THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING held at Strumpshaw Parish Room at 8.00 pm on Monday 16 March 2015.
Alison Peart, Chairman
Andrew Pinder Vice Chairman
Pauline Kinmond
Paul Dexter
David Varley
In attendanceCllr Andrew Proctor
Alasdair Fraser , tree warden
Jenny Williams, Clerk employed by the Council
1 To consider apologies for absence
There were apologies from Carla Sutherland
2 Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
3 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19 January and Monday 2 March 2015
A mistake (address of one of the planning applications) in the minutes of 5 January had been picked up by the clerk and acceptance of all three minutes was proposed by David Varley (DV) seconded by Pauline Kinmond (PK) and agreed unanimously.
4 To report matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda – for information only
4.1Fly tipping
Continues but BDC are efficient in clearing up when fly tipping is reported.
4.2Footpath on Norwich Road Strumpshaw
No progress
Nothing to report
CSPO Oldham had reported that there had been speedtraps in the village. None present had seen one.
5 Police Report
CSPO Oldham was not present but his monthly reports stated that there were 2 burglaries in January and one in February all non residential.
6 Planning Application
Application Number20150305
DescriptionTwo storey side and single storey side/rear extensions
LocationRose Cottage,School Road, Strumpshaw NR13 4HE
ApplicantMr Jonathan Keeler
Alison Peart pointed out the notification from Broadland District Council (BDC) came with two errors copied by the clerk for the planning notices. The clerk was asked to point this out to the planning officer. School Road is in Buckenham and the applicant is Mr Keller.
DecisionSUPPORT but with a comment that wooden cladding is not traditionalwith red brick Norfolk cottage
ProposedAndrew Pinder
SecondedDavid Varley
7Public Participation
To consider a motion to suspend the meeting to allow members of the public and the District/County Councillors opportunity to inform the meeting.
Cllr APr reported as Broadland District Councillor and Norfolk County Councillor. The budgets for both organisations had been set. Norfolk County Council’s (NCC) had been increased mainly because of the increase in the need for Adult Social Care. BDC had worked up a business plan with 6 key ambitions.
The report on the Northern Distributor Road is with the Secretary of State for a final decision. It is not likely to come before the General Election on 7 May. T he A47 at Postwick w ill be shut for specified times during the spring to allow a 1000 ton crane to bring in beams for the new crossing at Postwick.
On 21 March BDC is enabling Community Clear Up Mont h.
Cllr Proctor urged people to register to vote.
8 To accept tree warden report
There was nothing to report.
9 Buckenham Wood
9.1To receive an update
The boundary fence has been reinstated,
9.2To discuss the kissing gate entrance on Wood Lane
There was discussion about access to the woods. It was agreed that there is a need to keep bikes and motor bikes out and ideally to allow disabled and people with buggy/prams access although they would only be able to get as far as the steps. To design and build an entrance which would meet these requirements would be ver y expensive, out of reach of SPC at the moment. It was agreed to go ahead and repair the gate as It stands. This would use the £150 donation earmarked for Buckenham Woods.
10 Neighbourhood plan
10.1 To receive an update
Nothing to report.
11 To note Community Christmas Show The Keepers Daughter
APe has spoken to the Vicar and while it is agreed these productions are very good, no one has the money to host them.
12 To decide whether to support NFU and BDC in opposing the sale of Chinese lanterns.
It was unanimously agreed to support the NFU and BDC stance.
13Clerk’s report (previously circulated)
This was accepted. It was also agreed not to purchase a dog bin at the moment due to lack ot money.
14 To update on Cluster Group meeting
There had not been a meeting,the next meeting is Thursday 16 April at 7.30pm at Postwick VH.
15 Footpaths
DV reported the Parish has a total of 19 Public Rights of Way amounting to 10.168 miles. DV had walked them all and found all the paths in reasonable order and accessible.
There were however 7 finger posts or markers missing.
Footpath numbered FP 10 has been diverted at its junction with FP 9. This is a reasonable diversion in the situation and a new stile has been provided in the fencing which causes the diversion. However there is no direction marker on the stile and DV wondered whether this diversion was carried out legally.
Some footpaths crossing fields have been ploughed up and not yet reinstated. This however does not normally happen until crops have been planted.
The clerk was asked to liaise with County Hall in putting right the issues.
16Strumpshaw Marsh Charity
DV gave an interim report as the financial year does not end until 28March and the current yearly income is not due till 24March 2015.
The balance at 28March 2014 was £2,354.00. £400 has been paid in benefits and the rental income was £1,100.00 for the year 2013/2014 giving a balance as at 29 September 2014 of £3,054.00.
The charity remains active in seeking any parishioners needing financial assistance within the confines of our advertised aims.
17.1To receive finance report (previously circulated)
17.2To receive draft year end figures (previously circulated)
17.3To appoint Pauline James as internal auditor
All the above were proposed by Pauline Kinmond, seconded by Andrew Pinder and accepted unanimously
18 Insurance
18.1To receive a summary of insurance cover circulated 27 January
19 To authorise payments
J Williams salary Feb/Mar 470.44
J Williams expenses 16.98
NRCC sub for 15/16 50.00
G Varley noticeboard and fence 300.00
AJ Marshall PAT emergency heater 30.00
To authorise payments due in before next meeting
NALC sub for 15/16133 (est)
All the above were proposed by Pauline Kinmond, seconded by Andrew Pinder and agreed unanimously
20 Date of next meeting
Parish Room on Monday 18 May 2015 following the Annual Parish Meeting at 8 pm
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm
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