the Iliad – The Game!

Create a board game based on what we have read of the Iliad.

 Design and create a game board. If you are having trouble thinking of a game, use an existing one as a model. Your design layout needs related to the setting of the story.

 Name your game.

 Create game pieces based on characters from the reading (NOT the movie).

 Create trivia questions (and answers) related to the reading (NOT the movie). Print the questions (in ink!) on cards. Your questions may not be plagiarized from the existing reading guide or the textbook. You may include background information. You need a minimum of 20 questions.

 Include directions that are typed/printed in ink and clipped to the game board. Explain how the game begins, how each player will take a turn, step-by-step instructions on how the game is played, and how a winner is determined.

 Include names of all group members on the game somewhere.


After these projects are complete, we will spend a class period playing and evaluating games from other groups. Each student’s grade on this project will be based on the following:

Evaluation by Teacher:

  • Participation/collaboration with the group. (up to 20 pts)

Evaluation by Peer Groups:

  • Accuracy of questions and answers. (up to 20 pts)
  • Name (up to 10 pts)
  • Game pieces (up to 10 pts)
  • Game design (up to 10 pts)
  • Directions (up to 15 pts)
  • Fun factor (up to 15 pts)

See group work policy on back.

the Iliad – The Game!

Create a board game based on what we have read of the Iliad.

 Design and create a game board. If you are having trouble thinking of a game, use an existing one as a model. Your design layout needs related to the setting of the story.

 Name your game.

 Create game pieces based on characters from the reading (NOT the movie).

 Create trivia questions (and answers) related to the reading (NOT the movie). Print the questions (in ink!) on cards. Your questions may not be plagiarized from the existing reading guide or the textbook. You may include background information. You need a minimum of 20 questions.

 Include directions that are typed/printed in ink and clipped to the game board. Explain how the game begins, how each player will take a turn, step-by-step instructions on how the game is played, and how a winner is determined.

 Include names of all group members on the game somewhere.


After these projects are complete, we will spend a class period playing and evaluating games from other groups. Each student’s grade on this project will be based on the following:

Evaluation by Teacher:

  • Participation/collaboration with the group. (up to 20 pts)

Evaluation by Peer Groups:

  • Accuracy of questions and answers. (up to 20 pts)
  • Name (up to 10 pts)
  • Game pieces (up to 10 pts)
  • Game design (up to 10 pts)
  • Directions (up to 15 pts)
  • Fun factor (up to 15 pts)

See group work policy on back.