irene Miller

Bible School Teachers (Wednesday):

Rhonda Bartkowski, Dawn Marie Batten, Joe Bublitz, Mike Steer, Shari Steer, Marti Schoenwalder, & Joan Wolfe

Children’s Church Teachers:

Sara Carivou, Connie Gretzon, Sharon Gruszynski, & Dan Mertz

Church Office: Administrative Assistant:

Dawn Marie Batten

Deaconess: Joan Wolfe & Candy Deschane

Funeral Luncheon Director: Linda Pfeiffer

Jail Ministry: Dawn Marie Batten

Ladies Aid Officers:

President:Joyce Miller

Vice President: Dawn Marie Batten

Treasurer: Veronica Pepin

Secretary: Barbara Wachs

LWMS Reporter: Lynda Jaloszynski

Organists: Candy Deschane & Linda Pfeiffer

People Currently Servicing at St. Matthew

Pastor:Rev. Mark E. Hannemann

Church Council Members:

PresidentTom Prue

SecretaryBruce Nosgovitz

SextonMark Champagne

TreasurerBill Prue

TrusteeDonald Mansfield

Altar Guild director: Audrey Zempel

Altar Guild:Sheri Olive, Colleen Risner, Kari Vanden Heuvel, Tammy Uhl, Mabel Zeitler, Audrey Zempel

Funeral Luncheon Director:

Audrey Zempel

Sunday School Teacher:

Tanner Van Drisse

Children’s Church Teachers:

Sheri Olive & Emily Yoap

Organist: Marlene Manderfield

Greeters at Grace:

October7thMarcia FioRito &

Barb Mladenik

October14thIrene Miller &

Joan Wolfe

October21thCam & Pat Rud

October28thLarry & Barb Wachs

Ushers at St. Matthew:


*Jim Zeitler (in East)

Kyler Zeitler (out West)

Gary Bauman (in West)

Andy Hoffman (out West)

*Denotes Head Usher (Communion Usher)

Ushers at Grace:

October7thJoe Bublitz, John Deschane, Dick Van Schyndel, Bob Berndt

October14thJeremy Kaus, Bill Schaefer, Diane Schaefer

October21stAllan Lemke, Mike Steer, Emily Steer, Bill Tompson

October28thJim Schoenwalder, Dan Shrader, Kennedy Carviou, Jerry Kamp

Counters at Grace:


October7thMarcia FioRito &

Lynda Jaloszynski

October16thCam Rud &

Jim Schoenwalder

October21stLarry & Barb Wachs

October28thMarcia FioRito &

Lynda Jaloszynski


November4thCam Rud &

Jim Schoenwalder

November11thLarry & Barb Wachs

November16thMarcia FioRito &

Lynda Jaloszynski

November26thCam Rud &

Jim Schoenwalder

October Calendar

Schedule October 1st – October 7th

Monday1st1:30 pmNeedle Workers (G)

Tuesday2nd9:30 amMen & Women Bible Study (G)

Wednesday3rdNOBible School K-4th

3:45 pmCatechism (7th & 8th) (M)

6:30 pmBible School (5th & 6th) (G)

6:30 pmCatechism (7th & 8th) (G)

Thursday4th11:30 amLadies Aid (G)

2:00 pmChristian Caregivers (G)

Sunday7th8:00amBible Study (M)

8:30 amWorship (M)with Communion

10:00 amWorship (G)with Communion

After ServiceTown Hall Meeting (G)

Schedule October 8th – October 14th

Tuesday9th9:30 amMen & Women Bible Study (G)

Wednesday 10th2:00 pmBible School (K-4th) (G)

3:45 pmCatechism (7th & 8th) (M)

6:30 pmBible School (5th & 6th) (G)

6:30 pmCatechism (7th & 8th) (G)

Thursday11th6:30 pmBand & Choir Practice

Sunday14th8:00 amBible Study (M)

8:30 amWorship (M)

10:00 amWorship (G)

After ServiceOktober Fest (G)


Schedule October 15th – October 21st

Tuesday16th9:30 amMen & Women Bible Study (G)

6:00 pmCouncil Meeting (G)

7:00 pmVoter’s Meeting (G)

Wednesday 17th2:00 pmBible School (K-4th) (G)

3:45 pmCatechism (7th & 8th) (M)

6:30 pmBible School (5th & 6th) (G)

6:30 pmCatechism (7th & 8th) (G)

Sunday21st8:00 amBible Study (M)

8:30 amWorship (M)with Communion

10:00 amWorship (G)with Communion

After ServiceFellowship & Bible Study (G)

Schedule October 28th – November6th

Tuesday23rd9:30 amMen & Women Bible Study (G)

7:00 pmVoter’s Meeting (M)

Wednesday 24th2:00 pmBible School (K-4th) (G)

3:45 pmCatechism (7th & 8th) (M)

6:30 pmBible School (5th & 6th) (G)

6:30 pmCatechism (7th & 8th) (G)

Sunday28th8:00 amBible Study (M)

8:30 amWorship (M)

10:00 amWorship (G)

After ServiceFellowship & Bible Study (G)

October Birthdays

Monday1Mitchell KampsLinda Welty

Tuesday2Ginny Bublitz, Chadd Gruber, Chris Tarmann, Devon Weiss

Wednesday3Peter MuellerMarissa Risner

Thursday4Koltin Grzybowski, Jacky Moeller, Tyler Osmanski, & Shannon Rupar

Tuesday9Jeremy Kaus

Thursday11Charolett Burton, Bob Erdmann, & Becky Jindra

Friday12Jerry Schulz

Saturday13Kelly Laun

Monday15Edi Berndt, Cheyanne Diges, Matthew Margis, & Barb Nernberger

Wednesday17Valerie Gruszynski, Shari Pfankuch, & Kenneth Van Drisse

Friday19Evelyn BehrendLisa Wainwright

Saturday20Joanne MeyersDevon Wolfe

Sunday21Gabriela Wesoloski

Tuesday23Brooke Burns, John Funkhouser, Kari Vanden Heuvel, & Ray Vogt

Thursday25Miranda Margis, Darrell Polzin, & Crystal Uhl

Friday26John Bartkowski, Garett Kriescher, & Jeffery Zeitler

Saturday27Kolin PetersKolton Peters

Sunday28Amanda HowathLaVerne Rouse

Saturday29Lee Jaloszynski

Tuesday30Carol Berg, Debra Grunwaldt, & Sebastian Gruszynski

Wednesday31Addison Bublitz

October Anniversaries


Michael & Karen Gilbert – 32nd


Karl & Kirsten Peters - 10th


Elroy & Virginia Bublitz – 16th

Ron & Joanne Meyers – 51st


Rodney & Connie Gretzon – 8th


Mark & JoAnne Glander – 32nd


Terry & Carolyn Uhl – 33rd


Dan & Dawn Mertz – 24th

Ross & Brittany Wagner – 1st


Alan & Eileen Grzybowski – 13th


Richard & Sheri Olive – 26th


Ed & Diane Mc Alpine – 39th


Andy & Barb Hoffman – 29th


Richard & Lynn Kamps – 8th