The regular meeting of the Kirklin Town Council was held on Monday, November 12, 2012 at 7:00 pm at Kirklin Town Hall.

Councilors present were: Councilor Randy Weaver, Councilor Melinda Jobe, Councilor Patricia Quick, Councilor Doug O'Connor, & Councilor Walter Minnick

Also present were: Mark Mills – CC Area Plan Commission, Ed Curtin-CWC Latitudes LLC, Charles Allen –Frankfort, Jim Stewart-Kirklin,Jeremy Stinson-Frankfort, Jerry Faucett-Kirklin, Shawn & Jessica Johnson – REI, Sandy Workman-Indianapolis, John Faucett-Town Marshal


The Minutes were read and approved as read


We have received a response & Statement of Qualifications from the following firms: Strategic Development Group, Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Architects, Leech*Hensley Architects, & CWC Latitudes LLC


The following proposals were received from REI: 1) Drainage work on Adams Street - $9,800.00 (he would also re-grade the alley between Madison & Jefferson Streets, near Ernie Lafferty’s residence to help water drain to Madison Street). 2) Replace storm drain at the corner of Madison & Ohio Streets near the Post Office - $1,650.00 if work is completed with the Adams Street project or $2,400.00 if done alone. King questioned if anyone had been following the Engineering study that had been completed for that area since the Adam Street Project was estimated to cost $54,900.00 in 2008 & it called for 12” drainage pipe. It was explained that the project was going to be done in a different manner which resulted in less expense. A motion was made by Councilor Doug O'Connor to accept the proposals, subject to the approval of Dan Sheets. The motion was supported by Councilor Patricia Quick and carried with a unanimous vote.


King reported having spoken with Ron Whary – Moses Surveying & he has completed the necessary survey work on the properties that an easement & egress will be needed for. He told King that he would take the information to Louis Evans. No current information is available since Louis Evans was not in attendance. James Stewart questioned why the town was trying to get an easement for the old RR tracks when he thinks we have another easement that we could use to access the property. The only easement the Council is aware of is the one for the drive to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This option has already been explored and would be very expensive due to the need for a bridge.


REI has submitted a proposal for demolition of the house & garage at 406 N. Ohio Street in the amount of $7,250.00. This issue was tabled. The Council decided last month to have the Marshal proceed under the Nuisance Ordinance to bring the properties into compliance.


Mark Mills told the Council that he is on the committee to study ADA regulations & compliance. They have hired a company called DLZ to help the county with compliance. He offered to have someone from the Council to sit in on the training session on how to measure, inventory and implement a transition plan. Doug O’Connor volunteered to sit it on the session since he has been working with King to figure out what the town needs to do to be in compliance with the requirements.

Mark reported that the Area Plan has a new inspector and his name is Mark Timmons. The Town Advisory Committee meeting will be coming up in early January and will take place in Rossville. The County is working on a new, updated zoning ordinance and should have it ready between January-March. Mark suggested that if the Council would like to see the area on the south/west rezoned to Industrial that they talk to the current land owner to get their opinion.


Weaver reported that Louis Evans will be retiring from representing the town at the end of the year and the Council will need to find a new attorney. The Council will check into what attorneys might be interested and will set a date to interview once we find out who is interested. Clerk-Treasurer will order a recognition plaque for his years of service.


Faucett would like to get more air cards for the additional laptops he will be receiving. He presented checks for donations in the amount of $1,000.00 from Harry Boldt & $200.00 from Wampler Services. After discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Councilor Walter Minnick to purchase 2 used police cars from the Town of Fishers in the amount of $2,500.00 to be paid for from the General Equipment Fund. The motion was supported by Councilor Doug O'Connor and carried with a unanimous vote. Faucett is looking at radios at a cost of $789.00 & $900.00.

Faucett reported that one Humvee is nearly police ready and that O’Connor has offered his garage to store it in for the winter. He also reported that Mark Schilling will take the other Humvee to his house along with one of the generators for storage.


Faucett told the Council that he and King had discussed that a subscription to the Frankfort Times would be helpful. A motion was made by Councilor Doug O'Connor to subscribe to the Frankfort Times to be delivered. The motion was supported by Councilor Melinda Jobe and carried with a unanimous vote.


Minnick questioned the Council as to what they wanted to do concerning the hiring of a full-time employee. After discussion, it was decided that the Clerk-Treasurer should contact the applicants to let them know that the Council is not going to review applications or hire a new employee until after the first of the year if at all.


Weaver reported that the Masonic Lodge had closed and that it was a possibility that a doctor from Zionsville may be interested in the building. He also reported that the new pizza place was hoping to open in April.


Clerk-Treasurer presented the following invoices for Council approval: Therber & Brock $637.50-Annexation work, Crenshaw Paving $37,076.00-Pike Street paving, Keystone $4,550.00-Software Maintenance Agreement, & USA Bluebook-testing oven for wastewater-$2,846.15. A motion was made by Councilor Melinda Jobe to approve the claims listed above. The motion was supported by Councilor Doug O'Connor and carried with a unanimous vote.


A motion was made by Councilor Melinda Jobe to approve the following transfers: From Gen/Town Employee $5,000.00 & Gen/Health Insurance $5,000.00 to Gen/Extra Help $10,000.00, From Gen/Electric $2,000.00, Gen/Police Repair $540.00. Gen/Repairs $540.00, Gen/Tires $700.00 to Gen/Gasoline $3,780.00. The motion was supported by Councilor Walter Minnick & carried with a unanimous vote.


The Council discussed numerous complaints that have been received by Tom Like about Jerry Faucett Jr’s son riding his dirt bike near Tom’s bedroom window. It has become an issue because Tom’s wife works the night shift and sleeps during the day. Randy Weaver has received notes left in his truck & the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office has received multiple complaints concerning the issue. John Faucett & Matt Myers have both been to the Faucett’s home after complaints were received. Matt Myers has offered to write a ticket, but Mr. Like did not want that to happen. The Council reviewed the Nuisance Ordinance and does not feel like any laws have been broken. They recommended that Tom come to the Council meeting if he would like to discuss it further.


The Council discussed the issue of Brian Jones saying that the generator from the LESO program was not big enough to run the community center. Jones submitted a quote for the purchase of & installing a new 20 KW/LP ng generator for $11,700.00. It was discussed to only use a generator to run part of the building and using one that we already have. John also reported that he might be able to get a bigger generator if the Council wanted him to. King reported that Jones gave other reasons why he didn’t feel it was a good idea to use the free generator. King asked Weaver to speak with Brian Jones since he would understand the concerns better.

Register of claims presented & signed

Meeting adjourned