The moleSoma Calbo
What is thethingthatnowadaysalmosteveryone in Europe does…. It is watching TV.
Ifyou look at the Dutch representatives on this platform there is onewho stands out tothe rest with a mile, andthat is ourown John De Mol.
With his company ‘Endemol’ he has createdsome of worlds most famous shows andprogrammes on televisionsuch as Big Brother. After he soldthe company ‘Endemol’ for a whopping 5,5 miliard Euro’s, he has had othersuccesswith his Mediacompany ‘TalpaProductions’ where he created his most famous show ‘The Voice’which is currentlyairing in more than 150 countries.
Nowyou wonder, why is he the most important Dutchmen in ourcountrieshistory, theanswer is, he isn’t, but he is right up there. Because he has put the Netherlands on the map on the platform of Televesionand Media, and he is alsoknown as therichest man of the Netherlands which is a big deal.
The reasonwhy i thinkthathe is important for Europe, is becauseTelevision has becomeone of themainthings of theeveryday life of people in Europe, andthepopularityandwidth is onlyincreasing. Andthe shows andprogrammes of John De Mol have played a big part in that, increasingthewidthandvariaty of televisionprogrammesallaroundtheworld but especially Europe. AndyoucouldseeTelevision as a form of Art, becausethe big variaty of programmesgives a big perspective of everythingthatplays on in theworldandtelevision in itselfbringspeople of allgenerationsand cultures together.
WithTelevisionbeingthis big, John De Mol has put Europe better on the map with his television shows andprogrammes, with The Voice airing in 150 countriesand Big Brotherbeingverypopular in the United States. Andthis is a examplewherepeople of all over theworldbeingconnectedbyonething, a televisionprogramme.
People could say that John De Mol really was notthat important for Europe, because he only made sometelevisionprogrammes. But i stronglydisagreewiththem, becausethe programmest that he made wereone of the most populararoundtheworld, which has put The Netherlands and Europe high up in the ranks of television.
Alltogether, John De Mol is defenitelynotthe most important Dutch man in ourhistory, but he indeed was one of the most important forthe showbusiness on Dutch and European scale.