POSITION DESCRIPTION / Position Revised Date:
This position is:
Agency: Department of State Police
Facility: General Headquarters
New Revised / Classified
Executive Service
Mgmt Svc – Supervisory
Mgmt Svc – Managerial
Mgmt Svc - Confidential
a.Classification Title: / Principal Exec Manager F / b.Classification No: / X7010
c.Effective Date: / July 1, 2007 / d.Position No: / 3100308
e.Working Title: / Chief Information Officer / f.Agency No: / 25700
g.Section Title: / Information Technology Division
h.Employee Name:
i.Work Location (City – County): / Salem - Marion
j.Supervisor Name (optional): / Rebecca L. David
k.Position: / Permanent Seasonal Limited Duration Academic Year
Full-Time Part-Time Intermittent Job Share
l.FLSA: / Exempt
Non-Exempt / If Exempt: / Executive
Administrative / m.Eligible for Overtime: / Yes
- Describe the program in which this position exists. Include program purpose, who's affected, size, and scope. Include relationship to agency mission.
The mission of the Department of Oregon State Police (OSP) is to enhance the livability and safety by protecting the people, property and natural resources of the state. The OSP is a diverse statewide public safety agency consisting of over 25 business units (divisions, sections, programs, etc.), approximately 1,200 positions, and a biennial budget of $339 million. The Oregon State Police is a statewide public safety agency with responsibility to investigate and enforce criminal law violations, provide for the public safety on state highways, enforce laws related to fish and wildlife, provide statewide forensic services, maintain criminal incident and history records, and enforce tribal gaming and lottery laws. The Superintendent’s Office has administrative authority of the Department of State Police consisting of approximately 1,300 positions with a biennial budget of over $340 million. Attached to the Superintendent’s Office is the Public Safety Services Bureau.
The Public Safety Services Bureau has a primary function to provide executive level leadership and administration over the Department of State Police public safety services of the Command Centers, Central Records, Criminal Justice Information Services and Information Technology.
- Describe the primary purpose of this position, and how it functions within this program. Complete this statement. The primary purpose of this position is to:
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) oversees the IT Division, which consists of 46 positions. The primary purpose of the OSP’s CIO position is to serve as the Department's Chief Technical Advisor. In this capacity, the CIO is accountable for providing leadership, vision and coordination for enterprise-level information technology and resource management across all OSP divisions, programs, and business units.
The CIO is responsible for assessing the need for and implementing technology in support of the Department's strategic plan, and for creating a unified plan under which to manage and operate OSP's internal statewide information systems.This position must address both the technological needs and requirements of OSP employees as well as the needs of the divisions whose focus is external to OSP, evaluating the technology and best solutions required to serve the business needs of partner agencies.
SECTION 3. DESCRIPTION OF DUTIESList the major duties of the position. State the percentage of time for each duty. Mark “N” for new duties, “R” for revised duties or “NC” for no change in duties. Indicate whether the duty is an “Essential” (E) or “Non-Essential” (NE) function.
% of Time / N/R/NC / E/NE / DUTIES
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DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 760% / NC / E / Division Oversight:
As Information Technology Division Director, provide direction, planning and evaluating of daily IT functions being performed by the IT Division staff. Provide direction to and coordinate with subordinate managers to ensure Division duties and objectives are being successfully met. Promote high levels of customer service throughout the Division, the Department, and with all other user groups.
Using surveys, performance appraisals, staff meetings, and scheduled in-service training, establish, administer, promote, and maintain a workplace conducive to high levels of employee morale and productivity. Administer the process of timely employee performance evaluations.Actively promote the availability of continuing education and current knowledge about IT products, applications and best practices.
Organize, control and make decisions to ensure IT is functioning efficiently and in accordance with all applicable policies, rules and state and federal laws as well as industry best practices. Develop and implement policies, procedures and program priorities in order to meet agency goals and objectives.
Responsible for all aspects of managing/supervising staff resources including: recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating, investigating, disciplining, and terminating employees. Prepare monthly organizational chart updates to the Superintendent’s office.
Prepares, monitors, and administers the Division budget. Respond to requests for information from Budget Manager and/or fiscal analysts to plan for or review expenditures. Perform budget preparation tasks and exercises biennially. Assist other Division Directors as requested to identify and outline costs related to technology for their budgeting purposes.
Determines Division and program priorities and assess resources needed to implement policy effectively. Redistribute available resources to meet changing program needs. Develops Division’s long-term and short-term goals and objectives.
Write IT Division strategic plans and/or Business plans. Create, plan, implement and report Key Performance Measures (KPMs). Provide primary leadership for the development and maintenance of OSP’s strategic information resource management plan. Write or provide statistical and narrative information as part of the agency’s Ways and Means presentations. Perform tasks related to agency Enterprise Risk Assessment. Collaborate with other Division Directors and Executive Team to prepare agency presentations for Legislature.
Oversee monitoring of Legislative issues related to IT and other assigned bills. Prepare and/or oversee the preparation of fiscal analysis, bill analysis, statistical requests, and correspondence as needed for bills being monitored. Provide testimony or meet informally with Legislators and other involved parties as needed.
Participate in bi-weekly PSSB Bureau meetings to discuss, plan and implement necessary work with other Division Directors and Managers. Attend agency Leadership Forums. Attend Executive Leadership Team meetings when requested to present information related to IT functions or other assigned tasks or projects.
Work collaboratively with statewide IT governing boards and partners including the state CIO Council; DAS ETS, DAS OS CIO, the agency’s assigned Strategic Technology Officer (STO), and others.
15% / NC / E / Strategic Agency IT Planning:
Using on-site meetings, conduct annual Department wide interviews with all OSP program managers to evaluate and compare current and future business needs with existing and available technology.
Develop survey instrument and oversee annual Department wide IT asset inventory.
Meet with OSP program managers and the Department’s procurement staff to ensure that OSP’s planning, management, acquisition, installation and use of information technology is conducted in the most integrated, economic and efficient manner possible.
Continuously monitor and assess other public safety technology-related investments and determine applicability to OSP.
Meet with OSP program managers and their customers to ensure that enterprise IT strategic planning priorities and initiatives sponsored by the OSP are appropriately linked to local partner agency initiatives and state and federal business requirements.
20% / NC / E / IT Governance:
Design and implement a comprehensive enterprise IT governance, planning and management framework in alignment with best practices such as Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) that ensures alignment of information resources with state and agency business and information resource management best practices.
Lead, manage, support and sustain the governance and management framework established to maximize the value, quality and use of the OSP’s information resources.
Align OSP’s information technology governance and management with that of other governmental jurisdictions to: optimize mutual potential; eliminate redundancy; improve efficiency; and create a shared vision for collaborative action.
Identify opportunities to leverage current and planned information/communication management investments within OSP and between partner agencies. Collaborate with other public safety agencies to look for opportunities for shared services.
Develop a Department process for periodically assessing, evaluating and reporting on enterprise information resource performance including: setting enterprise IT performance metrics and benchmarks; ensuring periodic performance measurement; implementing and tracking performance improvement activities; and providing consolidated performance summaries.
5% / NC / E / Perform other duties and tasks as assigned.
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Describe any on-going working conditions. Include any physical, sensory, and environmental demands. State the frequency of exposure to these conditions.
DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7Office environment with extensive use of office equipment including personal computers. A valid driver’s license or alternative means of transportation is required. Monthly travel to OSP worksites located throughout the state. Out of state travel may also be required.
SECTION 5. GUIDELINESa.List any established guidelines used in this position, such as state or federal laws or regulations, policies, manuals, or desk procedures.
DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7- OSP Policies, Rules, and Procedures
- Oregon Revised Statutes
- Oregon Administrative Rules
- Department of Administrative Services rules
- Enterprise Information Resources Management Strategy
- Statewide IT standards and policies
- DAS Strategic Plan
- OSP Strategic Plan
- Division business plans
- Key performance measures.
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b.How are these guidelines used?
DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7They provide general guidance and policy direction and framework for the OSP CIO who must interpret and apply them as necessary for each application. The OSP CIO will create, maintain, and revise OSP's IT policies using these applicable guidelines.
SECTION 6. WORK CONTACTSWith whom, outside of co-workers in this work unit, must the employee in this position regularly come in contact?
Who Contacted / How / Purpose / How Often?
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DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7OSP, Internal and external customers / In person and by telephone, email, and in writing / Problem solving, requests and inquiries / Daily
Vendors, contractors / Inperson and by telephone, email, and in writing / Contract management, problem solving, discussion of services provided / Daily
Superintendent’s Office, Division Directors and managers / In person, by telephone, via email and in writing / Program planning, policy development, problem solving and coordination / Daily
Other governmental officials (may include, but is not limited to, cities, counties, state, federal, special districts.) / In person, by telephone, via email and in writing / Program analysis, solution planning and inquiries / Daily
Public safety partners / In person, by telephone, via email and in writing / Program evaluation, customer service assessments, strategic planning, and problem solving / Daily
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Describe the typical decisions of this position. Explain the direct effect of these decisions.
DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7Determines OSP's investments in technology consisting of various information systems and equipment valued in millions of dollars. Decisions directly impact OSP's utilization of telecommunications and information systems programs, processes and plans.
Creates policies that guide the OSP's budgeting and acquisition of technology required to support the business needs of the Department.
Decisions made by the CIO will dictate spending patterns made throughout the Department and impact how OSP supports its employees and delivers services to its customers.
SECTION 8. REVIEW OF WORKWho reviews the work of the position?
Classification Title / Position Number / How / How Often / Purpose of Review
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DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7PSSB
Bureau Operations Director / In person, through review of written documentation and yearly performance appraisals. / As required / Monitor status of Department IT projects and technology initiatives; evaluate the status of objectives established in the Department’s IT strategic plan; monitor status of budget; receive CIO briefings concerning new technologies and associated impacts on the Department’s diverse business processes and budget forecasting.
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a. / How many employees are directly supervised by this position? / 5
How many employees are supervised through a subordinate supervisor? / 41
b. / Which of the following activities does this position do?
Plan work Coordinates schedules
Assigns work Hires and discharges
Approves work Recommends hiring
Responds to grievances Gives input for performance evaluations
Disciplines and rewards Prepares & signs performance evaluations
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: List any knowledge and skills needed at time of hire that are not already required in the classification specification.
DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7This position requires CJIS security clearance. The position requires a strong customer service orientation and a high degree of responsiveness to meeting the customers'needs and requirements for service. Because of the rapidly changing technology in the telecommunications and information systems industries, and the complex business environments requiring those technologies, this position demands innovative thinking, flexibility, and an ability to manage change and varied resources. This position requires the skill and ability to understand and direct various technical experts without being a technical expert. The individual in this position must be able to "translate" technical issues and ideas into non-technical language understandable by those without a technical background.
The position must be able to maintain confidentiality necessary in dealing with sensitive legal, criminal or personnel issues.
DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7BUDGET AUTHORITY: If this position has authority to commit agency operating money, indicate the following:
Operating Area / Biennial Amount ($00000.00) / Fund Type
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DAS Form – December 2005 / Page 1 of 7IT Division / $10,500,000.00 / General Fund and Other Fund
Note: The budgetary resources available to the CIO are greater than those allocated to the IT Division. The CIO will share approval authority over technology purchases proposed by all OSP Divisions.
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Attach a current organizational chart. Be sure the following information is shown on the chart for each position: classification title, classification number, salary range, employee name and position number.
Employee Signature / Date / Supervisor Signature / Date
Appointing Authority Signature / Date
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