Minutes of the meeting held on 11th April 2017 at Moulton Chapel Youth & Community Centre at 6.30pm.
Present. Cllrs Benton, Cooper, Hahn, Henderson, Meade, Poll, Thorpe,Tibbs, Walters, Wakefield and Wright.
3 Members of the public.
- Chairmans remarks.
- Cllr Cooper, Chairman, welcomed everyone.
- Apologies of absence.
- Apologies had been received from Cllr Walters and reasons given were accepted.
- Councillor resignation.
- Cllr Cooper read out an email from Cllr Scarsbrook tending his immediate resignation. This was accepted. AGREED.
- Declarations of interest.
- None given.
- Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council from 7th March had been accepted as a true copy of the minutes of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Wright and seconded by Cllr Thorpe. All AGREED.
- Clerks report.
- The Clerks report of outstanding matters was read and accepted. All AGREED.
- Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotment report.
- The Clerk was meeting with Marcus Goose on 10th April to discuss in greater detail the tree work in Moulton Churchyard. Allotments had been paid except one and a reminder had been sent.
- Cemetery keeper had asked if another padlock could be purchased as one of the two in use was now broken. It was AGREED by all that we get a new padlock from CJ Supplies.
- The Clerk requested that the Parish Council can be registered with ICCM (Insitute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management) at a cost of £90. This gives access to various legal documents required for burial and also gives advise should we ever need it.All AGREED.
- Police matters.
- ASB=4, criminal damage=1, RTC=1, Theft=1, Violence=3, Burglary=3. PCSO Naomi Newell attended the Citizen of the Year awards and stated that 7 speeding tickets had been issued in Moulton Seas End and that the police were now assigning someone to visit the villages regularly. Clerk asked if she could give greater detail in her report i.e. which village the various incidents had taken place.
- Highways matters.
- It was noted that there will be a road closure at the end of April for Tulip Time Parade in Moulton Chapel. Potholes around the villages now need reporting to LCC.
- Finance report.
- It was proposed by Cllr Wakefield and seconded by Cllr Benton that the finance report be accepted. All AGREED.
- Planning matters.
- Planning applications received during April had been auctioned.
- Citizen of The Year.
- Standing orders were suspended to allow Cllrs, Clerk and members of the public to discuss the CoY awards and how it can be improved. It was suggested that we start much earlier around November time to allow for more nominations.
Cllrs expressed their appreciation to Mrs Vera Angelo for all her hard work in supplying the buffet for the evening.
A donation of £50 was to be given to Holbeach Hospital as a thank you to Mrs Angelo All AGREED.
Standing orders were resumed.
- Moulton Village Ward.
- A newly formed Moulton Gardening Group, has now taken over the area on the village green around the notice board. The Clerk offered free of charge a load of slabs to put down and suggested that the village pump be erected in the middle. The offer was greatly accepted.
- Now the SID fixings have arrived, the Clerk will arrange a day with CllrsTibbs and Wright to fix them to posts. Thus giving us a greater reach for the SID unit.
- Moulton Park, It was decided that we discuss this matter next month in the Closed Session.
- Moulton Seas End Ward.
- The Clerk explained that it was difficult to find a contractor who was able to repair the chain fencing surrounding the play area. Woodgate Fencing had given and price of £550 inc vat. It was AGREED by all that we accept this price to allow work to commence.
- Clerk reported that the notice board was now in a poor state and that the Council consider replacing it. Cllrs agreed to discuss this further once a price list had been found. Cllr Wright said that he would take a look to see if there was anything that he could do to make new ones.
- Moulton Chapel Ward.
- Nothing to report other than the Tulip Parade end of April.
- Notice Board. As per item 14c.
- Correspondence.
- Clerk had received a letter from District Councillor Andrew Woolf requesting application for the co-op vacancy at Moulton Chapel. Cllr Cooper read out the email. It was proposed by Cllr Hahn that we co-op Andrew Woolf onto the Moulton Chapel Ward, seconded by Cllr Tibbs and All AGREED.
A list of correspondence was made available.
- Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.
Notice Boards. Moulton Park at closed session.
- Date of the next meeting.
- The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and held at Moulton Community Centre at 6.30pm on 2nd May 2017.
- To resolve whether to exclude public, police and press who will be asked to leave the meeting at this stage.
None requested.
Meeting closed at 7.20pm.